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Happy Anniversary to a

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Happy Anniversary and Millennium Harshaji,


Nicolas and I have just watched The Wizard of Oz which i've

always thought was a beautiful metaphor for "home" in the

Heart ... thank you for providing this peaceful place to explore

paths in the openess of inter-spirituality which is a new and

recent advent in history. And, then we took cuttings of plants

thanking the mother and making new ones to grow roots for

spring plantings. Soon, we will meditate (which puts him out

fast *g*) and join a group who is meditating with energy and



Recently, several conversations have ensued, for me, on birthing of

Divine Goddess Energy from the Full Moon (lol, i saw a little

astral entity, a fairy, which was also seen by some young

friends) and I found this material for a very wise woman,

Alice, which I'd like to share as the Native American Indians

also had myths about the birth of the Soul through the divine

Gate of the Big Dipper or the She-Bear, as did many, many

other cultures, here's an extract:



From Bernadette Brady, Fixed Stars:


The constellation Ursa Major is part of the group of three

constellations--the other two being Ursa Minor and Draco--that make up the

image of the Goddess and the Dragon.


Situated around the North Pole, these stars have been held sacred since

we first noticed that the whole starry sky moved around one central point.

Here, as discussed earlier, is the omphalos used as the original model for

the human psyche. This is the unmoving point or the pivot point of the

world, thought by most cultures to be a place of the divine, a place which

was a gateway to the world of the immortals, from which all life sprang. It

was considered the source of the Ganges in Hindu mythology and the place of

the Heavenly Mother for the Babylonians. The mythology that pours from this

part of the sky for all cultures is almost overwhelming.


Appearing in every star catalog since ancient times, this

constellation is probably one of the oldest in human history. Aratus

talks of an ancient tale about a bear set in the heavens because

it had nurtured the infant Zeus. However, this constellation

has featured in many myths over aeons of human existence.

Always feminine, this great Bear circles the North Pole, the

pivot point of the world, the point of stillness. Here was the source

of life itself, and next to this sacred point was placed the great

She-Bear goddess. Her first appearance in written history is in

the Babylonian creation myth but by that stage she was already

ancient. In India the seven stars of Ursa Major were called

the Seven Bears and in North America, long before the arrival of

the white race, the constellation was known as Paukuuawa or

Okuari, both words meaning "bear" in the languages of the Blackfeet and





By Christian times she had become Saint Ursula, a Christian

form of a Saxon She-Bear goddess. The mythical Saint Ursula

was said to have been accompanied by eleven thousand virgins,

a moon goddess surrounded by her stars. It was believed she led

these eleven thousand virgins against the Romans, protesting the

ways of men, and achieved martyrdom by being slaughtered by the

Roman troops. In Britain this constellation was associated with

Arthur and his chariot. In the Welsh language Arth means "bear"

and Uthyrs means "wonderful." This constellation was thought to

be the final home and resting place of King Arthur and was connected to the

origin of the Round Table, its symbolism being the revolution of the Great

Bear (Arthur) around the source of all life (the Holy Grail), the Pole Star."


Alice, [...] there is also a wonderful book by an astronomer named Staahl,

who wrote the myths of the stars, called Patterns in the Sky.


If you're interested in the other myths let me know, I'd be

delighted to type them out for you.


Love and Light



[side note: in Koppejans' occult symbol translation book the

Grail is a symbol for the three Crosses in our charts, e.g., the

Aries-Libra and Cancer - Capricorn, etc., and which I have seen

also in other occult work as to how we ascend, recent work with

a group was centered around beginning with the Aries House theme discovering

its meaning(s), then to Libra, and Cancer-Capricorn, Ascending the Cardinal


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Thank you Nasirji, Gregji, and Sri Gloria Devi and Bruceji Maharaj for

your recent kind words. We welcome the new members who have joined as we

start the new year.


Dear Brothers and Sisters. Gloria pointed out, the sangha has almost

completed its first year and many of us feel a sense of community here.

Jan, Jerry, Patrick, Gloria, David, Luan, Dirk, Janpa, Chris, Ajay,

Mary, Boris, Darrell, Bruce, Jill, Dharma, Rick, Linda, Aster, TG,

Holly, Molly, Maureen, Frans, James, Angelique, and so many others have

been here since the first few months of the beginning of the list.


The list is vitalized by the brilliance and the spiritual glow of

people like Mira, Xan, Gen (Bshanti), Dan, Zenbob, Nav, Tony, Janpa,

Holly, Molly, Luan, Greg, Michele, Marilyn, Lynne, Bruce, Antoine,

Linda, Rainbolilly (Annette), Nav, Dharma, Nasir, Eric, David, Neo,

Dharma, Melody, Lillie, Jan, David, Bruce, Linda, Matt, Antoine, Xan,

Dan, Stan, Nav, Jill, Jerry, Harry, Barry, Mary, Perry, Clery, Tobin,

Xera, Xena, Meena, Ashoka, and so many others.


We do not have many rules but aspire to hold our interaction with each

other in the broad context of nonviolence. This commitment to the

highest human ideal is exemplified by many members who shine as examples

to us. These include Jill, Janpa, Greg, Jerry, Linda, Bruce, Mira

Gloria, Dirk, Andrew, Zenbob, Christiana, Holly, Gene, Dharma, Dan, Gen,

David, TG, Antoine, Jan, Rainbolilly, Nasir, Tony, and so so many



There are many others who I might have forgotten who share their

presence in words and silence.


Happy New Year to people around the world. We salute you!


We send our prayers and love to those who are suffering. May the new

year ease your burdens and sorrows and grief and bring healing in the

body and the mind. May everyone know the peace that passeth all

understanding as their own nature. May all living beings love and

mutually support each other.


God bless everyone with all that is best in life and with peace and joy

and love.


Love to all


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