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Gurus Avatars and Moksha.

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Namaste All,


Esteem and a certain, 'finality', seems to be the most

important facet of devotion to a Guru. Especially a

supposed Avatar, for that means 'God' descended on to

the planet, to some and in Union with the Universal to

others. Even more so if it is a Purnavatar as Sai

Baba claims to be, the only other being Lord Krishna.


So at one and the same time one has the esteem of

being his devotee and all that knowledge flowing

through from him. One has come to the end of the

search, now he will take care of everything.

Especially if one is dualistic/Bhakti type. If one

is into non-dualism then one is following a teacher

who has 'made it'. Either way the esteem is high.

All responsibility is laid at his feet, then one can

continue on knowing that all has been solved. The

entire meaning of life itself has been revealed.

Nothing else matters the love for the Guru has

precedence over everything else. There is nothing

but the Avatar after all.


Apart from supplying purpose and meaning to life he

also provides rituals and activities. One can help

the poor and at the same time serve him. There is

even a heirarchy to rise up the ranks in. The whole

world is with the Avatar. The price is your soul, you

lose your Moksha and become a 'captive spirit'.


However if the Guru is genuine then the situation may

be different. For if the Guru is is a 'realised

soul', then he/she can lead one to liberation not

captivity. For God is the Guru and the Guru is God.

It is possible to 'merge', with him Saguna



The Grace of the Saguna or the Devi is necessary to

move to the stage of nirvikalpa or nirguna. That is

presuming in the case of a Guru that he is in a state

of Nirvikalpa Samadhi permanently and is Truth.


Other Gurus are not Gurudevas but teachers, it is the

Satguru that leads one to Moksha.


My reading of Adwaita whilst I was with Sai Baba

helped me a lot, no thanks to him though. It was the

'Inner Guru', working all the time. Otherwise some

subconscious conflicts were obviously leaving me in a

rather less than elated state, not happy anyway. My

visits to the ashram were happy but that was really

due to the state of the satsang at that time.


I am still convinced that Love is God and that God is

Love/Sakti, and without the Grace of same and the

development of Love, Moksha is unattainable. Dry

intellectualism will lead to an understanding of

non-dualism and of how to control the mind to some

extent, but without Love one will achieve what one has

thought about---------a State of Nothing, perhaps only

yoga-nidra, or merging with the forces of nature. All

in my humble opinion.


Somebody who is approaching 'death', needs love and

compassion for that is the energy that will propel

them, and it takes precedence over non-dual babble.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya,



Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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