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Thought this was a beautiful and compassionate jewel worth sharing.


And, had this great job land in my lap today which convinced me beyond

doubt that God ~ Goddess, does have a fabulous sense of humor.



~ bo ~


Message: 1

Mon, 17 Jan 2000 07:46:32 -0500

claude laurent <Laurent_Claude_3





=== ======







To be in incarnation is to be part of a collective consensus focused

upon forgetfulness. The basis upon which all other fear states can

exist evolves out of this *belief* that there could be Separation from

Divinity and from our Mother/Father Creators God and Spirit.


This thought of separation leads us to believe we have being only

within the illusion. Our focus of irrational attention upon the finite --

form, time, space and distance -- has taken us into the depths of a

collective insanity which has magnetized so much fascination

throughout the universe upon it.


In separation/forgetfulness the Divine exists as an unattainable

"something." We believe it has existence in a realm unknowable,

beyond any possible or achievable connection. Separation is that

primal fear of invisibility, a self-denial of the absolute essence of

Godness we are.


This focus and creation of dis-integrated and polarized thoughts into

thought-forms has given rise to substantiation of every possible kind of

division and divisiveness. Our belief systems further devolved into

exclusionary principalities of acceptable/unacceptable; good/bad -- a

set of responses that conditioned us to a non-reality that has taken us

into the deepest separation of all -- the inability to love, honor,

cherish, value and respect ourselves, each other, the planet. .


This separation, this belief that we could be anything but Divine as we

encumber ourselves with blockages to the flow of love in our unhealed

states is called the Veils of Illusion. On the incarnated side of the

Veils we fail to see, know and remember ourselves as part of the

connectivity of All Life. We do not recognize our multi-dimensional

self-creation in the astral planes/realms of light. In forgetfulness, we

lose sight of existence as evolving consciousness self-creating, re-

integrating to wholeness, perfection and completion across the



Our voluntary and self-imposed explosion of consciousness into the

illusion of forgetfulness has left us adrift in the breakers of illusion.

The longer we have chosen to stay within the confines and restrictions

of the lower dimensions of incarnation, the greater the depths of the

illusion of suffering/struggle/sorrow/hardship/darkness we have

experienced and continue to experience.


The primal belief system of forgetfulness has bred religion, science,

technology, "traditional" medicine, urbanity and the delusion of

human beings as regents/monarchs supreme above all life forms and

the planet. The insidiousness of this fear-based mindset entraps us

within its confines and we agree to accept its tenets, disallowing a

higher metaphysical reality to which a planetary majority point with

mistrust, derision, disdain.


The collective consensus which is this universe is one whole fabric, a

webwork of connectivity. It is one entire whole, perfect and complete

thought of unconditionality/consciousness/awareness evolving

everywhere simultaneously.


We exist within this cohesive web of extraordinary, interdependent

coherent relationship and relatedness in which unconditionality is the

essential, primal power and reality. We are atoms that have split into

myriads of possibility, now reconverging beneath the force and power

of love, developing and coalescing into Oneness in this sea filled with

Divine essence.


Every part, possibility, thought, creation, manifestation is filled with

the Life Force of unconditionality/consciousness/awareness. Every

particle and the greater spaces between them is consciousness.

Form, time, space and distance are merely relative components we

place upon love to provide us with the self-created panorama of

thought-forms through which we work our myths, mysteries and

magicks of forgetfulness to achieve self-remembering.


The Heart and Mind of the God of this universe is a radiance of

purified unconditionality/consciousness that fills this thought for

Being with its Divine Essence. Everything within it exists as a

holographic creation and function of that Spiritual/God consciousness

for creator and creation are One.


The form of love is light. The form of consciousness as thought is as

lines of light. We can begin to understand the connection of All Being

by using our imaginations to see the universe filled, criss-crossed with

lines of highly vibrating, refined, rarified light that are the template

upon which thought begins to manifest as form. Even in the very acts

of creating the physical, the "stuff" and acts of bringing

unconditionality into density are as One.


Each creation of the Heart and Mind of God is imbued with a very

special uniqueness that gives rise to extraordinary innovations of

perception manifesting as creation. It is the beauty of this entire

thought for creation through illusion that individual awareness is yet

completely connected with and has the innate ability to know and be

the unlimited potential of the entirety through its personal evolution

from dense unconsciousness to Godness.


As we gather in the universal reality of unconditional love to

potentialize and manifest our personal universes in concert with every

other evolving being and with God, so do we learn to become that

God. Our personal universes -- holographic repetitions of the original

creation that spawned us -- are also an assemblage of thoughts created

from and held together by unconditional love.


To the extent that we consciously allow love to flow to, into and

through us do we come closer to that Knowing/Being as Godness

which we already are. Separation can have no more hold on our

minds when we "see" God's radiance in every particle and space of us.


Beyond mere faith, we can move our awarenesses, Here and NOW to

that HearttKnowing , core assuredness of Unity.


God and I are One.

Be Still and Know I Am God.


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