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New Year's Eve

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I'll be going to the Zen Studies Society (Rinzai Zen) on 67th Street in New

York City for the annual New Year's chant. It is really an amazing thing.

After a 30-minute sitting and an hour Dharma talk, we will be chanting the

"Life Prolonging Kannon Sutra" for about an hour, until 5 minutes before



They admit 108 people into the zendo. Lots and lots of incense is burned.

The chant (given below), 10 lines long, is done 108 times, with increasing

vigor. Each time the first syllable of the chant comes around, the next

person steps up to the 3-ft-high bell in the zendo hall and strikes it with

a suede-covered laquer striker about the size of a baseball bat, then hands

the striker off to the next person. By the last 25 rounds of the chant,

people are almost yelling and screaming.


This continues until 11:55, then we sit in silence. There's an intense

contrast between the ringing and chanting in your ears, latent vibes in the

zendo, and the silence of the sitting. At a few minutes after midnight,

the announcer stands up and quietly says, "Happy New Year. There is food

upstairs. Please eat." After the zendo I might go downtown to a dance

club, not really sure.


Here is the chant in Japanese, along with translation and notes, etc.



(Ten Phrase Life Prolonging Kannon Sutra)















TRANSLATION (based on translations from Eido Shimano Roshi and Robert

Aitken Roshi)



Salutation and devotion to Buddha!

We are one with Buddha

In cause and effect related to all Buddhas, and to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Our True Nature is Eternal, Joyous, Selfless and Pure.

Mornings my thought is Kanzeon.

Evenings my thought is Kanzeon.

Thought after thought arises in mind.

Thought after thought is not separate from mind.




NOTE: Kanzeon (Kannon) is the Japanese name for Bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara, the Lord of Beholding, one of the two bodhisattvas

attending Amida Buddha (the Buddha of infinite Light and Infinite Life);

Kanzeon represents Amida's Great Compassion. One source of this is the

Contemplation Sutra or "Sutra on the Contemplation of Buddha Amitayus," in

which Buddha Amitayus stands in the midst of the sky with Bodhisattvas

Manjushri (wisdom) and Avalokitesvara (compassion), attending on his right

and left respectively.


What are you all doing New Year's Eve?


With love,



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Dear Greg:


What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve. I'll be about 90 miles north

of you at the Siddha Ashram where there will be continuous chanting from

7:30 PM until Midnight. For the past 10 years or so I have welcomed in the

New Year with chanting and meditation but this will be my first time doing

so with a large group. Also on the 8th of January, Krishna Das will be

conducting a workshop and evening kirtan at the Yoga Zone on 18th St which

I'll attend.....I find his mantra and musical mix to be very heart



Wishing you a light and wonderful New Year.




>>>Greg Goode <goode

>I'll be going to the Zen Studies Society (Rinzai Zen) on 67th Street in New

>York City for the annual New Year's chant. It is really an amazing thing.

>After a 30-minute sitting and an hour Dharma talk, we will be chanting the

>"Life Prolonging Kannon Sutra" for about an hour, until 5 minutes before


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Dear Linda,


Many of my friends love to chant with Krishna Das at Jivamukti Yoga on

Lafayette St., and I've heard his tapes at retreats. I've been to the

Siddha Ashram with a Muktananda devotee. Many of my friends have spent

lots and lots of time there. Very beautiful place. They even sell

lipstick and makeup at the Arati Store!!


Happy New Year to you too!






At 12:38 PM 12/29/99 -0500, Linda Callanan wrote:

>"Linda Callanan" <shastra


>Dear Greg:


>What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve. I'll be about 90 miles north

>of you at the Siddha Ashram where there will be continuous chanting from

>7:30 PM until Midnight. For the past 10 years or so I have welcomed in the

>New Year with chanting and meditation but this will be my first time doing

>so with a large group. Also on the 8th of January, Krishna Das will be

>conducting a workshop and evening kirtan at the Yoga Zone on 18th St which

>I'll attend.....I find his mantra and musical mix to be very heart


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Over here in Perth, Western Australia I will be attending a kirtan

(chanting) from 9pm until midnight followed by a half hour meditation.

It will be conducted by devotees of Swami Satyananda and Swami

Niranjanananda of Bihar, India. This will be the longest kirtan I have

attended, and I am looking forward to spending New Years Eve in the

company of my fellow yogis!!

OM Shanti



Linda Callanan wrote:


> "Linda Callanan" <shastra


> Dear Greg:


> What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve. I'll be about 90 miles north

> of you at the Siddha Ashram where there will be continuous chanting from

> 7:30 PM until Midnight. For the past 10 years or so I have welcomed in the

> New Year with chanting and meditation but this will be my first time doing

> so with a large group. Also on the 8th of January, Krishna Das will be

> conducting a workshop and evening kirtan at the Yoga Zone on 18th St which

> I'll attend.....I find his mantra and musical mix to be very heart

> centered.


> Wishing you a light and wonderful New Year.


> Namaste,

> Linda

> >>>Greg Goode <goode


> >I'll be going to the Zen Studies Society (Rinzai Zen) on 67th Street in New

> >York City for the annual New Year's chant. It is really an amazing thing.

> >After a 30-minute sitting and an hour Dharma talk, we will be chanting the

> >"Life Prolonging Kannon Sutra" for about an hour, until 5 minutes before

> >midnight.


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.

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