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A Dream

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Harsha wrote:


The Truth is Simple. It is found in just letting go and being who you

are without reservation. To be overly attached to concepts, any

concepts, is to be enslaved by them.


Whether it is the concept of enlightenment or competition or attraction

of followers, etc., what difference can it make. One who is lost in the

jungle of concepts runs away from simplicity of their own self as it

undermines their perceived identity. Truly, Simplicity of Self as Pure

Being cannot be overwhelmed. It is It Self Eternally Overwhelming.

- - - - - - -

Reading these words brought to mind a dream I had last week. One

message I took from it was fundamentally what Harsha says here.


In this dream I'm in the basement of a hospital, and as a new nurse I am

given an infant to care for. This infant is in great distress, as it's

cranium seems to be on the verge of exploding with pressure. As I try

to comfort the child a top neurosurgeon that I know "drops by" to see

"how things are going" with my new job. I show him the child and

without words he takes out a fine tool, a long, sharp steel implement

and runs it through the infant's skull.


I know that the infant's life has just been saved. But the doctor is in

some trouble with the administration. It seems that "proper procedure"

has not been followed (no sterile operating room, etc.). I protest that

the child would have died without this intervention, but there is a

professional censure placed on the specialist.


He isn't happy with this, but has no plans to change his behaviour. In

fact, as we are walking later he discusses with me the fact that this

procedure, while necessary, may have caused a difficulty with the

infant's hearing. The difficulty is correctable, and he proposes to

undertake it now as it is more painful as the child gets older. I say

"Well, I'll leave that up to you and the parents", because as a new

practitioner, there is less latitude for me to operate outside of the

rules. The doctor becomes angry with my lack of courage to support what

is right, and leaves me. A very large black bird is behind me for

awhile, and then flys off suddenly in the direction of this doctor,

dropping an inordinate amount of water from it's feathers.


I woke from this dream remembering more details than I usually do. I

think it has significance for me in more ways than one. What this

significance is exactly...any thoughts?


Just wanted to share with all of you.


I've been reading highlights lately, as the volume of traffic is high,

and I'm preparing to return to work gradually after a nine month leave

of absence due to depression/stress.


Love to you all,



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Hi Lynne,

>In this dream I'm in the basement of a hospital, and as a new nurse I am

>given an infant to care for. This infant is in great distress, as it's

>cranium seems to be on the verge of exploding with pressure. As I try

>to comfort the child a top neurosurgeon that I know "drops by" to see

>"how things are going" with my new job. I show him the child and

>without words he takes out a fine tool, a long, sharp steel implement

>and runs it through the infant's skull.


In dreams a building often symbolizes your body and all levels of you.

Here you are at base level or maybe subconscious... in K. terms, maybe

root chakra. Unless this all relates to someone you're working with, I

would take the infant to be you or something new that has fairly recently

been born in you. There's a problem with K... not all chakras are open,

K. is blocked, and the pressure is severe. The doctor opens one or more

chakras in the head (do you remember exactly where the tool went in?) and

thus relieves the pressure. This means that the K. can now go all the way

up and out crown chakra, I would think.


I don't know anything about you... what your recent history with K. work

and teachers has been. It seems that either 1) this blockage and pressure

has been responsible for your depression and it has now been relieved, so

you are free to progress... or 2) the unorthodox or "improper" - maybe too

rapid? - opening of the head center(s) had the side effect of blocking your

higher hearing, and that lead to your depression. If it's 1), then there

may be a temporary problem with your higher hearing. Either way, the

doctor - your spiritual guru, I suppose - now proposes to correct the

hearing problem... to open your higher hearing.




>I know that the infant's life has just been saved. But the doctor is in

>some trouble with the administration. It seems that "proper procedure"

>has not been followed (no sterile operating room, etc.). I protest that

>the child would have died without this intervention, but there is a

>professional censure placed on the specialist.


>He isn't happy with this, but has no plans to change his behaviour. In

>fact, as we are walking later he discusses with me the fact that this

>procedure, while necessary, may have caused a difficulty with the

>infant's hearing. The difficulty is correctable, and he proposes to

>undertake it now as it is more painful as the child gets older. I say

>"Well, I'll leave that up to you and the parents", because as a new

>practitioner, there is less latitude for me to operate outside of the

>rules. The doctor becomes angry with my lack of courage to support what

>is right, and leaves me. A very large black bird is behind me for

>awhile, and then flys off suddenly in the direction of this doctor,

>dropping an inordinate amount of water from it's feathers.

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