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Accusations instead of answers!

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Namaste All, Zenbob,et al,


Zenbob wrote:-

>I can cite perhaps thousands of instances, as could

any other


scholar to prove that Jesus considered himself to be a

Jewish leader.

If you

have some spectacular personal blind spot, grudge, ax

to grind or

anti-Semitic twist that somehow makes it difficult for

you to accept

this, no

matter what evidence is discussed, then I am deeply

saddened. It is

doubtless that Jesus was Jewish, it is also, I think,

easy to

demonstrate <


Tony's Answer: Who said He wasn't Jewish?


All I said was that Jesus was not an 'Orthodox Jew',

He could have been a Sadducee or Pharisee even but He

wasn't He was raised as an Essene.(expectancy) For

this you suggest that I may be anti-Semitic???? The

Essenes were not all totally Jewish there was a mix,

anyway that's something else.


Remember there was a lot of cross-fertilisation going

on since at least 250.B.C with Asoka's Buddhist

missionaries, then there is Alexander,with his Hindu

influence, the schools at Heliopolis etc.


If the Truth doesn't fit the 'University Template',

that is unfortunate. I suggest you read Roerich on the

Jesus/Isa, Abhedananda, Nag Hammadis, and perhaps you

should also try Edgar Cayce and correlate with what

has already been discovered and translated. I think

you will find that many in the Catholic Church are

also of this opinion,not all though.


Love Tony.




http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


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In a message dated 12/1/99 10:13:10 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aoclery writes:


<< Nag Hammadis, and perhaps you

should also try Edgar Cayce and correlate with what

has already been discovered and translated. I think

you will find that many in the Catholic Church are

also of this opinion,not all though.


Dear Tony;


Been there, done that. Sorry if my comments touched a nerve, but I kept

getting revisionist vibes, and I am sad to say, many who support these

revisions wish to paint Jesus as a secular Essene or Gnostic Christian, far

ahead of the development of the "Christian movement."


I have read the Nag Hammadi and other sources in detail. I find nothing that

contradicts my basic comments. That Jesus, as I mentioned earlier, was

widely read, scholarly and drew upon wide philosophical teachings in order to

move his audiences is no doubt true. I have not said otherwise, if you

double check my Email. But, he was Kosher in his laws and diet, and this

meant being able to slaughter and clean animals for sacrifice, supper and



Furthermore, just as a side note, whether Jesus was or wasn't "Orthodox" in

his Hebrew/Jewish traditions does not in any way alter his dietary habits,

per se. We have ample evidence of his diet, just from the Loaves and Fishes



Leviticus, which you quote, details specific Kosher laws for diet and clearly

defines which meats were clean and which were unclean. Cloven hoof or split

hoof animals are unclean: goat, pig, camel. Solid hoof are clean: horse,

sheep, ox, cattle. There is, of course even more, regarding how an animal is

properly and respectfully butchered, killed, sacrificed, how the food is kept

clean, etc., which still serve as excellent safe guidelines for food handling.


Why would God, via Moses, as an instrument of God's laws, suggest not eating

meat, when most animals created (by God) eat either meat, or a combination

thereof? Yes, there are more "meat eating" creatures on earth than

vegetarian. All lower order organisms devour single celled creatures (vast

majority), insects have a huge proportion of meat eaters vs. pure vegetable


fish are primarily meat eaters, etc., etc. Why then would humans be

forbidden this? Again, check Leviticus, as clearly, it indicates humans are

allowed certain clean animals for diet.


Again, sorry if I might have suggested a variation in your thinking that you

are not guilty of...it was merely a concern, not meant as a slur. By the by,

I was raised as a Roman Catholic, so

do not imagine that your education is uniquely different from my early

religious training.


Merry Christmas...






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>Re: Accusations instead of answers!

>Wed, 1 Dec 1999 23:33:58 EST


>In a message dated 12/1/99 10:13:10 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>aoclery writes:



>Dear Tony;


>, was

> But, he was Kosher in his laws and diet, and this

>meant being able to slaughter and clean animals for sacrifice, supper and



>Furthermore, just as a side note, whether Jesus was or wasn't "Orthodox" in

>his Hebrew/Jewish traditions does not in any way alter his dietary habits,

>per se. We have ample evidence of his diet, just from the Loaves and




>Leviticus, which you quote, details specific Kosher laws for diet and


>defines which meats were clean and which were unclean. Cloven hoof or


>hoof animals are unclean: goat, pig, camel. Solid hoof are clean: horse,

>sheep, ox, cattle. There is, of course even more, regarding how an animal


>properly and respectfully butchered, killed, sacrificed, how the food is


>clean, etc., which still serve as excellent safe guidelines for food



>fish are primarily meat eaters, etc., etc. Why then would humans be

>forbidden this? Again, check Leviticus, as clearly, it indicates humans


>allowed certain clean animals for diet.



>Merry Christmas...






Sorry i am responding so late to this thread, i am just going thru my

harsha mail now, which i have been throwing into a folder unread.

One point--you seem to equate being kosher with the necessity

to eat(kosher) meat--actually, the easiest kosher diet to keep is a

vegan one!!(no problem with mixing the milk and the meat!)

When observant Orthodox Jews in Philadelphia and environs wish

to go out to eat, about the only restaurants that are approved by

the council of Rabbis that certify a restaurant as kosher, are the

3 excellent Chinese vegetarian ones in Chinatown!!(one of which is

co-owned by an observant Jew!)

who knows whether Jesus was a vegetarian or not??--i think some of

the essenes were..the vegetarian ideal was definitely floating around

the ancient world..on the other hand, i think Jesus said something

when instructing his disciples before sending them out "on the road" about

eating whatever was offered..kind of like the buddhist monks who when they

go out to beg, eat whatever is put into their bowl..nora



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>Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

>Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

>of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

>spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to


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