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eat your aunt and then someones baby son!

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In a message dated 12/1/99 2:37:06 PM Pacific Standard Time,

everythingisgreen writes:


<< can i ask you a question? why is it that

you eat meat? actually, a better question would be, why do you kill

animals?, but the answer i guess might be "so i can eat them." but still,

if you could explain why you eat meat/why you kill animals, that would be

much appreciated. i don't wish to condemn or judge you for what you do,


to understand why you do what you do.


with love and respect, but not planning on killing and eating you,

matt >>

Dear Matt:


LOL I really enjoyed this reply! I cannot quite explain why it delighted me

so, but I really appreciated your words and approach...quite enjoyable. I

think you are growing on me...and yes, I do appreciate that you are not

planning on eating me.


To reassure you, since, there seems more danger from my side of the table of

dietary discussion, I also will refrain from any premature attempts at dining

at your expense. :)


Your points are well taken, and really, from a purely philosophical basis,

they are nearly irrefutable. That is not my basis, however. I have

discovered that I cannot live as a vegetarian and be healthy. I have

attempted this many times and I cannot do it for more than about three months

before becoming terribly sick. My body needs meat...even modest or small

amounts, but it needs meat. I am a bit intolerant of green leafy vegetables

and can even get a form of food "poisoning" in which I lose the contents of

the meal (both directions! Not a pretty sight, Matt!) and then I am weak and

in agony for hours.


So, in answer, why do I kill animals...which is a fair and reasonable

question, my answer is:


Because eating them while they are still alive is a bit much...and it

disgusts me to consider it. I am civilized, after all, to some degree. I am

even house broken, to a reasonable degree.


I also find it convenient to not only kill them before devouring them, but I

strangely enjoy removing their fur/skin/outer layers and even prepare the

flesh over a hot fire which has the amazing effect of charring the flesh,

making the meat savory and tender, while imparting a unique, smokey and

tantalizing aroma and taste to the victuals. I suppose this is a very new

concept to some vegetarians, but cooking, as this process is often referred

to by the Chinese and the French, who perfected this arcane art, and raised

it to levels of perfection approaching Divine Inspiration, is actually quite

a lot of fun.


Is it mere coincidence that the two most "Civilized" and artistic cultures,

Chinese and French, are the two culinary zenith's in human tradition? I

think not. Bon appetite!


Also, I do not believe that one should eat flesh if they are not willing to

do the "ugly work" too. It is not easy to "kill" and animal, but one does

appreciate the life and effort of bringing that life to a state of maturity.

It is natural, not unnatural, and I think if you were to live for five years

on a farm or ranch, where animals were well cared for and raised humanely,

you might come to appreciate the sense of eternal return, renewal and "union

of souls" that such a life represents. We are caretakers, nurturers and also

beneficiaries of life. I will not eat an animal that has been given a proper

name. Once named, it rises to the level of companion, pet or favored one. I

only eat those that are raised for food, considered food and never "taught"

to be "friends."


I did raise two hogs a year ago, and was so troubled by the experience...that

I did not slaughter them, and sold them instead. It was a terrible

moment...and very costly, but I could not go through with it. They had

become too friendly, and were far too intelligent for me to follow through

with the execution plans. I know that this admission makes me sound weak and

contradictory, but I also must trust my heart on some matters. I am not

quite the cold, calculating killer that you probably believe me to be.


Too bad. The bacon would have been incredible.







PS, the hogs were called "The Snork Brothers" since that was the sound they

made. They would break out of their pen and come to the door to let me know

that it was time to feed them, if I was ever more than 45 minutes late. Then

they would run back to their pen, "snorking" the entire way in anticipation

of their feeding. Slaughter them? No...quite impossible.

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Hi Matt and Zenbob,

><< can i ask you a question? why is it that

> you eat meat? actually, a better question would be, why do you kill

> animals?, but the answer i guess might be "so i can eat them." but still,

> if you could explain why you eat meat/why you kill animals, that would be

> much appreciated. i don't wish to condemn or judge you for what you do,


> to understand why you do what you do.


> with love and respect, but not planning on killing and eating you,

> matt >>

>Dear Matt:



>Your points are well taken, and really, from a purely philosophical basis,

>they are nearly irrefutable. That is not my basis, however. I have

>discovered that I cannot live as a vegetarian and be healthy. I have

>attempted this many times and I cannot do it for more than about three months

>before becoming terribly sick. My body needs meat...even modest or small

>amounts, but it needs meat. I am a bit intolerant of green leafy vegetables

>and can even get a form of food "poisoning" in which I lose the contents of

>the meal (both directions! Not a pretty sight, Matt!) and then I am weak and

>in agony for hours.


I was a vegetarian for 8 years, and then I became very sick with pernicious

anemia, which is caused by a Vitamin B-12 deficiency. I was just barely

getting by with weekly shots of B-12. I had about two good days before I

started going downhill, and by the end of the week I could hardly drag

myself to the hospital for my shot. One day when I was very low, I bought

a can of tuna fish and ate it, and in half an hour I was fine - it worked

just like a shot! That was when I gave up being a vegetarian, and my

pernicious anemia was instantly cured.


I had been eating well and getting plenty of B-12. I don't think I could

have been so well for most of the 8 years without B-12, so I conclude that

something can change in the body so that a person can no longer utilize

B-12 from non-animal sources. The same thing happened to a friend of mine

after she had been vegetarian for 16 years.




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Dear Sangha,


Look like this subject become Hot Discussion. :-)

>From matt:

> ><< can i ask you a question? why is it that

> > you eat meat? actually, a better question would be, why do you kill

> > animals?, but the answer i guess might be "so i can eat them." but

> still,

> > if you could explain why you eat meat/why you kill animals, that would

> be

> > much appreciated.

> i don't wish to condemn or judge you for what you do,

> >just

> > to understand why you do what you do.


I think you will understand if you look someone who eat meat as a tiger :-)

lol. (waiting if someone will get angry :-) )

>From Zenbob:

> >Your points are well taken, and really, from a purely philosophical

> basis,

> >they are nearly irrefutable. That is not my basis, however.


I think the matter is the basis :-)

Is eat meat mean killing animals?

if someone kill animals with intention and other kill without intention, is

the consequence will be the same?


> I have

> >discovered that I cannot live as a vegetarian and be healthy. I have

> >attempted this many times and I cannot do it for more than about three

> months

> >before becoming terribly sick. My body needs meat...even modest or small

> >amounts, but it needs meat. I am a bit intolerant of green leafy

> vegetables

> >and can even get a form of food "poisoning" in which I lose the contents

> of

> >the meal (both directions! Not a pretty sight, Matt!) and then I am weak

> and

> >in agony for hours.


You are what you eat :-) lol. just kidding :-)


Here is someone view of this subject:


He said that he is the EO, so the souls of 'animals' he eat will be saved

(accrosed from the hell to the heaven).


Hope this will make this discussion become more colourful :-)


Om mani padme hum,


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