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Jivanmuktis are something else!

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In a message dated 11/28/99 11:05:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aoclery writes:


<< All other references to

Jesus and meat can be dismissed as mistranslations, or

the Greek for food. >>


Dear Tony:


With all due respect, most of the earliest gospel language writings are in

Aramaic, not Koin Greek, and mistranslation is not really the big issue.

Jesus of Nazareth was both Rabbi (Rebbe), Carpenter and Fisherman...literally

catching and giving fish to the multitudes to eat ("loaves and fishes") as

well as for his disciples to eat and share.


Being Jewish, Jesus would have kept Kosher laws, and cleaned accordingly, but

no Kosher law forbids the eating of fish, if properly clean, ox, beef, or

even poultry.


Please desist from revising what is well established history, born out by the

latest findings of ancient scrolls and recent translations directly from

earliest texts.


It only serves to confuse the easily swayed and less literate of the readers,

much as a Reader's Digest version of War and Peace might serve to mislead

such a reader as to the depth or breadth of Tolstoy's writing.





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Namaste All,


Yes we may not know where we are at but where we are

not at.


A Jivanmukti or Realised Person has no karma and so

with regard to food eats what is put in front of them.

Like Jesus ate the fish at the last supper, if he did?

Or the Buddha who ate poisoned meat and died. These

people are above desire and attachment and in fact

are, 'God', eating 'God'. They don't desire the taste

or the feeling of what they eat. Eating itself is a

choice in the role they play. All other references to

Jesus and meat can be dismissed as mistranslations, or

the Greek for food. These 'beings', can in no way be

used as an excuse for ones own addictions, but only as

an example on how to live and 'Overcome'.


We have to be devotees of their teachings not of their

forms. I'll say it again if one is not aware then one

won't be aware of why one shouldn't do something.

When someone writes on here who has an open Ajna

chakra, their words will require no explanation!


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.




http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.



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