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Daya and Compassion.

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Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,


Compassion doesn't mean that sometimes one hasn't to

be blunt, if the motive is full of Love/Energy. My

post indicated that 'liberation', required moving

above the mind sheath or kosa: And indicated that

meat eating was an impediment to this. This was not

uncompassionate! Blunt!-Yes. Not as blunt as Jesus

whipping the money changers out of the temple in

compassion for the animals that were sold there for

sacrifice. My compassion is for all to be

'liberated', including myself and the animals etc.


Some say it is an attack on meat-eaters. The reverse

is cheering on the slaughter and cruelty, with,

'Silence of the Lambs', in the background, plus the

associated karma.


Saying that all is a one-cell animal, plants suffer

etc etc, is the same 'cop-out', as 'all is one', it's

not real etc. It's real whilst one is in it! The

yardstick is choosing to hurt the least. The intent

is all important, most excuses to me sound like the

usual ones for wishing to retain an addictive

attachment. I have heard and used them all in my time

for I am a recovering alcoholic and am familiar with

self-deception. Unfortunately to gain this awareness

in most cases requires stopping the meat-eating

practice and realising this is a hindrance to

'liberation'. That is if one is compassionate and

desires 'liberation', at all, only a handful will

succeed. So not hurting anyone in thought, word, or

deed does not mean being,'weak'.


The spiritual path is an uphill one for sure. I chose

meat-eating because it involves cruelty, violence,

deprivation of life, and is injurious to the consumer

and the environment. However if one has no desire for

'liberation', then it is just 'food' eating 'food', I



There are different levels of human; animal human,

potential human, human being, Divine Human. You will

know by your thoughts, habits and desires which you



The Buddhi or intellect has to be cleaned of all bad

vibrations, to enable 'liberation'. Hence 'the


'Be ye perfect as my father in heaven is

perfect!'----Jesus the Bhodisattva.


Prema, Shanti, Sathya, Dharma and Ahima, Love, Peace,

Truth, Right-Conduct, and Non-Violence. By perfecting

one we perfect them all! FIN.


To answer another point, Yes, spirituality is a

science, for everything other than Nirguna Brahman, or

Ultimate Transcendent God is within material energy



Love and Sai Ram, Tony.




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Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.



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