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Tara part II *Merry Christmas*

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The place is the Buddha field "Lotus Array",

And amidst a vast cloud of wondrous offerings,

Instantaneously, and perfect as soon as thought of,

I myself am the green-bodied Lady Arya Tara,

Her right hand in the mudra of supreme gift-bestowing and the left,

Which is in the gesture of Pointing out the Triple Gem as Refuge,

Holding a fresh and fully blown utpala lotus.

She is adorned with silken scarves and ornaments of jewels,

And, seated on a a throne of lotus and moon,

She has her feet crossed in the style of the female Bodhisattva.

Her three places are marked with OM, AH and HUNG

And on a moon in the middle of her heart is a green TAM

Emanating rays of light which invite back

The body of the wisdom being, identical in form to herself,

And merge it into her.

By the anti-clockwise spinning of the mantra-mala

Around the TAM-syllable in her heart-centre,

Light rays stream forth and return,

Making offerings to the Supreme Ones, relieving the suffering of beings,

And purifying the cause of grasping at ordinary appearance.

Appearances, sounds and consciousness awaken as the display

Of the Noble Lady's three secrets.


Remaing in single-pointed mental absorbtion upon this,




.... recite the basic essence-mantra as much as possible and then go on to

recite the awareness mantra




after which,


Deity and my own mind inseparable,

Body of the Supreme One, embodiment of the natural state,

And arisen as the display of the Wheel of Primordial Knowledge

Transforms into vast and unwavering protection.


Thus dissolving the visualised form into light, rest in the state of






When arising from this, dedicate the merit to the protection and

enlightenment of all sentient beings and, closing the session with prayers

of blessing and auspiciousness, enter the path of activity.





A From the emptiness nature of absolute reality,

The illusory form of the magical display of primordial wisdom,

My mind completely transforms into a green TAM-syllable

In the centre of this place (seen as) pure Buddha field, and from this

Appears the Noble Arya Tara of youthful countenance,

Peacefully smiling and beautiful in the youthfulness of her sixteen years.

Her right hand is at her knee and making the gesture of Supreme Gift-Giving,

While the the middle fingers and thumb of the left hand at her heart

Grasp (the stem of) an utpala lotus that blossoms out near her ear.

Her feet are folded such that the right extends, and in this position

She sits on a throne of lotus and moon,

Her hair partly bound up on the top of hear head and partly flowing free,

And her crown adorned with Amitabha, Lord of the Family.

She is perfect in her jewelled sambhogakaya ornaments, necklaces, silken

robes, skirt and other such adornments,

And sports in a vast expanse of luminosity,

With OM, AH and HUNG at her three places and,

On a moon-disc in her heart-centre, a bright green TAM.

By the light rays streaming from this,

The wisdom-being (jñana-sattva) is summoned in a single instant

>From (the Buddhafield) "Array of Turquoise-Coloured Leaves".


OM From the Supreme Realm of Potala Mountain

And sprung from a green syllable TAM,

Liberating beings by the radiance of that,

Tara and all your retinue, please come here...


Thus invite them, and with PE MA KA MA LA YE TAM request them to be



With A TI PU HO TRA TI TSA HO make salutation, and with OM ARYA TARE

SAPARIWARA ARGHAM... and so forth, up to ...SHABDA PRATITSA SOHA, present



Gods and non-gods bowing their crowns

At your lotus feet,

You liberate from all poverty and affliction:

To you, Mother, Tara, I bow down!


Thus make praises.


The mantra spins about the TAM in the heart;

Light radiating from this makes offerings to the Victorious Ones

And purifies the sins and obscurations of beings, gathering up the essence

Of all of samsara and nirvana, and dissolving it into herself,

Granting the power of the enlightened activities

Of the Swift, All-Pervading Heroine.




Recite this as much as possible.


At the close of the meditation session you should do the Twenty-Onefold

Praises and other similar prayers as much as possible, as well as their

concise form,


Lady, Arya Tara, you who know!

Protect us from all fears and suffering, I pray!


Having repeated this prayer seven times,


The apparent god-form of the indivisible conventionally visualised

(samaya-sattva) and wisdom (jñana-sattva) beings

Dissolves by stages into the realm of the absolutely real...

.... Arising again as the magical bodily form of primordial wisdom,

I engage in activities that will benifit all beings in need of training.




Thus perform dissolution and rearising.





A Perfectly manifesting from the state of luminous emptiness as soon as

thought of,

In the centre of the palace of great bliss in the very core of his sacred


Is oneself as the white-coloured Vajrasattva

With single face, his two hands grasping the vajra and bell,

And blissfully united with his consort, Nyem-ma.

Robed in the apparel of the Body of Perfect Enjoyment,

On a throne of lotus, sun and moon

He is seated in the vajra-posture - a blazing mass of radiant light.

His aggregates and elements are the Victorious Ones of the Peaceful and

Wrathful Deities,

Unborn, and primordially perfect in great bliss.

On a moon-disc in the heart of the conventional (visualised) deity and its

wisdom-being perfectly inseparable since the beginningless beginnings of time,

Is a vajra-sceptre, in the navel of which

Is a HUNG-syllable around which spins the mantra,

And the light radiated by this makes offerings to the Victorious Ones and

purifies the obscurations and sin of living beings,

So that all phenomena of form, sound and thought

Are seen to be the display of the three vajras of indestructible reality.


Recite the Hundred-Syllable and Six-Syllable Mantras...


The unconceptualised form of the deity dissolves into the space of great


.... and the innate radiance of emptiness then rearises as the deity's

bodily form.


By means of this miraculous body of unobstructable and primordial wisdom,

I shall engage in activity for the benefit of beings as numerous as space

is vast.





and one or two wrathful ones:


HUNG The blazing blue light of the great symbolic weapon

Of vajra wrath cutting off anger

Appears in the zenith like a blazing drop,

And from it brilliant light rays forth

Purify the grasping at the reality of a world of animate and inanimate

beings into the vast expanse of Dharmadhatu.

On the multi-storied Supreme Mountain of the elements in sequence,

Arisen as the miraculous display of primordial knowledge,

Perfect in its charnel-ground array,

Stands the Palace of Great Liberation

In the midst of which, on a blazing cakra-wheel,

Multicoloured lotus, moon and sun discs,

Upright upon the entwined bodies of Mahadeva and Mahadevi,

Is clear awareness in the form of the letter HUNG. From its radiation and

reabsorbtion of light,

I myself arise as the perfect and uncontrived devata,

Great and majestic Vajra-Youth (Vajrakumara),

Blue-black in colour, three-headed and six-armed,

His right face white, the left red, smiling, sneering and raging.

Of his six hands, the first two on the right

Hold nine- and five-pronged dorjes,

Those on the left, a mass of flames and a khatvanga-trident

While the central pair roll a Mount Sumeru kilaya.

His four feet are in heroic stance,

Trampling upon the heads of Maharudras

In a state of irresistible fury, he dances the dance of nine moods.

His vajra voice roars HUNG HUNG,

His wings of skill and wisdom are spread wide,

And he is adorned with the royal and charnel-ground ornaments.

His twenty-one thousand body-hairs stream upward in curls,

And his pores are filled with one thousand times ten million vajras.

The supreme consort, Radiant Wheel (K'orlo Gyen'depma / Dîptacakra),

Light blue in colour, holding an utpala-lotus and offering to his mouth a

skull cup filled with blood,

Is adorned with the five mudras

And, her right leg outstretched and the left drawn in, they are in the

close union of Yab-Yum,

Vajra and lotus illusorily conjoined.

Abovetheir heads, the great lineage-garuda soars,

And they are surrounded by the vast expanse of a mass of blazing wisdom fire,

Samayasattva and Jñanasattva clearly one in essential nature.

In his heart is the wisdom-being (Jñanasattva),

A shining white Dorje Sempa (Vajrasattva),

Holding bell and dorje and adorned in Sambhogakaya ornaments,

His two legs in half-crossed posture, and seated on lotus and moon.

In the center of the tent of his heart (citta),

On a sun-disc, there is a five-pronged dorje, in the navel of which

Is a blue-black HUNG, the essence of life-force,

And around it spins the blazing mantra-mala.

As we recite, space-filling light-rays stream forth,

Making offering to the Victorious Ones and gathering together all their


Purifying the obscurations of beings and transforming them into deities

So that the phenomenal world arises as the mudra of Kilaya.

Exhorting the oath-bound protectors to fulfil their activities

And completely cutting off the eight classes of ill-intentioned spirits,

They smash the hosts of obstacles and hindrances into dust.

The phenomenal world is spontaneously realised

As the body, speech and mind of the Great and Majestic One.


Recite the mantra of approach.


At the end of the session...


The phenomenal world, Kilaya and all his mandala,

Dissolve into the vast bindu of the heart


>From the realm of the Great and Majestic One,

The mandalas of Body, Speech and Mind appear in total clarity.



Thus perform the dissolution and rearising.




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