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On 11/24/99 at 12:22 PM Greg Goode wrote:

>Greg Goode <goode




>Got the good chief's Papelagi text file, thanks!




As there is so much left, here is another part:


The Papalagi and his darkness



Beloved brethren, there has been a time, where we all where

sitting in darkness and nobody of us knew the radiating light

of the gospels, while we were wandering around like children

who couldn't find their huts, because our heart didn't know

great love and our ears still were deaf to the word of God.

The Papalagi brought us the light. He came to us, in order to

free us from our darkness. He showed us the way to God and

taught us to love Him. Therefore we adored him as the bringer

of light, as the speaker of the great Spirit, white man calls

God. We recognized and acknowledged the Papalagi as our

brother and didn't deny him our land, but shared all fruits

and everything edible candidly with him, as children of the

same Father.


No effort to bring us the gospel was too much for the white

man, even when we would rebel like stubborn children against

the teachings. For this effort and for everything, what he has

endured because of us, we want to be grateful to him and to

celebrate him for all times and to honor him as our bringer of



The first that God did, was that via the Papalagi He did take

away all fire arms and weapons, so that we were living

peacefully together as good Christians. Because you know the

words of God, that we should love, not kill each other, which

is His highest command. We gave our weapons and since then, no

more wars are raging on our islands, and everyone respects the

other as his brother. We experienced, that God was right with

his commands, because today, peacefully a village lives next

to another, where once there was big turmoil and horrors

didn't end. And even when God still isn't present in everyone

of us and filling one with love, we acknowledge in all

gratefulness, that our spirit has become bigger and stronger,

since we worship God as the great, the greatest Chief and

Ruler of earth.


The Papalagi, I said, brought us the light, the wonderful

light, that ignited the flame in our heart and filled our

spirit with joy and gratitude - he had the light earlier than

we had. The Papalagi already was standing in the light, when

the oldest among us weren't even born yet. But he is holding

the light only in the outstretched hand, to light others; he

himself, his body is standing in the darkness, and his heart

is far from God, although his mouth is calling God, because he

is holding the light in his hands.


Nothing burdens me more and nothing fills my heart with more

sadness, my beloved children of the many islands, as

proclaiming this. But we should not and do not want to deceive

ourselves about the Papalagi, so that he doesn't take us with

him into his darkness. He has brought us God's word. Yes. But

he himself hasn't understood God's word and his teachings. He

has understood them with his mouth and his head, but not with

his body. The light didn't enter into him, so that it

reradiates and, wherever he comes, lightens up everything by

the light from his heart. This light, one also can call love.


Even those, destined to speak of God in the big wonderful huts

that were built in His honor, don't have God inside, and their

talking is wind and the great teaching. The talkers about God

don't fill their sermon with God, they speak like the waves,

slamming the reefs - nobody hears them anymore even when

raging uninterruptedly.


I can say this, without angering God: We, children of the

islands weren't worse, when we were worshipping the stars and

the fire, as the Papalagi is now. Because we were bad and in

darkness, because we didn't know the light. The Papalagi

however, does know the light and nevertheless is living in

darkness and is bad. But worst is, that he calls himself a

child of God and a Christian and wants us to believe he is the

fire, because he is carrying a flame in his hands.


The Papalagi seldom remembers God. Not earlier then a storm

gets hold of him or wants to extinguish his flame of life, he

thinks about the fact that there are powers beyond him and

chiefs, higher than him. At daytime God is a nuisance and only

keeps him off his rare enjoyments and joys. He is knowing they

can never please God and he also knows that when God's light

really was inside of him, he should throw himself in the sand

out of shame. Because nothing but hate, greed and enmity are

filling him. His heart is a big, sharp hook, destined for

robbery only, instead of being a light that dispels the

darkness and lightens up and warms everything.


Beloved brethren, the Papalagi has more idols, as we ever had,

when an idol is, what we worship apart from God and worship as

the dearest in our heart.


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