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Michael/Just One Moment

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Thanks for these thoughtful words,

and your contribution of awareness, Michael.


The Present has no mother or father.

The Present Alone is.

The past and future are the Present,

merely conceptualized in terms of a "perspective".

The Present in and of itself is "perspectiveless".

Thus, It is unknowable.

It can be said, "I am unknowable."

It can be said, "There is no one to know Me".

The Present has no separate "me's" in it,

no separated objects. Thus, the apparent

perception from various "perspectives" isn't

really perception at all. Perspectives

are a fight against awareness in an attempt to

have an existence that can't be had. The

reason no separate existence can be had is

that only Presentness is. Perception is "really"

always perspectiveless, the perceiver is always

what is perceived.


The belief that there is

a separated observer is maintained at a huge

cost of wasted energy and counterproductive

maneuvering. The Present, awareness exactly

as it is this moment, is the ending of this

wasted energy, the energy to gain something

in the future, or get away from something in

the past, or to perpetuate the past in the present.


-- Love -- Dan

>Just One Moment:


The present moment is a child of the past moment.

The future moment is the child of the present moment.

Yet, the present moment has no parent nor can it have a child.

The present moment is always producing itself.

Before I can say " I am a child of the past moment",

I have become the past moment itself.

I am no longer the present moment, I am the future moment.

Thus, the past, the present and the future moment is

one ever living, ever lasting, eternal trinity of,

Just One Moment.


Life changes in each moment.

This moment is very different from the previous moment,

although it may appear the same or similar.

Accepting that life changes moment by moment

allows me to relax into the moment by moment flow of life.

I am an integral part of

Just One Moment

because I am here now.

Where else could I be?



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