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Here's this on the subject of the

masculine and feminine principles:


Tantra Yoga considers that the Ultimate Truth is easily attained through the

beatific union of Purusha (the Spirit) and Prakriti (the Nature); or, in

Tantric terminology, through the union of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents

the pure passive consciousness, the static aspect of the Ultimate Reality.

Shakti is the creative power of the Universe, the dynamic feminine element,

the matrix of endless possibilities through which the Infinite and Unique

Consciousness can manifest.


Any profound fusion of the complementary opposites, or reintegration of

polarities into the origins of the whole, automatically brings a breakthrough

into higher levels and leads to a gradual re-discovery of primordial

spontaneity and unity (svantantrya). This transcendency of opposites is a

transcendency of the Cosmos because this movement abolishes the duality. The

frantic and complete embrace of Shiva and Shakti merges them forever in a

Unique Principle. And in the bosom of the Ultimate Reality reached in this

way, there is no more Shiva or Shakti, there is only Unity, there is only

ONE. All physical, biophysical and psycho-mental aspects of the Cosmos

return to this Unity which emanates and reabsorbs them continuously.


Life is ONE; all its forms are in a mutual relationship within the bosom of

an extraordinarily complex and infinite WHOLE. Any kind of action from the

part of any being, must automatically, through reflection, influence any

other form on the same level of creation. We are but links of an infinite

chain. We are made of the same substances and energies as the stars and



Consequently, the Tantric practitioners engage themselves in a continuous

process of self-discovery and of discovery of the Universe at the same time.

They ask themselves: "Do we see and perceive the world the way it really is

or only the illusory appearance? And in the last case, are we condemned to

see forever only this illusory appearance, without ever attaining the

Essential Reality?"


In this respect, Tantra claims that we must detach ourselves from all

external forms in order to fully perceive that which the veil of illusion

(Maya) hides, and only then can we discover the Ultimate Reality and realize

the complete freedom from the painful chains of ignorance. Only by closing

our eyes can we have an authentic vision. The treatise Tantra Tattva says

that only the man who sees everything as being within himself sees the Truth.

The Unknown and the Mysterious surround us everywhere, inside and outside

ourselves. In Tantra, the human body becomes the modality of return to the

primordial Androgynous unity -- the Lost Paradise.


Dinu Roman

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