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Dan/no head above my own

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At 11:36 AM 1/8/00 -0500, you wrote:

>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


>"Dan Berkow, PhD" wrote:


>> Dan: I'll put no head above my own, as my intuition and awareness arise

directly from Truth. No mediator

>> necessary, no interpreter required.


>Beautifully stated Danji!


>Will you all indulge me one more time?


>Once I was sitting in my teacher's house and we were talking. I said with

seriousness, confidence, and

>determination, "Gurudev, I want to attain the Highest Absolute State. I know I

can do it. All of a sudden my

>teacher got up from his seat and bowed to me! I was quite shocked.


>Indeed, the Truth is always seen without a mediator and an interpreter. A

genuine sage indicates that with every

>breath and smile. That Thou Are!




What is the way to seeing past feelings and emotions

which arise as a result of conditioned reactive behavior?

Just when I think, I've got it....life says no, Michael...

and I react to someone or something with anger...


I practice deep breathing and this seems to help.

My worst times for feelings to overtake me is during my

sleep, which tells me that I still have some deep seated

beliefs or thoughts that come are in reality with me all the



Your thoughts, words and concepts are appreciated.



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In a message dated 01/09/2000 9:17:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mdjinc writes:

> I am at a place of wanting to be spontaneous,

> instead of reactionary.


Life takes practice. Like my daddy always seemed to say when we wanted to

learn anything, 'practice, practice, practice - practice makes perfect.'

Even on this spiritual path, those words of wisdom come in quite handy. I

get angry over some big or little thing, and I practice going within before

reacting -- or even going within after I reacted -- it doesn't matter. In

the beginning, it might have taken me months of being angry, before I did

this. Then as I began practicing turning within for all my angers, the time

spent being angry lessened before I remembered to turn within. It might be a

few weeks, then a week, then a few days, then a day, then hours, then

minutes. Many times it is immediate now. And I've noticed what used to make

me angry, doesn't anymore. It is now something to laugh about, or spend time

giving love to another, instead of demanding they give me love by giving them

anger in return.


Do I still get angry? Of course! But as we tune in to the moment, the

moments grow closer, and peace is able to continue as we open up and say "I

AM angry! But I am willing to see the Truth instead" as we go within.


I was very angry the other day when someone actually offered something very

loving and kind to me. I knew their intentions were good. I couldn't figure

out why this hit me so. I immediately went within to see the truth, and what

I saw was that the person was giving me a way to receive something I did not

want, but thought I did. My anger was at first directed outwards towards

another for a reason that seemed obvious at the time, but when I looked

closer, it was at myself for almost making making a choice that was not right

for me. The anger literally clarified things when I sought the Truth. In

this sense, the anger was welcome and can be a good thing!




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On anger ... it is always based in fear, it sometimes takes some work

to discover exactly what the fear is. During Christmas, I went shopping with

Nicolas, and he got lost. I was absolutely terrified, he's much too good

looking for his own good. Finally, I found him and by this time I was very

angry, but it was my fear (he's 7). So, I breathed very deeply to regain my

composure and then kneeled down and explained, "Mommy is very scared if you

get lost, what if someone takes you home?"


Nicolas says, "that's okay, then I meet some new people" and

he grins, he loves meeting new people.


It is impossible to explain to Nicolas that there are bad people in the

world. I cannot do it without being very clear and I don't want to tell him

so young what terrible things can happen, and he is so trusting and loving of

everyone. So, I tell him that not everyone

is nice and he looks at me like I am nuts.


Anyway, I manage to explain, but the point is that the anger is always based

in fear, and with practice, exactly what the fear is instantly surfaces so

that I can look at it, identify and then pray for guidance on how to resolve,

or ask for insight. This has been very

useful to me as a tool to create space and serenity within me.



~ bo ~

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"Michael D. Johnson" wrote:

> What is the way to seeing past feelings and emotions

> which arise as a result of conditioned reactive behavior?

> Just when I think, I've got it....life says no, Michael...

> and I react to someone or something with anger...

> fear...etc.

> I practice deep breathing and this seems to help.

> My worst times for feelings to overtake me is during my

> sleep, which tells me that I still have some deep seated

> beliefs or thoughts that come are in reality with me all the

> time.


> Your thoughts, words and concepts are appreciated.


> Michael



Respectfully Michael, you might be assuming that my thoughts, words, and

concepts are outside of conditioned behavior. Action and reaction (anger, fear,

and all that) are signs of life it seems. The essential human dilemma appears to

be that we are where we are and there is somewhere else we would rather be (in

terms of mental state of clarity, happiness, etc., or physical state, or

financial state......). And that is okay. We can accept that as okay and to this

root feeling of a gap, the sages say, bring the awareness of I AM. Forgetting

about one's shortcomings, one should

continuously feel and intuit the subtle feeling/awareness I AM. Have you read

any of the conversations with Ramana Maharshi? His teachings and instructions

and grace have been a great help for me.


Deep breathing and exercise and diet are all good for the mind and body.

Satsanga (company of spiritual people) and meditation on the truth of the Self

are said to be both transformative and integrative of different levels of mind

and facilitate transcending and the Direct Seeing. There are many knowledgeable

and experienced people here who can give further insights.



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At 08:16 AM 1/9/00 -0500, you wrote:

>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


>"Michael D. Johnson" wrote:


>> What is the way to seeing past feelings and emotions

>> which arise as a result of conditioned reactive behavior?

>> Just when I think, I've got it....life says no, Michael...

>> and I react to someone or something with anger...

>> fear...etc.

>> I practice deep breathing and this seems to help.

>> My worst times for feelings to overtake me is during my

>> sleep, which tells me that I still have some deep seated

>> beliefs or thoughts that come are in reality with me all the

>> time.


>> Your thoughts, words and concepts are appreciated.


>> Michael



>Respectfully Michael, you might be assuming that my thoughts, words, and

concepts are outside of conditioned behavior. Action and reaction (anger, fear,

and all that) are signs of life it seems. The essential human dilemma appears to

be that we are where we are and there is somewhere else we would rather be (in

terms of mental state of clarity, happiness, etc., or physical state, or

financial state......). And that is okay. We can accept that as okay and to this

root feeling of a gap, the sages say, bring the awareness of I AM. Forgetting

about one's shortcomings, one should

>continuously feel and intuit the subtle feeling/awareness I AM. Have you read

any of the conversations with Ramana Maharshi? His teachings and instructions

and grace have been a great help for me.


>Deep breathing and exercise and diet are all good for the mind and body.

Satsanga (company of spiritual people) and meditation on the truth of the Self

are said to be both transformative and integrative of different levels of mind

and facilitate transcending and the Direct Seeing. There are many knowledgeable

and experienced people here who can give further insights.




Thank You Harsha:


Your response is exactly what I needed, wanted to hear.


I am at a place of wanting to be spontaneous,

instead of reactionary.



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In a message dated 01/09/2000 3:42:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mdjinc writes:








The four stages of feelings.

The first three are optional. :)




Laughing how about:







Everything is optional, except love it is forever ... to me

the path to Divine... like the cosmos breathing joy,

a waterfall of color and music, which note to ride,

on the rainbow in the sky... water, air, fire, ... ah *g*

the question being does the rainbow land... eh?



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The root of anger is fear and rejection,

of myself. All I want....all anyone wants,

is to be accepted, acknowledged and

heard. If I am rejecting my own feelings,

then I will reject yours. I can't give you

what I don't own. Getting to know and

love myself...just the way I am...not how

I picture myself in my mind...is the beginning

of peace for me and for those around me.




At 10:37 AM 1/9/00 EST, you wrote:



>In a message dated 01/09/2000 9:17:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>mdjinc writes:


>> I am at a place of wanting to be spontaneous,

>> instead of reactionary.


>Life takes practice. Like my daddy always seemed to say when we wanted to

>learn anything, 'practice, practice, practice - practice makes perfect.'

>Even on this spiritual path, those words of wisdom come in quite handy. I

>get angry over some big or little thing, and I practice going within before

>reacting -- or even going within after I reacted -- it doesn't matter. In

>the beginning, it might have taken me months of being angry, before I did

>this. Then as I began practicing turning within for all my angers, the time

>spent being angry lessened before I remembered to turn within. It might be a

>few weeks, then a week, then a few days, then a day, then hours, then

>minutes. Many times it is immediate now. And I've noticed what used to make

>me angry, doesn't anymore. It is now something to laugh about, or spend time

>giving love to another, instead of demanding they give me love by giving them

>anger in return.


>Do I still get angry? Of course! But as we tune in to the moment, the

>moments grow closer, and peace is able to continue as we open up and say "I

>AM angry! But I am willing to see the Truth instead" as we go within.


>I was very angry the other day when someone actually offered something very

>loving and kind to me. I knew their intentions were good. I couldn't figure

>out why this hit me so. I immediately went within to see the truth, and what

>I saw was that the person was giving me a way to receive something I did not

>want, but thought I did. My anger was at first directed outwards towards

>another for a reason that seemed obvious at the time, but when I looked

>closer, it was at myself for almost making making a choice that was not right

>for me. The anger literally clarified things when I sought the Truth. In

>this sense, the anger was welcome and can be a good thing!









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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.



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The four stages of feelings.

The first three are optional. :)




At 11:37 AM 1/9/00 EST, you wrote:





>On anger ... it is always based in fear, it sometimes takes some work

>to discover exactly what the fear is. During Christmas, I went shopping with

>Nicolas, and he got lost. I was absolutely terrified, he's much too good

>looking for his own good. Finally, I found him and by this time I was very

>angry, but it was my fear (he's 7). So, I breathed very deeply to regain my

>composure and then kneeled down and explained, "Mommy is very scared if you

>get lost, what if someone takes you home?"


>Nicolas says, "that's okay, then I meet some new people" and

>he grins, he loves meeting new people.


>It is impossible to explain to Nicolas that there are bad people in the

>world. I cannot do it without being very clear and I don't want to tell him

>so young what terrible things can happen, and he is so trusting and loving of

>everyone. So, I tell him that not everyone

>is nice and he looks at me like I am nuts.


>Anyway, I manage to explain, but the point is that the anger is always based

>in fear, and with practice, exactly what the fear is instantly surfaces so

>that I can look at it, identify and then pray for guidance on how to resolve,

>or ask for insight. This has been very

>useful to me as a tool to create space and serenity within me.



> ~ bo ~


>--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------



>Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in

>forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons!

> <a href=" http://clickme./ad/gator4 ">Click Here</a>




>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.



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At 04:01 PM 1/9/00 EST, you wrote:



>In a message dated 01/09/2000 3:42:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>mdjinc writes:



> Denial

> Anger

> Depression

> Acceptance


> The four stages of feelings.

> The first three are optional. :)


> Michael


> >>

>Laughing how about:







>Everything is optional, except love it is forever ... to me

>the path to Divine... like the cosmos breathing joy,

>a waterfall of color and music, which note to ride,

>on the rainbow in the sky... water, air, fire, ... ah *g*

>the question being does the rainbow land... eh?








Why not just go for the Bliss Now.

Knowledge and consciousness are

sure to follow....or maybe they are

already here....now.

Where else could they be? :)



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