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The following was published by M on his Aham list. It is

reprinted with permission. (Thank you.) Photos are in the

files section, with the link at the end. Enjoy!








Some of you had wanted to see my home puja (worship)

shrine. The first pic is of the whole puja. If you scan

down to the second picture, you will see that the left side

of the puja has two tiers. The first tier has a picture of

Shri Gurudev. The white container contains kum-kum from

Shanti Mandir. This kum-kum was used during the 9 day

festival of the Devi, the Goddess, called Navratri. The

stones you see are pure crystals. They have been extracted

from a sacred piece of ground, and the only human hands to

handle them to any extent have been mine. They resonate

with the Pure Knowledge of Self, and my personal resonance

as well. They are special and sacred.


On the tier below that contains the representations of Lord

Shiva. The small stone in the front is the Shiva linga.

This linga is very special as well. Given to me by my

father, he said a holy man gave it to him twenty years ago,

and that it was not for him, but he would know who it was

for when the time came. When he handed me the stone, he

said he was the keeper, but I was the one who owned it. It

is a natural linga, the most powerful, with the three lines

of Shiva's three primary acts naturally ingraved on it. It

has a series of unbroken circles which represnent eternity.

It is one of a kind.

The linga represents the formles absolute, Paramashiva.


Behind it lies the Shiva Nataraj or Dancing Shiva. This

represents the world as the dance of the Lord.


The picture of the Devi represents the power of Lord Shiva,

His Divine Shakti that manifests the world process.


Above that is Lord Ganesh, the power of the Lord to remove

obstacles. He is the Lord of categories, residing in the

Muladhara, he is the essence through which all subsequent

attainment in sadhana is possible.


Beside Ganesh is the Divine symbol Om. It represents the

Nada or Shabda, the dynamic essence of the world process.


The third picture contains the heart of the puja. It

contains the pictures of Shri Nityananda, Shri Muktananda,

and Guruji. Below that is another pic of the Bhagavan, and

to either side is a pic of the Bhagavan and Baba Muktananda.


On the left is a brass bucket which holds the hand rolled

incense from India. This stuff is exquisite. Beside the

bucket is a piece of a coconut from a Yagna fire ceremony

conducted by the Brahmin priest at the ashram. After the

incence is burned during arati, it is placed in the piece of

coconut until it is offered up the next day with a coffee

and fruit offering, and is then received as prasad. It is

now holy or sacred ash.


The green container beside that holds more of the kum-kum

from the Navratri celebration. The container was made by my

little girl at school. The brass container beside that

holds ash that has been consecrated and received as prasad.

It is sacred ash.


The bowl is the arati platter which is waved before the puja

during arati.


To the right of the platter is my incence burner. The small

crystal container beside that contains holy water that has

been consecrated. The brass bell is the bell used during

arati. The small shot glass is used to hold the coffee that

is offered up to the Bhagavan.


The shell and coral were gifts given to me by a close yogi

friend Martin. They are from the island of Hawaii.


In front of all of that is my yogi shawl, which I got from

Shanti Mandir. It was present for many arati ceremonies in

front of the Bhagavan murti at the ashram, as well as many

ceremonies in front of the Muktananda puja. It was also

used for a yagna fire ceremony. Guruji personally held and

blessed the shawl, as well as the Shiva Nataraj.


To the far left of all of this is my white asana used for

sitting during my devotionals. You can also see a few texts

and some devotional tapes.


I hope you have enjoyed sharing with my my very special and

personal home puja shrine.































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