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Thank you for your love and support.

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In a message dated 01/02/2000 2:29:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

aoclery writes:

> Thank you for Love and Support. I understand birth is

> painful. I was not really fully born for I needed a

> Guru. Even though I thought I had moved on, the

> subconscious impressions were still there, and it took

> this painful process to enable me to be born. All of

> the negatives have been expunged and I move on only to

> Siva and the Formless.


Hi Tony... Beautiful sharing you have done. It enlightens all of us I am

sure. You are speaking as if this is a birthing experience for you, but as I

was reading your post(s), I felt it to be more of a 'leaving home and mom''

for the first time after our teenage years. And yes, that can be painful for

some that truly loved and depended on their mum for love and support. Your

knowledge is far too great (IMO) to be 'just born'. You have come unto your

own spiritual maturity as Bruce said, and can now go forth into the world and

fly with your own wings.


Many of our own experiences such as what you went through are like that of

the eagle. She builds her nest by putting in sharp objects, sticks, glass

nails, and then covers them with soft nesting materials. When it is time

for the babies to fly and get out of the nest, the momma eagle removes the

soft materials and makes it uncomfortable for the 'no longer baby' eagles.

They are forced to leave and fly on their own!


What a wonderful gift to you for the coming new millenium! Thanks for



Much Love,


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Dear Tony,



Tony O'Clery <aoclery


Namaste Harsha, Gregg, Bruce et al,


Thank you for Love and Support. I understand birth is

painful. I was not really fully born for I needed a

Guru. Even though I thought I had moved on, the

subconscious impressions were still there, and it took

this painful process to enable me to be born. All of

the negatives have been expunged and I move on only to

Siva and the Formless.


Everything is as it should be. I am just thankful I

was on the Jnana path so to speak. It seems I needed

to go through some ritual and gurus to move on.


Thank you all again for your support and I will

continue to enjoy this Satsangh, for it continually

reminds me 'Who I am', and what I am not.

Too much I in this post.


Love Tony.



Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



KKT: I want to share with you this

answer by Ramana Maharshi to the

question of the Guru's grace:


Q: What is Guru's grace? How does it lead to Self-realisation?

A: Guru is the Self. Sometimes in his life a man becomes

dissatisfied and, not content with what he has, he seeks the

satisfaction of his desires through prayer to God. His mind is

gradually purified until he longs to know God, more to obtain his

grace than to satisfy his worldly desires. Then, God's grace begins

to manifest. God takes the form of a Guru and appears to the

devotee, teaches him the truth and, moreover, purifies his mind by

association. The devotee's mind gains strength and is then able to

turn inward. By meditation it is further purified and it remains still

without the least ripple. That calm expanse is the Self.


The Guru is both external and internal. From the exterior he

gives a push to the mind to turn it inwards. From the interior he

pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in the quietening of the

mind. That is Guru's grace. There is no difference between God,

Guru and the Self.


With Love,



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Namaste Harsha, Gregg, Bruce et al,


Thank you for Love and Support. I understand birth is

painful. I was not really fully born for I needed a

Guru. Even though I thought I had moved on, the

subconscious impressions were still there, and it took

this painful process to enable me to be born. All of

the negatives have been expunged and I move on only to

Siva and the Formless.


Everything is as it should be. I am just thankful I

was on the Jnana path so to speak. It seems I needed

to go through some ritual and gurus to move on.


Thank you all again for your support and I will

continue to enjoy this Satsangh, for it continually

reminds me 'Who I am', and what I am not.

Too much I in this post.


Love Tony.



Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



Talk to your friends online with Messenger.


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Hi Tony,


I am sorry for the pain you are going through, but joyful for your growth.


It is all a great adventure, isn't it? And, as my son said when he was so

ill, nobody said an adventure would always be fun or pleasant... but it's

still an adventure. :)

>Thank you for Love and Support. I understand birth is

>painful. I was not really fully born for I needed a



I think we all need a guru, but the best guru is our own internal spiritual

guru, who is usually our own high self. Your own spiritual guru will

always love you... will always be with you... will never let you down...

and is the best possible teacher and guide you could have. And your

spiritual guru is not really _other_ than you.

>Even though I thought I had moved on, the

>subconscious impressions were still there, and it took

>this painful process to enable me to be born. All of

>the negatives have been expunged and I move on only to

>Siva and the Formless.


> Everything is as it should be. I am just thankful I

>was on the Jnana path so to speak. It seems I needed

>to go through some ritual and gurus to move on.


>Thank you all again for your support and I will

>continue to enjoy this Satsangh, for it continually

>reminds me 'Who I am', and what I am not.

>Too much I in this post.


I have some idea of what you're going through. There is no need to feel

bad or blame yourself for a stage that you have now moved past and

outgrown. It's all right to forgive yourself for any mistakes you made...

and love yourself... and go on.


Love and blessings,


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Dear Annette et al.,





Here's a beautiful story echoing your sentiments KKT,

which was posted on another list today.


<A HREF="http://www.ramatirtha.org/vol1/happiness.htm">Happiness Within</A>






KKT: Thank you, Annette, for this very

beautiful text. I already found my toy

that is the Happiness Within! :-) Isn't

it a privilege to find such an oasis in this

crazy world? More than a privilege, it's

a great joy to be in the company of

others who share this same Happiness.



I offer to you all this Buddhist Sastra.








Po Lun San Mei Lu (Vietnamese: Bao Vuong Tam Muoi Sastra)


(1) While meditating on the body, do not hope or pray

to be exempt from sickness. Without sickness, desires and

passions can easily arise.


(2) While acting in society, do not hope or pray not to have any

difficulties. Without difficulties, arrogance can easily arise.


(3) While meditating on the mind, do not hope or pray not to

encounter hindrances. Without hindrances, present knowledge

will not be challenged or broadened.


(4) While working, do not hope or pray not to encounter

obstacles. Without obstacles, the vow to help others will not



(5) While developing a plan, do not hope or pray to achieve

success easily. With easy success, arrogance can easily arise.


(6) While interacting with others, do not hope or pray to gain

personal profit. With the hope for personal gain, the spiritual

nature of the encounter is diminished.


(7) While speaking with others, do not hope or pray not to be

disagreed with. Without disagreement, self-righteousness can



(8) While helping others, do not hope or pray to be paid. With

the hope of remuneration, the act of helping others will not be



(9) If you see personal profit in an action, do not participate

in it. Even minimal participation will stir up desires and



(10) When wrongly accused, do not attempt to exonerate yourself.

Attempting to defend yourself will create needless anger and



(11) The Buddha spoke of sickness and suffering as effective

medicines; times of difficulties and accidents as times of

freedom and realization; obstacles as liberation; the army of

evil as the guards of the Dharma; difficulties as required for

success; the person who mistreats ones as one's good friend;

one's enemies as an orchard or garden; the act of doing someone

a favor as base as the act of casting away a pair of old shoes;

the abandonment of material possessions as wealth; and being

wrongly accused as the source of strength to work for justice.

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