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Infinite Energy

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Antoine <carrea


RainboLily wrote:


A: I like this,


Exploring with you this middle way that shows itself deeper by simply

looking in you.


R: I like the way you are always looking ever yet more deeply in me,

the Tree, Life and us, Antoine.

> On males and females, men contribute the seeds of wisdom,

> women the waters of understanding, it's a Hermetic principle of

> polarity, and the balance is essential to travel the Middle Way.

> I think people appear in our lives to provide just

> that ... perhaps, especially on a spiritual path.


A: The wisdom/understanding polarity is a way to aboard this genderized

Fem/Masc approach, but it is not the one i will aboard in this email.


R: ... *g* thank you :-) Comment dit love birds en Francaise... ?


R: > When one learns a few languages, one discovers that the first

> will be on one side and the next language on the other side,


A: From my brief experience in various language speaking, i find it

wonderful also to remark how words in certain language find no

equivalent in others. As if a "pattern" of the culture was reproduced

someplace in the brain for a word or bunch of words. Like a tree growing

in Canada will not have the same pattern in the branches and in the

roots than a tree growing in China.


R: Yes, agree ... like *ambiente* in Spanish which has a warmth that

i cannot translate into another language. Or, in Dutch, *eigenwijs*

which is rather like other than wise, a child who speaks truths, rebel

like ... or *je t'adore* which to my non-French ears sounds more

beautiful than I love you .. perhaps it is the lyrical quality of the



The most incredible part of the Tree is the energy movement, which

increases in Our Travels, each time more energy unfolding and becoming

visible ... like the mystic vision of Chesed ... it not being an intellectual

understanding alone, but the energy which in each Travel of the Tree

increases for Us .. my entire life changes with you and jobs and the entire

structure changing and the kundalini shifting each time ... new births, each

time i think oh, this is "it" and laughing, each time there is yet more... to

delve every yet more deeply until its beauty shines ... like the Sacred

birthing of No-Thingness of Osho's but somehow more deep each time the

Abyss is gently or powerfully fired and touched ...


Antoine: At first, in learning a new language, those structure one touch in


other language will fell mostly as HOD, to take a word, or as theory or

words. Something we can communicate and understand from logic. We

observe simply those "pattern" of the new language. After a while, after

we stop translating in our mind to speak an other language, something

strange appends, but that all who have learned more than one language

have noticed. The words or patterns, start to resonate, they become a

empathic home for who we are, its NETZACH in a form. This empathic

ability that we cannot communicate or change in theory, but that is

there making the "pattern" more than theory, making it alive. We start

living the language instead of simply translating it.


Rainbo: Laughing, hmm, yes, very interesting Antoine,

like birds eating cosmic whales ... :-) Perhaps, the words initiating

in HOD, becoming colored and resonating in NETZACH then become

in TIPHARETH like the empathy of the Heart that feels the energy which

is behind the words, like the music which rides like a current under the

language like a wind beneath the wings of a bird, or a leaf... so, that

beyond the words and colors there is the feeling, the music, which

floats underneath, so, that even in silence there is the energy...



Some seems to associate Hod to Masc, and Netzach to Fem. I do agree that

generally men do stick more to their Hod side, and women to thier

Netzach side. And this email is mostly Hod in expression. Maybe it's the

medium of exchange and not the male/female proportion in a list that is

responsible for such a thing. Writing, not talking of the telepathy one

may feel behind the words, or the empath approach, or simply projection

in them, writing, without using those categories of expression, is most

strictly in the form of HOD. Poetry trying to reach NETZACH in its

expression, what is it in comparison of the simple and beautiful picture

of a sunset Gloria sent. What is it in comparison of simply being there

assisting to this sunset, what is it in comparison of simply being

there, or simply being...


R: Perhaps just feeling the energy of Creation BRIAH or feeling its

Roots of emanation ATZILUTH the lyun, the first impulse firing before

the idea or the thought or the energy has become anything at all ...

beyond ... inside the veils. ... Being ... or Not~Being .. i learn much from

you here ... surrender and knowing scholars and mystics spend their

whole lives inside exploring the Tree and discovering ever yet more

levels and am blessed to have been able to study now for a few years

only but you shifted alot of energy Antoine, thank you .. or perhaps

it was the sharing of the energy which like rockets on a jet does not

double ... as physicists first thought ... but exponentiates ..


Will of course share the Queen of Light, but have been playing with her with

many different colors and transformations let me know which colors

you would like her in, am making a webpage

with lots of colors will send ... thank you for helping me look at this

ever more deeply ...


.... God's endless energy creations

fascinating ... love and life ... infinite ...






More Song Sharing,

je suis ton oiseau (colombe) d'amour ~ bo ~ singing


LOL correct my French *g*

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RainboLily wrote:

> Antoine <carrea

> A: I like this,


> Exploring with you this middle way that shows itself deeper by simply

> looking in you.


> R: I like the way you are always looking ever yet more deeply in me,

> the Tree, Life and us, Antoine.


It's maybe this "force", that make the branch on a tree want to grow in

so many subtle direction, the wonderful leafs and flowers.

> R: ... *g* thank you :-) Comment dit love birds en Francaise... ?


You know already: "Colombes"

> R: Yes, agree ... like *ambiente* in Spanish which has a warmth that

> i cannot translate into another language. Or, in Dutch, *eigenwijs*

> which is rather like other than wise, a child who speaks truths, rebel

> like ... or *je t'adore* which to my non-French ears sounds more

> beautiful than I love you .. perhaps it is the lyrical quality of the

> language..


A: I just love this book, "Ice People" translated in french "The nigh of

Times", where they find an hold culture conserved under ice from which

humanity comes from a 900 000 years ago, a modern form of Adam and Eve,

and they wake up Eve. They find out that in that culture they where two

language one feminine and one male. To talk about a rose, she would say

in this culture, "petal of the sunset" and he would say "the must

without thorn", and they would understand each other.


... Being ... or Not~Being .. i learn much from

> you here ... surrender and knowing scholars and mystics spend their

> whole lives inside exploring the Tree and discovering ever yet more

> levels and am blessed to have been able to study now for a few years

> only but you shifted alot of energy Antoine, thank you .. or perhaps

> it was the sharing of the energy which like rockets on a jet does not

> double ... as physicists first thought ... but exponentiates ..


It is nice when chemistry becomes alchemy.

> Will of course share the Queen of Light, but have been playing with her with

> many different colors and transformations let me know which colors

> you would like her in, am making a webpage

> with lots of colors will send ... thank you for helping me look at this

> ever more deeply ...


You are my colors, the one you chose are the ones i come to like.



> More Song Sharing,

> je suis ton oiseau (colombe) d'amour ~ bo ~ singing

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