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Deep sleep and what is the soul?

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Namaste All, K-lst and Harsha/s


With regard to the difference between deep sleep and

samadhi; It is my understanding that deep sleep is a

constant thought of 'no thought', a thin veil,

nidra,if you will between the awakeness of samadhi.


However it is also my understanding that in certain

samadhis one can be unconscious of the world yet be

awake and in others one can be conscious of the world

and even function in it. There is Savikalpa and

Nirvikalpa Samadhis, with attributes and without



It is my personal experience in meditation that many

times I awake with the bliss memory of a samadhi.

This feeling can last for sometime and can be

sustained in some form. This can also happen when

awakening from sleep, especially if one is praying or

meditating before sleep. For the meditation continues

whilst one is sleeping.


On another subject re 'souls';


It is my belief there is only one soul in the

universe, Nirguna Brahman, all else is really

comprising of thought . We are aggregates or thought

entities. In Vedantic parlance that would really

constitute the vijnanamayakosa and the anandamayakosa,

the bliss and awareness sheaths.


If one is at a low level of awareness at death then

some of the lower sheaths can survive, for a time, if

they are not dropped. Even if one is not at a low

level of awareness but has one's mind filled with

images and thought of something, that will exert an

influence. Catholic sacraments can do this of course

and topically, Sai Baba.


It is my theory that he is collecting souls for his

onward game, he is not interested in moksha, he has

too many sexual and other attachments. He knows this

can go on forever dissolution of the universe upon

dissolution of the universe, pralaya after

mahapralaya! He wishes people to die with their minds

on him and their subconscious full of him.


After death in the bardo, there is no analytical

conscious mind, so the subconscious becomes the mind.

If your mind is full of Sai Baba then you will

reincarnate with him, and in the meantime serve him on

the astral. This is the old judeo/christian concept of

'captive souls'. For after all a soul entity is only a

thought and a thought can be manipulated and


There is only one real soul and that is 'God', or

universal consciousness, the human soul is an entity

or aggregate and ego thought.


With regard to dna etc, all is one really, we only

divide it all into subtle, gross etc for convenience,

so why wouldn't there be memory imprints and carry



Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.




Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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