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Entropy and Love

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In a message dated 01/10/2000 3:33:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ZEN2WRK writes:


<< Dear Rainbo:


...lovely comments. I fear there is entropy, however, because my clocks


down if I dont wind them...and my battery operated ones keep hungrily

demanding new batteries.



Dear Bob,


I believe we've a different perspective or understanding

of the principle of Entropy one that I understand as a move-

ment towards Chaos on the part of the Universe, such as a

mutation as an example, this then being "good," "bad," or

"indifferent." Judgement then always being a part of our

own human perspective ...


But I would postulate that Entropy only exists

from our limited human perspective incapable of seeing

the much greater vast Universe or Cosmos which in which

Divine *sees* *creates* *breathes* IS.


But your email has actually caused me to reflect quite alot

on the circular movement of atoms, the earth, the galaxy,

of our birth, death, rebirth, the movement of nitrogen,

N2 > N02 > NO3 > NO4 > N2 (Gads, Jan is showing up on

my eyes to correct me *g*, is quite okay if i'm wrong and

you let me know) ... anyway, this which you mentioned, but

which seems to me a different principle although it could be

put to that category ... the question inherent in whichever

way it stands is: "If Entropy is a clear principle, then why does

the entire galaxy not fall to Chaos instantly?"


My response has been that it's Einstein's GUT theory or in

other words, more metaphysical or mystical words that it

is because of Divine Will and Divine Love, and that of

course, Divine *sees* and our limited idiot savant ability

to see only one small piece of logic in a much vaster whole

leads us to work with our limited equations and theories

such as Entropy ... for example although some concepts

are understood intellectually, we or I, don't really "get" IT

until it's an energetic understanding which is entirely different,





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In a message dated 01/11/2000 12:03:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

carrea writes:



So if i understand you correctly, one day humanity will come to see,

understand and experience, from a point a view, than in fact nothing

really changes, the "equilibrium" of maximum entropy is already reached.

And it is only our "point of view" that as been changing?>>


Actually, dear Antoine, this perspective had not occurred to me, there

seems to be much laughter in all our questions this morning ... but,

yes, this perspective would work as perhaps we view a crystal sculpture,

in one time the Sun reflects perhaps a blue ray of light, and later in the

day a pink Ray, and perhaps at night glistens from the Moon, so, that

all of our perspectives are valid, we are just viewing now or later or

standing so that we cannot contain with our eyes the same 360d view

that Divine has ... which leads back into the perspective I was illuminating,

that we have limited vision, and Divine does not have limited Vision and

our understandings sometimes come as by Grace ... :-)


<<And the principle that makes us "think, believe, or else" that things

are effectively changing from an "objective" point of view would be

Minimum entropy (Enthalpy).>>


That is interesting ... leading then Enthalpically into the Still Point ...

are then there no colors or all colors in the Still Point ... or is

the Void the place of no color ...it is afterall the subtleties of the

play of light and music and poetry which bring to us all so much

de~light .


Who knows?





I don't know *g*


Anna Maria

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« the question inherent in whichever way it stands is: "If Entropy is a

clear principle, then why does the entire galaxy not fall to Chaos

instantly?" »


Hello dear Rainbow,


This question is interesting, as it can come to as "why is there

change", why is not total equilibrium not reached instantly, why is

there time. Maximum entropy being defined in thermodynamics as when

there is perfect equilibrium between the outside and the inside of a

system. In other words when a sub system becomes part, melts, with the

containing system.


In the big bang system, it comes to asking why does it take time for the

universe to expand to its state of equilibrium?.


« My response has been that it's Einstein's GUT theory or in other

words, more metaphysical or mystical words that it is because of Divine

Will and Divine Love, and that of course, Divine *sees* and our limited

idiot savant ability to see only one small piece of logic in a much

vaster whole leads us to work with our limited equations and theories

such as Entropy ... for example although some concepts are understood

intellectually, we or I, don't really "get" IT until it's an energetic

understanding which is entirely different, yes? »


So if i understand you correctly, one day humanity will come to see,

understand and experience, from a point a view, than in fact nothing

really changes, the "equilibrium" of maximum entropy is already reached.

And it is only our "point of view" that as been changing?


And the principle that makes us "think, believe, or else" that things

are effectively changing from an "objective" point of view would be

Minimum entropy (Enthalpy).


Who knows?



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In a message dated 01/12/2000 10:48:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

carrea writes:


<< RainboLily

Re: Re: Entropy and Love


Who knows?


« I don't know *g*


Anna Maria »


I will reflect on that.




Water Reflections in Air


Rainbos of Light

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