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Nadis and that subject still.

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Namaste All,


The Sushumna is the outer nadi for, the Vajra nadi,

Chitrini nadi, and the Brahma

nadi.--Shat-Chakra-Nirupana,translated by, Sir John



Talking about neurons etc is a little off base for

they belong to the material, albeit fine, world. Nadis

are in the subtle body as such. I believe they are

really channels in the vital energy sheath or

pranamayakosa, so to speak, which provide channels for

subtler energy.


Harsha: Thank you for your response. My personality

fortunately or unfortunately takes a different tack.


With regard to the meat-eating/Ahimsa thing again. I

am not talking about health reasons etc. Just not

making the connection with what is on someone's plate

and how it got there, or being indifferent to how.


I'll say it again it is all to do whether a person's

awareness has moved beyond the mind

sheath/manomayakosa to the awareness

sheath/vijnanamayakosa. If it has not then no matter

how intelligent or how big their vocab etc they will

not have that level of awareness to understand why

they should be aware or not. Perhaps it is their karma

not to be aware yet but it doesn't alter facts on the



No amount of New-Age-Cool self-gratification, Babble,

which some come out with, will change that, it just

isn't their fault, 'for they no not what they do'.

This babble is not about taking responsibility or

taking decisions, it is all about being men for all

seasons. 'Live and let live' becomes a mantra for

vaccilation, inability to make decisions and the wish

to not offend in case one's ego is also offended in

return. It is in fact Himsa through inaction, aware

innocent or not. Sir/St Thomas More realised in the

end that one cannot do that forever.

The cat's in where?


Love Tony.





Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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In a message dated 12/10/99 11:09:00 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aoclery writes:


<< No amount of New-Age-Cool self-gratification, Babble,

which some come out with, will change that, it just

isn't their fault, 'for they no not what they do'.

This babble is not about taking responsibility or

taking decisions, it is all about being men for all

seasons. 'Live and let live' becomes a mantra for

vaccilation, inability to make decisions and the wish

to not offend in case one's ego is also offended in

return. It is in fact Himsa through inaction, aware

innocent or not. Sir/St Thomas More realised in the

end that one cannot do that forever.

The cat's in where?


Dear Tony:


Somehow or other you fail to understand everyone's attempt to bridge the gap

between dietary choice and intolerance. There are many wonderful reasons to

eat a lean healthy diet, to abstain from cruelty to animals and people, but

there is also a great responsibility to avoid judgment and criticism from the

deeply in error perspective of being "superior" or more advanced than others.

Your words ring with intolerance and a smug sense of self satisfaction. It

is very like considering oneself superior to a cripple because you can walk.

God help you, Tony, others also can run and jump, too.


We can harm other people with our judgments and our lack of understanding.

Since none are free of error (sin) and none are free of murder in the animal

or vegetable world, let us reduce the equation to one of wanton cruelty. If

we could end wanton cruelty in the world, we would be expressing far more

enlightenment than you are in venting your criticism for people who are kind,

thoughtful and striving to make spiritual progress (a vague and difficult

thing to assess from any perspective).


Why waste all of the bluster and sturm & drang on folks who contribute to

this list, who are clearly right thinking, compassionate people, when there

are much larger fish to fry? We could unite and agree on ending cruelty and

animal abuses...how many dogs have you adopted from the pound? How many pets

have you found homes for? I am active in saving pets and finding treatment

and help for injured wild animals. I contribute toward local efforts. I

simply do not have the spleen left to vent on the weak issue of vegetables,

animals, etc., and whether or not eating them will harm the cosmos. It

won't. But we could improve the world if we could agree on some baseline

principles that the general public could embrace and then move everyone

forward toward a kinder, gentler world, where spirituality is not measured in

mantra counts, but in children and creatures that are treated with love and

kindness, and who do not need to "express themselves" with violence, sadistic

cruelty or the torture of living creatures.


I will kindly kill an animal for my consumption, but I cannot bear the

thought that across this nation, thousands of dogs, cats, birds, lizards,

snakes, etc., are tortured or abused, and that even more children are abused

as we exchange these pointless words designed to inflict some sort of "moral



Which is worse Tony? Torturing cats and dogs, abusing children...or eating a

chicken that has been humanely put to death? I think that most will think

that both are a shame on some level, but that allowing torture and abuse is a

violent repudiation of every moral, ethical and spiritual standard.


So, instead of carping about how everyone else is "copping out of the moral

arguments of Ahimsa" why don't you adopt a dog or cat for the holidays and

spare at least one more life, that otherwise will surely be euthanized by

your local animal shelter. Don't ask about me...I have adopted out 11 cats

and three dogs in the last two months...while being hospitalized.


Blessings for the holidays!



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Dear Zenbob:


You are so 'on-point' in what you write below. It is not possible for true

compassion or 'ahimsa' to exist when one feels superior in their path and

therefore able to judge others. The cruelest person I've ever had in my

personal life was a 'sadhana perfect' individual who eats no meat but

devours the hearts of female students on a fairly regular basis. I'll take

compassion and a heart centered approach to spirituality any time over those

who concentrate of being perfect in the techniques of the different

paths....to borrow a quote from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "What comes from too

much austerity is a big ego."


Happy holidays to you,


>Somehow or other you fail to understand everyone's attempt to bridge the


>between dietary choice and intolerance. There are many wonderful reasons


>eat a lean healthy diet, to abstain from cruelty to animals and people, but

>there is also a great responsibility to avoid judgment and criticism from


>deeply in error perspective of being "superior" or more advanced than


>Your words ring with intolerance and a smug sense of self satisfaction.


>is very like considering oneself superior to a cripple because you can


>God help you, Tony, others also can run and jump, too.

>We can harm other people with our judgments and our lack of understanding.

>Since none are free of error (sin) and none are free of murder in the


>or vegetable world, let us reduce the equation to one of wanton cruelty.


>we could end wanton cruelty in the world, we would be expressing far more

>enlightenment than you are in venting your criticism for people who are


>thoughtful and striving to make spiritual progress (a vague and difficult

>thing to assess from any perspective).


>So, instead of carping about how everyone else is "copping out of the moral

>arguments of Ahimsa" why don't you adopt a dog or cat for the holidays and

>spare at least one more life, that otherwise will surely be euthanized by

>your local animal shelter. Don't ask about me...I have adopted out 11 cats

>and three dogs in the last two months...while being hospitalized.

>Blessings for the holidays!



All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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