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[Fwd: Live WebAudio of Dali Lama's Millennium Address]

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Details of how to tune into Dalai Lama broadcast listed in this post

OM Shanti


Dear Namaste Friend,


We are excited to announce that we have just joined with WorldPuja to

webcast the Dalai Lama's Millennium address to our New Year's Eve Event in

Palm Springs. The webcast will take place at approximately 9:00 PM Pacific

Standard Time. You can log on to hear His Holiness at either

www.chopra.com or at www.worldpuja.org. WorldPuja is an online resource

for connecting people of the world through live global prayer and

meditation events for world peace. WorldPuja's global audience can best be

described as those people who hold values of spirituality, social

consciousness and service to others. Their sponsors are those who believe

in the power of bringing the collective voice and energy of peace to the

world through live global "pulses."

We are very happy to be able to share this live address and hope you can

join us during this special time.








This message comes to you via the Namaste mailing list,

hosted by Deepak Chopra and

The Chopra Center for Well Being.

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Hi Michele:


What kind of software is necessary to listen to this? I'm having trouble

finding the right audio software... problems with the sound with Christmas

cards, etc.


(I have an older Mac... for any Mac people on the list, it's a Performa

6400... a Power Mac, 180 Hz, still using OS 7.5.5 cause I don't want to

lose a lot of software. :)




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At 10:21 AM 12/29/99 -0500, Dharma wrote:

>Dharma <fisher1


>Hi Michele:


>What kind of software is necessary to listen to this? I'm having trouble

>finding the right audio software... problems with the sound with Christmas

>cards, etc.


>(I have an older Mac... for any Mac people on the list, it's a Performa

>6400... a Power Mac, 180 Hz, still using OS 7.5.5 cause I don't want to

>lose a lot of software. :)


Dear Dharma,


It *is* a good idea not to upgrade your Mac OS -- I upgraded from 7.5 to

8.0 and my Mac (same generation as yours) was never the same again.

Everything slower, lots of the extensions were unrecognized. It actually

died shortly thereafter. A friend also upgraded to 8.0, lost her Netscape

and a lot of system response, and spent a month trying to acquire and put

the 7.5 back on. 7.5 worked very very well, since it was the OS the

machine was designed with.



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Hi Dharma

Not sure about what you need to do witht the computer. I have a sound

card with mine and I downloaded the Real Player software sometime ago.

It works very well on my system, but not sure how that would go on the

Mac. There is probably a Mac compatabile version - so check out the

real player site




OM Shanti



Dharma wrote:


> Dharma <fisher1


> Hi Michele:


> What kind of software is necessary to listen to this? I'm having trouble

> finding the right audio software... problems with the sound with Christmas

> cards, etc.


> (I have an older Mac... for any Mac people on the list, it's a Performa

> 6400... a Power Mac, 180 Hz, still using OS 7.5.5 cause I don't want to

> lose a lot of software. :)


> Thanks,

> Dharma


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Hi Greg,

>It *is* a good idea not to upgrade your Mac OS -- I upgraded from 7.5 to

>8.0 and my Mac (same generation as yours) was never the same again.

>Everything slower, lots of the extensions were unrecognized. It actually

>died shortly thereafter. A friend also upgraded to 8.0, lost her Netscape

>and a lot of system response, and spent a month trying to acquire and put

>the 7.5 back on. 7.5 worked very very well, since it was the OS the

>machine was designed with.


I bought 8.0 but never used it... my son told me it had a bug and was

damaging people's monitors. Later when another version came out, he said

that would be okay, but I still haven't done it.


Do you handle audio on web sites well? What software do you use for it?




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