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Phrygian Pyrates:


"...We want healing from illness, but it's through illness that we grow and

are healed of our complacency. We're afraid of loss, and yet it's through

what we lose that we're able to find what nothing can take away from us. We

run from sadness and depression. But if we really face our sadness we find

it speaks with the voice of our deepest longing; and if we face it a little

longer we find that it teaches us the way to attain what we long for. ..."

~Peter Kingsley IN the DARK PLACES of WISDOM



When the longing (yearning, becoming, love) in a system is in perfect

equilibrium (Time <===> Eternity), then one is at the Stillpoint. Hangs on

the words, don't it? Void is not empty, nothingness; eternity not

timelessness. Eternity is easier to think about: Simply what is not in the

field of time, except by transcendence. The void harder, because we don't

connect it with placeness...

But still, the same grokness. Synonyms.


Yea? Nay? Blowing in the wind? Trying to correlate Romanticism in the

bigger frame. Eg., Lovelace knows he's missing something, which is why he

so fixates on the untainted, golden Clarissa. Rossetti painted

transcendence as a woman. Keats finds it on the stairway of the Temple of

the Titans where he meets the goddess of Memory (Fall of Hyperion)... Seems

the perfect analog of consciously acting the Orphic descent to Hell -- which

is the unconscious seeking this same equilibrium/peace/transcendence: The

Stillpoint. This is also the work of Individuation, and what Parmenides

really was about.


The Stillpoint seems to me the focal point of Mithraism. (Go on? Yes, no?)


Other tails.


Desire ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Where true Love burns Desire is Love's pure flame;

It is the reflex of our earthly frame,

That takes its meaning from the nobler part,

And but translates the language of the heart.




Our revels now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits and

Are melted into air, into thin air:

And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,

The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,

The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep. ... Prospero, The Tempest (yea: the BARD)



.....Form is void and void is form. The void is none other than form, nor


in any way different from the void. Similarly, feelings, perceptions,

mental associations and consciousness all are void.

Shariputra, this being so, all phenomena (dharma) are void. They are devoid

of characteristic marks, unborn, unceasing, pure, absolutely free from

defilement, and neither decrease nor increase.

Shariputra, this being so, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, no

perception, no mental association and no consciousness. There are no eye,

ear, nose, tongue, body or mind, no forms, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings

or mental objects.

>From the visual faculty through to the mental faculty and right on up to

the faculty of mental apprehension, all of these do not exist for it. It

knows no ignorance, nor any ending of ignorance, right up to the fact that

there is no old age and death nor any ending of old age and death.

Similarly there are no suffering, sin, obstruction or path, no primordial

wisdom, realisation or lack of realisation.

And, Shariputra, this being so, since there is no realisation, all

Bodhisattvas, taking support from and abiding in the state of perfect and

transcendent insight, because their minds are free from all defilement are

free from fear and, passing far beyond the deceptive and mistaken, come to

the transcendence of sorrow and misery.


~mike dickman's translation of the famous 'Heart Sutra'




By my soul,

Deborah Mattingly Conner

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>From those readings, could one not say that that the Still point is the

focus of any form of Ego. For physicist it would be M (matter) looking

at its E (Energy) aspect.




Vole, vole :-)

Exactemente *g*



Anna Maria

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Message: 1

Mon, 20 Dec 1999 08:21:14 EST





«« When the longing (yearning, becoming, love) in a system is in perfect

equilibrium (Time <===> Eternity), then one is at the Stillpoint. Hangs

on the words, don't it? Void is not empty, nothingness; eternity not



The Stillpoint seems to me the focal point of Mithraism. (Go on? Yes,



Other tails. »»


« [q-mind] Some new ideas please - Thom Mandel

Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:08:37 -0700

From Thommandel


Non-locality and Zero Point Energy should be enough to settle any

discussion about what god is like in the scientific sense. I don't have

the actual measured value, but the measured energy of ZPE (the energy at

an infinitely small point) is several orders greater than the nucleus of

an atom (Puthoff 1987) while non-local transmission in this ground is

instantaneous (Aspect 1984). So what we have scientifically is a

continuum from which the physical emerges that is nearly infinite in

energy potential and is everywhere all the time (Laszlo 2000).


This is not conjecture, but the findings of quantum physics. Remember

that our concepts are merely perspectives we have adopted that not only

can focus on one aspect, but has limitations as well. The problem arises

when we come to believe (think) our concept is the only rung on the



For a discussion with Hal Puthoff and a paper he wrote on practical

applications of ZPE can be found at www.fixall.org/ »

>From those readings, could one not say that that the Still point is the

focus of any form of Ego. For physicist it would be M (matter) looking

at its E (Energy) aspect.



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In a message dated 12/21/99 8:35:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,

carrea writes:



This is not conjecture, but the findings of quantum physics. Remember

that our concepts are merely perspectives we have adopted that not only

can focus on one aspect, but has limitations as well. The problem arises

when we come to believe (think) our concept is the only rung on the



For a discussion with Hal Puthoff and a paper he wrote on practical

applications of ZPE can be found at www.fixall.org/ »


From those readings, could one not say that that the Still point is the

focus of any form of Ego. For physicist it would be M (matter) looking

at its E (Energy) aspect.


Dearest Antoine:


I am delighted to find that I am not the only student of Quantum Physics in

the Lair of Nonduality. Zero Point Energy promises to be the Great Land of

Discovery for humans in the next century. Not only is the basic

understanding of the universe going to expand tremendously, the concept and

transformation of society from a wasteful, fuel burning culture to a Zero

Loss or even Net Gain energy culture will revolutionize everything that we

associate with economics, transportation and communication.


Eventually, concepts that seem perfectly sensible today, such as having a few

individual "investors" earning the vast profits from automated companies that

produce vast wealth for a few by selling at outrageous prices to the many,

will become ludicrous and automated, low cost energy producing "utlities"

will be owned by society...just as most communities own their water or

natural resources. Since eventually no one will be able to "earn" money by

conventional work...then most people will be given shares in mutual utility

groups, and will be able to earn bonus credits by writing, working, designing

or entertaining. All actual "work" based on exerting great efforts or force

will be done by automation. Even info processing will become nearly totally



Eventually, it becomes ever clearer that humans were designed to think,

ponder, enjoy life rather than struggle or damage themselves in futile hours

of sweat and slave labor.


Soon tokamaks will be as plentiful and cheap as VCRs. Every person will be

the leader and populace of their own empire...


With free or near free power, each person becomes a liberated entity and the

notion of national boundaries gradually will be no different than county

lines, cantons, provinces or even city limits.


I am waiting for my own tokamak so that I can declare independence. Please

join in helping bring this vision to reality.


Warm Regards,





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Zen... wrote:


Soon tokamaks will be as plentiful and cheap as VCRs. Every person

will be the leader and populace of their own empire...


I admit to deleting lot of email without reading it lately - I was being

overwhelmed with the numbers. So I missed the definition of tokamak.


What is this please?




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