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Guru's and Controversy

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I've been monitoring the dialogues on Teachers and their respective negative

side effects, hence my reaction.

There was a point in my life, when I used to measure the degree of

enlightenment of a teacher by his level of saintly behavior (I still

believed that enlightenment was something that could be measured). This

judgement on "how an enlightened teacher should behave" was one of the major

barriers that I had put up against truly understanding what they were trying

to convey. It took time to realize, that enlightenment has nothing to do

with good-acceptable-saintly behavior. It took time to realize, that the way

I experience their behavior depends on my judgement, and that my judgement

is only a relative understanding, based on what I have come to like and


I spent many years with a teacher, who, in his way, used to point me

relentlessly to the truth of who I am. This teacher, Maharaji, has many

enemies and is involved in quite a number of controversial issues (regarding

money - estates - women, there are entire web sites dedicated to his


Being within an organization, one tends to disregard those issues, because

one wants a Perfect teacher (in other words: one wants a teacher that

behaves according to ones concept of what Perfect is). Outside an

organization, one tends to overlook the value of what is being taught.

My devotion to my teacher, was based on the concept that 'he knew' and 'I

didnt know, but needed to be reminded'. So there he was, reminding me over

and over. Until one day I had enough of being satisfied with ignorance, and

someone else knowing for me. The urge to truly understand for myself, first

hand, what this life was all about, came like a huge and unexpected fire. I

saw myself confronted with choice, true choice: to either remain an ignorant

unsatisfied disciple, or find out the truth.

Then all preconceived ideas about "levels of enlightenment" and "saintly

behavior" and "how it all should be" just burned up. I never realized it was

as simple as that. Simply questioning ALL assumptions, that I had taken to

be true.

Now what about my controversial teacher? Of course, "in my opinion" he could

have done better, or his teaching could be simpeler, or he could

be.......... etc.

But what has really happened?

Aren't I exactly where I should be?

To me, inspite his limited teaching, he was the best teacher in the whole

world. And if it makes him happy to own money and estates and women, what

does that truly have to do with his value as a teacher? Then what have I

really understood here?

As far as actual abuse and malpractice goes, I take it as unacceptable to

intentionally harm a fellow human being. "In my opinion" this is inexcusable

and unnecessary, regardless if one is wearing the label of teacher (or

father, or neighbour).

Thanks for your input Sarlo, Dan and Harsha.



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