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<< Xan: I am certain that as we continue in this time of extensive Awakening

that *miraculous* events will become common.


>We will all wait a long time, I fear. The Miraculous does not just happen,

nor does it bestow itself on believers merely because they desire it or

believe that they have "awakened." Miracles arrive on little cat feet,

quietly and when we are least prepared or ready for them. Then they serve

the greatest good. Should they become "common" they would then cease to

teach us about the nature of the universe...just as we do not long meditate

upon the nature of dirt or sand...as it is ubiquitous.>



Isn't this the definition of "miraculous" - that which seems to break the

commonly accepted laws of existence. I look forward to the current miracle

level to become common. What joyful surprises may Grace have in store for us


>I am willing to bet that science will make common more "miracles" in the

next five years than personal consciousness raising/training will account for

in the next 25 years. I do not mean to say that personal experiences are of

less value, or that science will render such personal journeys moot, but I am

speaking strictly from the perspective of history...and many people shared

the eager anticipation and sureness that mind power and meditation, awakening

during the 1960's...only to have such efforts over shadowed by the technology

of the 80's, 90's and now the New Millennium.>



Science inevitably will discover what exists, even if it temporarily

misinterprets its nature and source. The attempts by isolated

intellect/understanding to avoid passion/joy - well the days are

numbered/limited. Wholeness is inevitable.








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