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Christopher Wynter wrote:

> > ~~*+M~*

> > Still trying to understand some terms, but after death isn't that

> > what

> > a bodhisattva (spell) is all about. Empathy,Compassion?

> > + Maureen


> Words here are difficult, because my experience is that

> what I "remembered" can only be translated into words

> which have perceptual meanings (definitions) attached ....



Yes, words are very difficult. What you *remembered*. Hummmmm. I think

we all have many different "rememberings" from many different

experiences.What makes one more or less valid?

Check this out. Petite Morte.(spell?) A little death in the mystical.

> > The tunnel of light that is experienced by so many people at the

> point

> > of

> > death is the portal they are going through, the window, the


> It

> > is a tunnel, and it has distance, because it takes time,


> > to go from one end to the other. Passing through the tunnel is

> > leaving

> > this world and going into another. You do that in meditation, too.


> > leave the light of the physical plane and go into the light in the

> inner

> > world. Death takes place in a short period, but is a big thing to


> > who have never meditated. But dying is not such a dramatic

> experience

> > really. Every night you "die" and leave your physical body. It is

> > very similar. Every night mystics leave their physical body, go and

> > meet and converse with other mystics on the inner planes. That's

> why

> > they know each other when they meet on the physical plane.

> Samadhi,

> > the exalted meditative state, which literally means "holding

> together

> > completely," is also a word used to describe dying. Why is that?

> > Because

> > deep contemplation is similar to a death experience.


And from one of my *rememberings* of a petite morte...............

I live my life

a certain way because I was so moved by an encounter with the Son,( if

you have seen Me you have seen the Father), boy, I can only hope .(And I

know *they* say don't trust visions and if you see

the Buddha on the road,kill Him etc.) In an instant I was taken down

back through the ages. None of my physical, 3D life was recalled. It's

not that it didn't exist or matter, it simply wasn't relevant to what

was happening.When I say taken back,,I was allowed to feel the Divine

Love connection that I had had from what seemed to me to be my first

"going out from the Father".All the incarnations, lifetimes, what


and where evers,,,,in each,,,were put aside so I could see and

understand the constant connection. And right up to the present time


was being shown this.The moment of the now, all the way back

through it

all, right back to the beginning.The growth of that Love. It was never

separate. All else disappeared accept for that Divine Love from His

Heart. It was like a tunnel or time port right through His Heart back


the beginning. It did not all become as a grand *The Present*, I did

feel a sense of *time*, a journey or trip? I had grown.(Blossomed) I had

taken that trip, I recalled the incredible non-separating, constant

Source connection. This will sound strange but I was allowed , in a


to feel what John the Disciple felt. Resting the head, (all my lives,and

potentialized soul level) on the Heart of Jesus. I came out of it

saying,,"Oh my God !!! That's what John felt ! The Love never


They are One. Always were..... Isn't a were,,,, was,,, or is ,or will

be. IS.

* * *

So, that is what I project. (Or inject into people on subtler levels, if

you like).Remember I asked,,,,,

"> ,,, after reading one of your

> previous posts,(can't remember) I wanted to write something to you,so

> if

> you have a sec. And again, this is just my humble opinion but, for me,

> it would make your writing more credible.

> You wrote of a telepathic child. I was, so I relate. But what I wanted

> to point out is that in first working reiki on people I noticed that if

> I held a thought in my head, they expressed it. After teaching many

> reiki classes after that, I now demonstrate to potential reiki 2 people

> how it is done and in fact have them pratice it. They have to write on a

> piece of paper,,let's say....swimming in a pool, and then reiki a person

> and see if the person says. .. gee, I saw myself swimming in a pool.

> Potential reiki masters must do this across a room to pass. I only

> bring

> this up for your awareness of any thoughts/opinions held by you

> possibly

> effecting outcomes. Chris, I am NOT saying this is the case. I actually

> have instructed a child sitting beside me, without saying a word,

> telepathically how to play the piano. I know how open they are. You

> are

> a strong person. Nothing personal directed at you, be assured.


And so I ask again,,,

Are you injecting this way? And the reason I ask is because, in my

humble opinion, you do have some good points but I can't get a handle on

correct sources of info or a clarity.

> I do understand what you are asking ...


And I do hope you understand why. If you are clearer then I can be


> and I will consciously go back to that remembering and see if I can

> find words to describe the consciousness that

> "do not have hairs on them"


> as I tried to explain it to my partner .. and to people in my group,

> they could "see" and "feel telepathically" what words could not

> convey without misinterpretation ...


Might this be a mirrored effect? *Seeing* what might be coming from

you. (I said "might".)

> give me time to come up with an answer for you ...


Thank you.

> The consciousness of the Bodishavitta, as I understand it

> and as I experience it ....


> is a state consciousness attained in the physical body

> after "death" of the self sense of "separateness"

> (individuality 'I')


> (best words I can find at the moment)


See, this is another little raspberry seed in my tooth. (I am hungry

for a sandwich to go with the soup and I keep crunching down on these

little hard bits.) I notice you put a question to a list,,"what is

soul/spirit "etc. and then when I follow what you write, I recognize

bits and pieces of others interpetations. Throw in a couple quotes from

original ancient texts, sprinkle liberally with the salt of your private

rememberings and let simmer. This special *soup* will now take care of

all flu symptoms held in the body/mind/soul/spirit.

> and not after the death of the physical body ..


> when after physical death, my awareness was

> that separate I still existed ...

> and that I had to come back to the physical

> to rid those "mind" separations.


> Christopher Wynter


Please see that I really want to understand and that this, in a way,

helps you towards expressing greater clarity,okay?

> ps I have not the time at the moment to set the computer up

> for a full ch 38 search


I understand and will wait patiently but I'm sure with you calling

this the, *Roman Catholic* gene you can see why I am interested.

Peace, happiness and more Light to you and yours,

+ Maureen

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At 06:51 PM 1/24/00 , you wrote:


> Please see that I really want to understand and that this, in a way,

>helps you towards expressing greater clarity,okay?


> > ps I have not the time at the moment to set the computer up

> > for a full ch 38 search


> I understand and will wait patiently but I'm sure with you calling

>this the, *Roman Catholic* gene you can see why I am interested.

>Peace, happiness and more Light to you and yours,

>+ Maureen



I do recognise this Maureen ...

thats why I will work through your post ..

and take the time to try to put my explanation in for you


I may do this one off list tomorrow .. it could be quite long ...


if you (or anyone else) would like it on list please let me know



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