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< Now here we're talking about the human being, living in a body with a

computer brain. The planes/levels of humanity are the physical, emotional,

and mental. Above that are the higher levels that are more than human. We

can function there, but what we remember is very much influenced, I think, by

our human experience... and has to come through the computer brain's

memory for us to remember it.


The higher you go, the farther you are from the physical, from the brain

itself. Of course we do experience on those levels... we have something you

could call perception, and yet I think the real thing is pretty different.

Even the concept of perception seems to imply that there is me and then there

is some other thing that I'm perceiving. But I think on higher planes the

experience is not quite like that. It's more like merging with another

aspect of self and knowing what that aspect is like. Maybe a poor way of

putting it... but I don't think I've ever tried before to imagine what my

experience on higher levels would seem like if I weren't

connected to this brain, if I didn't have the symbolism of human body life

with which to interpret it. And I'm not sure that I _can_ know that, while

I'm incarnate in a body. :))


~ Agreed. The memory of what is/was experienced in realms beyond the body has

been translated from this direct merging of energies into the brain's

language of images and concepts.


Yet, I am aware of memories which appear to be not translated thus.

Impossible to convey humanly. Or perhaps they are not memories but present

multidimensional awareness.









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