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John Heaton/Sri Ramana Maharshi

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John Heaton wrote:

> Hi Harsha, et al,


> I only recently obtained my first reading of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Be

> As You Are, edited by David Godman) ... my initial response was/is awe.


> It seems his greatest teaching was silence - for those who could

> understand/receive it. For the rest he added words as was

> necessary...(for the Self-realization impaired) <S>


> An editors nightmare...LOL ... a one page book. "You are awareness -

> there is no duality" Introduction, chapter one and epilogue - in one

> sentence.


> John


Hello John. Very nice to hear from you. Your post reminded me that you and

several people have asked me privately about resources and books related to Sri

Ramana. Questions have been asked about how to procure images or pictures of the

Sage. I am delayed in answering and my apologies. I am not an expert on this but

the following website has comprehensive information about Ramana Maharshi

including downloadable books. Also on the Advaitin list, Sri Frankji and many

others are extremely knowledgeable about Ramana Maharshi's teachings and other

resources available to devotees. In fact,

I am positive that Frankji can answer almost any question about Ramana Maharshi,

his teachings, and/or books about the Sage. I will forward this post to the

Advaitin list, which anyone can join by going to the onelist. Anything that I

find out will be forwarded to . Thanks and love you all.



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