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Is is phony or what?

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Wed, 5 Jan 2000 19:23:11 EST


Re: RE:[NondualitySalon] Is it phony or what?


In a message dated 1/5/00 6:53:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

hluthar writes:


<< So what's my point? Nothing holds. Reality is not to be

found in Satsang with all its good feeling and relaxation

and mellowness and truth. Reality is not found. It is

known to be here and now. You see.




Dear Jerry:


Yes, but you are being here and now by way of the

Satsangh...and you wouldn't appreciate the realness of this

all, in the heartfelt way you do, except that you did listen

to Vartman bore you to tears.


So, each pebble in the road still makes your walk the way it



Reality? I really do not much value reality anymore...I

have had so much of it lately. I much prefer the gentle

delights of kindly exchanges with people I choose to see as

more wonderful and more perfect than they really are. And

as long as I view them in this loving and ideal way, it's

funny how often they approach this ideal.


Of course, I am completely mad, and should not be listened

to at all. My words are always the uncomfortable rebellion

behind the clouds of unknowing, through the glass darkly and

giggling wildly behind the saffron robes of quiet



Love & Blessings,




Yes, Zenbob, I hear what you're saying. True.


Hey, I love your pictures in the files section, by the way.

Are they really you? Talk about photos and reality, valuing

reality: I might value something like photos, but not

reality. How can reality be valued? How can God or

consciousness or the unchanging be valued? If God could be

perverted, that must be the way, through valuing, for then

worth, meaning or import are being assigned.



























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In a message dated 1/6/00 2:51:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,

umbada writes:


<< Hey, I love your pictures in the files section, by the way.

Are they really you? Talk about photos and reality, valuing

reality: I might value something like photos, but not

reality. How can reality be valued? How can God or

consciousness or the unchanging be valued? If God could be

perverted, that must be the way, through valuing, for then

worth, meaning or import are being assigned.


Jerry >>

Dear Jerry:


I fear they are actual photos of my likeness, whatever that represents. Of

course, "they" are not "me"...I have yet to fully understand what "me"

actually and totally is. I am intrigued with your comments on valuing. You

may be quite correct. I have not, per se, considered this before...in this

light. As I do ponder this, it seems strangely ever more true. In valuing,

we seek to raise one thing over another...when all things are necessarily

interdependent upon one another (holographically speaking) in order to have

the exact existence that they do. Of course, I think we all act with

discretion, to choose things we prefer, like or find of finer quality than

other things. That's also valuing...it's also quality control (LOL), and it

does make a difference...as anyone who buys cars, wines, clothing, etc., can

discern...and there are good and bad doctors...in the sense that some are

skilled and careful (discretion again) and some are not.

But in the sense that we seek to value the infinite or God, we do a grave

disservice to all that is implied by such a Cosmic Existence. You have hit

the nail and the nail screams. Valuing God is like trying to value the beach

without giving praise to the ocean. One cannot value God and reject the

universe, or any part thereof. When I hear people get frenzied over the "bad

things" in the world, including people who are cruel or merciless, I remind

them that such actions do harm, of course, but that they are inexorably

linked to all that is perceived as valuable and good, too. Finally, for

those who profess a deep Christian faith based on the Will of God, Creation,

etc., I always ask, "if this person or event is so terrible in the greater

scheme of things...why then does God ordain it? Why does God watch the

sparrow fall, but not intervene? From a Christian perspective, all evil

deeds that are "allowed" existence...by definition then are part of God's

Master Plan...despite our ignorance and personal abhorrence of the deed or

evil doer. My view is that just as most creatures live on the deaths of

others to survive, any creator or creative intelligence responsible for the

design of the earth cannot hold our same moral precepts to heart. Such an

intelligence must know that competition and struggle are the necessary

ingredients for the development of intelligence by living things...and even

the evolvement into creatures that can discern compassion and love despite

the struggles. So all is interlinked, interdependent and part of a greater

harmony. As Buddhists believe, I too share the ideal that by virtue of our

mental development and ability to discern right action from wrong actions, we

evolve ourselves to a point of being able to transcend the cycle of life and

death, birth and rebirth...if we so choose. I am not sure if there is any

particular superiority in NOT being reborn, as opposed to being reborn. We

should remember that Bodhisattvas are pretty darn evolved and choose

willingly to be born again in order to teach or help others achieve

enlightenment. To seek to avoid rebirth, is a sort of failure of

compassion...an ultimate selfish act of personal indulgence. I could not

really respect such a soul...those who choose to stay in the action seem more

worthy to me.


Of course, I have no grievance with those who might take a long vacation from

rebirth and recharge their cosmic batteries, a bit.


Blessings & Love,



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