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PS: What's really happen when we die?

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One more note on the subject:


On the Opra Show just now, she showed a follow-up interview with the mother

of a girl who died in the Columbine High School massacre five months ago.

Lauren would have been her class valedictorian.


The mother seems to be doing well, and she said it's very much because of a

contact with Lauren.


A week after the massacre, she had a radio on when the announcer said that

it was one week to the minute after the killing started... and called for

a minute of silence in memory of the students who died. She said she felt

she should look down, as if in prayer, and she started to do it. But then

something told her to look up instead, and she put her head back and looked



She saw a big white cloud, and she began to visualize Lauren being there.

And she said a few things... hoping that Lauren was happy, etc. And a big

bird came flying from the mountains and came right to her... it flew round

and round and round right above her.


Opra asked, "Did you think it was a message from Lauren?"


She said, "I KNEW it was a message from Lauren!" And she said she realized

that if she'd been looking down, she never would have seen it. She feels

Lauren was telling her to keep looking up, keep moving forward. :)


There have been many other cases reported of birds coming to people as

messengers, sometimes right after a death. They act in such completely

abnormal ways that you can't miss it. They will peck or beat at the

windows to draw attention. They will walk back and forth on a

windowsill... or even come inside a house.


I think it must be that birds are easier to influence and control than

other creatures nearby, so they are easy to use for a message.




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Thank you very much for your reply and this interesting story.

Also thanks to others who have replied my question, all of your wisdom and

insightful view is a blessing to me.


Om mani padme hum,



> ----------

> Dharma[sMTP:fisher1]

> Thursday, December 02, 1999 5:16 AM


> PS: What's really happen when we die?


> Dharma <fisher1


> One more note on the subject:


> On the Opra Show just now, she showed a follow-up interview with the

> mother

> of a girl who died in the Columbine High School massacre five months ago.

> Lauren would have been her class valedictorian.


> The mother seems to be doing well, and she said it's very much because of

> a

> contact with Lauren.


> A week after the massacre, she had a radio on when the announcer said that

> it was one week to the minute after the killing started... and called for

> a minute of silence in memory of the students who died. She said she felt

> she should look down, as if in prayer, and she started to do it. But then

> something told her to look up instead, and she put her head back and

> looked

> up.


> She saw a big white cloud, and she began to visualize Lauren being there.

> And she said a few things... hoping that Lauren was happy, etc. And a

> big

> bird came flying from the mountains and came right to her... it flew

> round

> and round and round right above her.


> Opra asked, "Did you think it was a message from Lauren?"


> She said, "I KNEW it was a message from Lauren!" And she said she

> realized

> that if she'd been looking down, she never would have seen it. She feels

> Lauren was telling her to keep looking up, keep moving forward. :)


> There have been many other cases reported of birds coming to people as

> messengers, sometimes right after a death. They act in such completely

> abnormal ways that you can't miss it. They will peck or beat at the

> windows to draw attention. They will walk back and forth on a

> windowsill... or even come inside a house.


> I think it must be that birds are easier to influence and control than

> other creatures nearby, so they are easy to use for a message.


> Love,

> Dharma


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

> It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

> all to a.


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