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2) Cayce on Color

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Chapter Two



The Cayce readings tell us very simply that color is _vibration_ or

_movement_ and that it is both a positive and a negative force. There is no

attempt to explain it in technical terms or to go into the complicated

details of the number of wavelengths for each color. Those are

considerations for the more scientific mind. Instead, the readings advise

us to know ourselves first if we would know the universe.

> . . for each cell in the atomic force of the body is as a world

>of its

> own, and each one - each cell - being in perfect unison, may build to

> that [which is] necessary to reconstruct the forces of the body in

>all its

> needs...



There is the implication that only when each cell, each atom, of the

physical body vibrates in perfect harmony can constructive forces supply

the needs of the body. The following reading asks specifically if the

activity within self is positive in its relationship to color.

> . . consider the effect of the color itself upon thine own body

>as ye

> attempt to apply same by either concentration, dedication or meditating

> upon these. For as has been given, color is but vibration. Vibration is

> movement. Movement is activity of a positive or negative force. Is the

> activity of self as in relationship to these then positive? 281-29


The booklet _Auras_ quotes Edgar Cayce as saying that color "seems to

be a characteristic of the vibration of matter, and our souls seem to

reflect it in this three-dimensional world through atomic patterns. We are

patterns, and we project colors which are there for those who can see


Does this mean that because man was created in the image of God, the

Creative Force, man reflects color - this characteristic of God - through

atomic activity within? This statement and various readings indicate that

the source of life itself is the same as color (light), and that both

creative vibration, which is indispensable to the regenerative forces in

our material plane, and destructive vibration are from the same source. The

difference comes about in the way we use that energy.

> Life in its manifestation is vibration. Electricity is vibration. But

> vibration that is creative is one thing. Vibration that is destructive is

> another. Yet they may be from the same source. 1861-16


Scientists come close to admitting that _vibration_ and God are the

same when they tell us that all knowledge of the Universe is received

through electromagnetic radiation. The readings state in definite terms

that _creative vibration_ is God.

> Electricity or vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call


> Not that God is an electric light or an electric machine, but that vibra-

> tion that is creative is of that same energy as life itself.



Not only is every physical body a receptor of color - this

electro-magnetic radiation - but the body itself is continually radiating

the same energy both within and without. For, just as this energy is

created by the release of electrons from the atom in space, the same

radiation is created by the release of electrons from the atoms that make

up the physical body. Are we in harmony with the Creative Force? Are we in

harmony within ourselves? Are we building constructively or are we using

this force destructively?

> . . the body is built up by the radiation of vibratory forces

>from each

> and every unit of the body functioning in its proper manner. 283-1


What is the _proper manner_ that builds up rather than destroys?

> . . man - by his compliance with Divine Law - [brings] order out of

> chaos; or, by his disregard of the associations and laws of Divine


> [brings] chaos and _destructive_ forces into his experience. 416-7


Then, whether it is order under Divine Law or disregard of Divine

Law, the physical body will radiate those vibrations that identify one's

own inner being. We will reflect our own ideals.

> All bodies radiate those vibrations with which it, the body,


> itself in mental, in physical, and such radiation is called the aura.



Color and sound are "just different rates of vibration," according to

reading 2779-1. Misapplication of vibrations, color or sound can bring

about the destruction of self.

> Man may _mis_apply [his] own creative force, then become a


> to self. Man's applying that force in that channel in which that is


> gives light, life and abundance, in every way and manner. 900-227


We are further enjoined to learn the basic forces or basic principles

of color as they relate to the bodily forces so that we will have another

effective tool to help us in our task of building creatively.

> Then later they become the activities or the associations . . .For as

> has been indicated . . . this necessarily becomes a basic force or


> for the very activity. But it would also be well to learn the activity

>of the

> etheronic and the vibrations of the body, for these are they that produce

> color, that produce aura, that produce the activities seen _as_ color.



Scientists do not tell us what happens to these various colors, or

wavelengths, other than to tell us that this is the way sight or vision

functions, although they are beginning to delve into this aspect much more.

The Cayce readings, however, state that these vibrations are disseminated

throughout the physical body and have an effect upon the growth of the

physical body, the mental body and the spiritual body.

> .. . tones and sounds will be the channel through which the coor-

> dinating of forces for the body may make for the first of the perfect

> reactions



The vibrations we create within ourselves, from our own atomic

structure, the vibrations we reflect of those received from without, mirror

our own souls through the colors about us and our color preferences. If we

are to have physical, mental and spiritual growth, we must use these

vibrations harmoniously in a constructive and creative manner.

> In the harmony of sound, the harmony of color, even the harmony of

> motion itself, its beauty is all akin to that expression of the

>soul-self in

> the harmony of the mind, if used properly in relationship to [the]

> body.



In other words, all vibrations, color, sound and motion, this vast

energy that is all about us, are of the God-Force itself, and are here to

aid us in our growth and progress toward the _oneness_ which is our

ultimate purpose.

> ... all vibration, color, and color with radiation ...is to set


> vibrations in the body for body-forces . . .



As these body-forces are activated, similar vibrations are activated

in mind and soul and the energies radiate about the body itself. These

radiations, these colors, or _aura_, which emanate from the physica! body

reflect the physical and mental condition of the body.

> All bodies radiate those vibrations with which it, the body,


> itself in mental, in physical, and such radiation is called the aura.


> mediums, or a psychic in certain phases of psychic phenomena, gain their

> impressions from such radiation.



In the chapter on meditation in _A Search for God_, we are told:

"Vibrations which are emanations of life from within are material

expressions of a spiritual influence, a force that emanates from life

itself." And reading 3491-1 directs us to "Find that light in self. It

isn't the light of the noonday sun, nor the moon, but rather of the Son of

man." When that light has been found and activated, the soul, infinitesimal

though it may be [Note: these are not Cayce's words. DF], can express

itself in any way in any part of the universe.

With the awareness of the soul and its role as an everlasting vital

force or activity comes an awareness of the vibratory activity that travels

through the nervous system of the body.

> Ye are told that such an awareness is an activity of consciousness


> passes along the nervous system to and from the brain. Then, just the same

> there are contacts with that which is eternal within thy physical body.

> For there is the bowl that must one day be broken...


> . . to know, to understand, that there is a _definite_ connection


> that we have chosen to term the sixth sense, or acting through the


> forces of the body-physical, and the other self within self.



Within the physical body, we are told, there are seven glandular

centers: the pituitary, the pineal, the thyroid, the thymus, the adrenals

(or solar plexus), the Leydig and the gonads. Scientists generally admit a

lack of understanding of the function of these endocrine, or ductless,

glands in their relationship to color. The Cayce readings, on the other

hand, explain this relationship in some detail in the _Revelation_ readings.

> Q-1. Do the colors vary for each center with different individuals, or

> may definite colors be associated with each center?

> A-I. Both. For to each - remember, to study each of these in the

> light not only of what has just been given, but that as is a practical ex-

> perience in the material world - as is known, vibration is the essence

>or the

> basis of color. As color and vibration then become to the consciousness

> along the various centers in an individual's experience in meditation made

> aware, they come to mean definite experiences. Just as anger is red, or as

> something depressing is blue, yet in their shades, their tones, their ac-

> tivities, to each they begin with the use of same in the experience to

> mean those various stages. For instance, while red is anger, rosy to most

> souls means delight and joy - yet to others, as they are formed in their

> transmission from center to center, come to mean or to express what

> _manner_ of joy; whether that as would arise from a material, a

>mental, or a

> spiritual experience. Just as may be seen in the common interpretation of

> white, but with all manner of rays from same begins or comes to mean

> that [which is] above the aura of all in its vibration from the body and

> from the activity of the mental experience when the various centers are

> vibrating to color.




Chapter Three



Throughout the readings there are references to past lives in the

earth as well as planetary sojourns between lives, as represented by

astrological aspects. Attitudinal and emotional vibrations, both positive

and negative, acquired by the soul either in a previous life or during

interims between incarnations, are carried over by the soul into its

present physical existence. These vibrations may manifest as the color

preferences of the individual and may reflect the conditions he has brought

with him.

> Thus we find that the sojourns about the earth, during the interims

> between earthly sojourns, are called the astrological aspects. Not that an

> entity may have manifested physically on such planets; but [rather] in

> that consciousness which is the consciousness of that environ. And these

> [consciousnesses] have been accredited with certain potential

>influences in

> the mental aspect of an entity.



These urges may be indications of progression or regression in the

journey toward oneness.

> That absent from the material body is manifested in what we call

> astrological aspects, that become a phase of each and every soul - and are

> as signposts along the individual way . . . these are a part of thy


> thy innate urge; that arise from, and produces influences in, the material

> experiences in the present. 1745-1


Psychologists who believe that color preferences reflect the

individual's personality have devised many tests, such as the Luscher Color

Test, to chart attitudes and emotions, particularly those hidden deep

within the person. The readings indicate that they mirror his individuality

as well as his personality.

> The shadows of those things from the sojourns of this entity in Mer-

> cury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus and the influences of the general

> system's activity as in the Sun and Moon, have their portion [influence]

> in the very relationships and activity of the entity. These [astrological

> influences] are but the mental urges that arise, and become as the


> uality_ of an entity in expression in the material world; while the


> ances in the earth through the various sojourns that [have] become active

> in the experience of an entity at any one given place or position or ap-

> pearance or period are as but the personality in the entity's experience -

> and are as the urges from the emotions that have been created. 633-2


An example of this is seen in a reading given for [1406] in which a

determination to express an overabundance of self-esteem, a negative aspect

acquired from Mercury (indigo), is in direct conflict with a creative

aspect acquired from a sojourn in Saturn (red), thereby manifesting in the

entity's present physical condition.

This excessive feeling of self-esteem, or self-importance, at the area

of the pineal gland, or Christ-Consciousness center, is reflected as a

rejection of the color _indigo_, resulting in a suppression of sensitivity.

Such an individual delights in "putting on a show" of his tastefulness and

graciousness. At the same time, he is very critical of others, refusing to

accept anything or anyone as genuine.

An attitude such as this causes the individual to direct his creative

activity toward the fulfillment of his own successes or conquests and a

desire to experience every physical aspect of earthly existence. This is

indicated by a preference for red, the color of the gonad center.

The conflict created between the rejected indigo and the preferred red

can lead to outbursts of suppressed agitation from trying to resist the

positive influences of the pineal center. Its results may be irritability,

anger, frustration or even sexual obsessions, possibly leading to heart

trouble or ulcers.

> In the astrological aspects we find the entity headstrong from


> yet very demure in its headstrongness, and oft sets itself to have its

>way -

> eventually has it and finds it isn't what was wanted at all. These [con-

> ditions] arise from the conflicting influences from Mercury, with Saturn.

> Hence many changes in the aspects ...


> For it is not strange that music, color, vibration are all a part

>of the

> planets, just as the planets are a part - and a pattern - of the whole

> universe.



This pattern is part of the Universal Law. Each planetary, or color,

influence is there for the benefit of each individual soul. It is up to

each soul to choose the direction of his activity in relation to that


> Begin with the spiritual attitude. Find that, and ye will begin

>then with

> the correct attitude. For, that we find in spirit taketh form in mind.

> Mind becomes the builder. The physical body is the result.



If we are to find our way back to the Creator, then, we must strive

for that at-onement with the Creative Forces, and this is dependent upon

our willingness to make our purposes and desires harmonize with the

purposes and desires of the Universal Forces.

We have brought color preferences and vibrations with us from prior

sojourns, and it is what we do with them that makes the difference as to

whether we become a constructive or a destructive force in the material

plane. If we use these urges, these colors, these vibrations creatively

through each incarnation, through each planetary sojourn - for it is

through this pattern of incarnation that we evolve - we will find our way

back to the Oneness.

> For, without passing through each and every stage of development,

> there is not the correct vibration to become one with the Creator ...

> Then, in the many stages of development, throughout the

>universal or

> in the great system of the universal forces . . . each stage of


> [is] made manifest through flesh, which is the testing portion of the

> universal vibration. In this manner then, and for this reason, all [are]

> made manifest in flesh, and [there is the] development through the eons

> of time, space, and _called_ eternity.


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