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Millenium Island

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Hello All,


I've been watching the early coverage of the Millenium, which began at the

international date line... It seems that was changed about a year ago, to

include all the Polynesian islands. That meant that the year 2000 would

begin at the kingdom of Kiribati, and its easternmost island was renamed

Millenium Island. And the people there have been working hard to get ready

for the celebration.


I was watching ABC... from what I saw, it began with wonderful music and

dancing by firelight on the beach. The dancing looked like the Tahitian

hula, and they were clearly dancing the words. But the only narration was

coming from Peter Jennings... I kept wishing they had a local person on

TV... someone who could explain the words that were being sung and danced.

All the dancers were wearing something on their heads that went out in rays

or spikes around the heads... it reminded me of pictures of a sun-god with

rays of light going out from his head. But there was no one to explain

whether that was traditional headgear or whether it really was a sun-image

for the millenium.


Then they sang and danced the Hallelujah Chorus! "The kingdom of the world

is become the kingdom of our God. Hallelujah!" I only wish there had been

someone to explain how the words are expressed in the local language and to

talk about how the words are expressed in dance.


And then... no sooner had Peter Jennings said that this is called the most

Christian country in the world, when a number of men - including the king,

I think - lit huge torches from the bonfire and got into a big canoe to go

out on the ocean and honor the Polynesian gods. I love it! What a

wonderful beginning for the Millenium!


If anyone knows more about what the people were singing and dancing... and

exactly what they were doing in the canoe... would you please tell us?




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> I was watching ABC... from what I saw, it began with wonderful music and

> dancing by firelight on the beach. The dancing looked like the Tahitian

> hula, and they were clearly dancing the words. But the only narration was

> coming from Peter Jennings... I kept wishing they had a local person on

> TV... someone who could explain the words that were being sung and




Happy New Year Dharma and All,


I can't answer your question here, Dharma,

but I can suggest your turning the dial to

PBS? They, too, are sharing New Year's

from around the world, and in a most

remarkable way. Not only are they offering

rituals and celebrations from around the

world, they are offering it in the spirit of celebrating diversity.




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Hi Melody,

>I can't answer your question here, Dharma,

>but I can suggest your turning the dial to

>PBS? They, too, are sharing New Year's

>from around the world, and in a most

>remarkable way. Not only are they offering

>rituals and celebrations from around the

>world, they are offering it in the spirit of celebrating diversity.


Yes! I just turned on PBS and watched the procession going down the Nile,

the crowd all over a huge bridge, watching... A few of the people dancing

are wearing animal heads... I thought I saw Anubis dancing. :)




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