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Dan: Interbeing (as I've typically heard Thich Naht Hahn translated

into English) means that no thing exists on its own. This is a

restatement of the Buddhist teaching of dependent origination,

sometimes termed "interdependent origination". Therefore,

no thing exists as a separate thing. At the same time, the appearance

of different qualities can arise with no difficulty, although

these appareances and qualities are actually in constant flux

if observed closely. So what is it that is existing in

"interbeing"? Not a thing can be said to be existing,

as anything that is named is dependent on other things existing,

into infinity. So who is the "you" who has "your pain" and the


who has "my pain"? These entities, according to

"interbeing", aren't there in any sense as a discreet entity. The

sensation of pain arises, but no one "has" it.


Empathy is a

resonation of vibration, not a feeling-state of one separate

entity toward another. There is pain "over there" and pleasure

"over here" - but whose pain and pleasure is it? The apprehension

of interbeing leads to an unimaginable and unspeakable Infinity that

is capable of indefinite flux and eternal stillness simultaneously.

In the midst of this Infinity, you and I converse, words emanating

from "here" are heard "there" and vice versa. The Void is alive

and resonating. It is indeed a marvelous unbounded symphony

in which every note has its place in the song, and the song

arises as a simultaneous unsplit melody, every "this" resonating

with every "that".


-- Love -- Dan





At 03:25 PM 1/7/00 -0500, you wrote:

>Dear Antoine:


>Despite the difficulties of translation, this stands as a very perceptive

>view of reality.


>Inter-Existence is the fundamental key. We would not exist if dinosaurs had

>not existed. We would not breathe if volcanos had not erupted or plants

>evolved. Plants could not propagate without insects...etc.


>All is not literally "one" but in a state of mutual inter-existence. It is

>important to make the distinction, because people often naively begin to


>into the solipsistic trap of saying that "everyone is God" and therefore "I

>am God." Although this is usually somewhat harmless, it falls far short of

>complete understanding and often, sadly, gives individuals a very inflated

>sense of their individual attainment. Sure, we are all connected, but if


>cut your toe, I do not bleed. Your pain is not my pain, no matter how

much I

>may empathize with you...and vice-versa.


>But since we are all but wave lengths tuned to various frequencies, singing

>our own special songs, to a creature who could perceive all of these vast

>harmonics, the universe and all in it would appear as if it were some

>incredibly vast orchestra of light and vibration...notes harmonizing and

>impinging upon one another...creating a majestic symphony of eternal light.


>In this dance of cosmic vibration, who would dare attempt to strike out a

>note, or deem a tone useless or evil? Cosmic enlightenment really means for

>us to be able to see this harmony of light and to indulge in the beauty and

>love contained in it. This precious gift given to us to have perception and

>to imagine this universe, that is the rare and delightful thing that we must

>always cherish.


>Blessings, Love,




>Blissfully glowing in the cosmic ocean, waterlogged as usual.


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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to



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And all of this empathy can only happen in the

present moment experience of I am.

All these words to get back to now.

It's no wonder we all get confused...

all of us intellectual types...-:)




At 09:38 AM 1/8/00 -0500, you wrote:

>"Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd


>Dan: Interbeing (as I've typically heard Thich Naht Hahn translated

> into English) means that no thing exists on its own. This is a

> restatement of the Buddhist teaching of dependent origination,

> sometimes termed "interdependent origination". Therefore,

> no thing exists as a separate thing. At the same time, the appearance

> of different qualities can arise with no difficulty, although

> these appareances and qualities are actually in constant flux

> if observed closely. So what is it that is existing in

> "interbeing"? Not a thing can be said to be existing,

> as anything that is named is dependent on other things existing,

> into infinity. So who is the "you" who has "your pain" and the


> who has "my pain"? These entities, according to

> "interbeing", aren't there in any sense as a discreet entity. The

> sensation of pain arises, but no one "has" it.


> Empathy is a

> resonation of vibration, not a feeling-state of one separate

> entity toward another. There is pain "over there" and pleasure

> "over here" - but whose pain and pleasure is it? The apprehension

> of interbeing leads to an unimaginable and unspeakable Infinity that

> is capable of indefinite flux and eternal stillness simultaneously.

> In the midst of this Infinity, you and I converse, words emanating

> from "here" are heard "there" and vice versa. The Void is alive

> and resonating. It is indeed a marvelous unbounded symphony

> in which every note has its place in the song, and the song

> arises as a simultaneous unsplit melody, every "this" resonating

> with every "that".


> -- Love -- Dan





>At 03:25 PM 1/7/00 -0500, you wrote:

>>Dear Antoine:


>>Despite the difficulties of translation, this stands as a very perceptive

>>view of reality.


>>Inter-Existence is the fundamental key. We would not exist if dinosaurs had

>>not existed. We would not breathe if volcanos had not erupted or plants

>>evolved. Plants could not propagate without insects...etc.


>>All is not literally "one" but in a state of mutual inter-existence. It is

>>important to make the distinction, because people often naively begin to


>>into the solipsistic trap of saying that "everyone is God" and therefore "I

>>am God." Although this is usually somewhat harmless, it falls far short of

>>complete understanding and often, sadly, gives individuals a very inflated

>>sense of their individual attainment. Sure, we are all connected, but if


>>cut your toe, I do not bleed. Your pain is not my pain, no matter how

>much I

>>may empathize with you...and vice-versa.


>>But since we are all but wave lengths tuned to various frequencies, singing

>>our own special songs, to a creature who could perceive all of these vast

>>harmonics, the universe and all in it would appear as if it were some

>>incredibly vast orchestra of light and vibration...notes harmonizing and

>>impinging upon one another...creating a majestic symphony of eternal light.


>>In this dance of cosmic vibration, who would dare attempt to strike out a

>>note, or deem a tone useless or evil? Cosmic enlightenment really means for

>>us to be able to see this harmony of light and to indulge in the beauty and

>>love contained in it. This precious gift given to us to have perception and

>>to imagine this universe, that is the rare and delightful thing that we must

>>always cherish.


>>Blessings, Love,




>>Blissfully glowing in the cosmic ocean, waterlogged as usual.


>>--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------


>>Get great offers on top-notch products that match your interests!

>>Sign up for eLerts at:

>><a href=" http://clickme./ad/elerts1 ">Click Here</a>




>>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

>perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

>back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

>the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

>Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

>Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

>of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

>spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to





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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.



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