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<Dharma: What does he mean by "dependent"? Without a brain, there wouldn't

be any perception to be blocked! Or any blocks in perception! :))) Not

perception of the planes of human beings, anyway... >


~ That sounds like an assumption that all perception is brain-originating. I

have had and read of too many personal accounts of experiences beyond the

body which sometimes include perception of the material/human plane to come

to such a conclusion.



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Hi Xan,

><Dharma: What does he mean by "dependent"? Without a brain, there wouldn't

>be any perception to be blocked! Or any blocks in perception! :))) Not

>perception of the planes of human beings, anyway... >


>~ That sounds like an assumption that all perception is brain-originating. I

>have had and read of too many personal accounts of experiences beyond the

>body which sometimes include perception of the material/human plane to come

>to such a conclusion.


Sure. I have active Kundalini, so I have those kinds of experiences all

the time. But as we are incarnate, we are anchored in the physical

brain... much of that non-physical experience and perception utilizes the

symbols of the body: i.e. eyes, ears, etc.... and we have to bring back

the memories into brain memory in order to remember it after we're fully in

the body and consious in the normal way again.


In the human being, perception takes place in and through the brain and

nervous system... eyes may register images, fingers register other

sensations, and it all goes to the brain, where our brain computer makes

sense of it all. Speaking of color perception, Roger Lewis says:

> When visible light - that almost infinitesimal segment of energy waves

>out of the total spectrum of electromagnetic radiation - is passed through

>a prism, or is refracted (bent) or is reflected from a grating which has

>been marked with a series of fine lines, it is spread into rainbow-like

>colors - a spectrum sequence ranging from short wavelengths to long

>wavelengths: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

> This field of energy is all about us. What we perceive as a result of

>this energy is illusion - only the energy itself is real. Color does not

>exist in actuality. It is only a sensation in our consciousness. In other

>words, what we see with our eyes is not the object itself but is a series

>of various wavelengths of light, traveling at the same rate of speed, being

>reflected from the object. The object itself is colorless. Some wavelengths

>are absorbed by the object while others are reflected. The atomic and

>molecular structure of a yellow object, for instance, is such that it

>absorbs all wavelengths except yellow, which is reflected to the eye. We

>are affected by these wavelengths of light, or color, as the vibration is

>passed on to the brain or to that portion of the cerebral cortex at the

>back of the head that is known as the striate area.


This is from a little book on what Edgar Cayce had to say about color and

auras. I just scanned it for another list... I'll upload the first couple

of chapters.


Now here we're talking about the human being, living in a body with a

computer brain. The planes/levels of humanity are the physical, emotional,

and mental. Above that are the higher levels that are more than human. We

can function there, but what we remember is very much influenced, I think,

by our human experience... and has to come through the computer brain's

memory for us to remember it.


The higher you go, the farther you are from the physical, from the brain

itself. Of course we do experience on those levels... we have something

you could call perception, and yet I think the real thing is pretty

different. Even the concept of perception seems to imply that there is me

and then there is some other thing that I'm perceiving. But I think on

higher planes the experience is not quite like that. It's more like

merging with another aspect of self and knowing what that aspect is like.

Maybe a poor way of putting it... but I don't think I've ever tried before

to imagine what my experience on higher levels would seem like if I weren't

connected to this brain, if I didn't have the symbolism of human body life

with which to interpret it. And I'm not sure that I _can_ know that, while

I'm incarnate in a body. :))




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