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Stealing names and S.B.etc

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Aw c'mon, Tony,

>After visiting all these non-dual

>lists, I really don't think anyone is above the level

>of mind, manomayakosa, or even will achieve

>liberation, or 1 in a billion anyway.


If you really believe this, why do you bother with us? :)




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Namaste Zenbob et al,


Zenbob wrote:=>It would be a terrible error to suggest

that Sathya Sai Baba "stole his


from Shirdi Sai Baba. That is like suggesting that

Uncle Sam Jones,


his name from "Uncle Sam" the moniker for the US.

Sai Baba is a


term, not a "name" and means affectionately, "holy

father" not unlike


a favorite priest or religious leader "Good Father" or

"your Holiness."<


Sorry Zenbob your post was a lot of bollocks and

innacurate supercilious crap!!!!How about that for

rancour haahaha!!!!See I did learn something from the



You assume that after 15 yrs including some executive

positions that I don't know what Sai Baba means? It

actually means divine mother and father. Don't all our

names mean something? That is the name Raju goes by

and that is what is printed all over his stationary

etc.and is registered. If you use it like General

Taylor did in Rishikesh, without permission you get

sued etc. To say he is just using it generically is

just displaying an amazing ignorance of the man and

his operation.


Also your advice although well taken, comes from an

understanding of Bhuddism, if not Gautama, but a lack

of knowledge of the Hindu Vedantic Path that I am in.

Check Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, where Jnana is actually

part of the four fold path of bhakti.


As I have said previously, it is my opinion, we are in

fact praneaswara and complete moksha is not really

possible without the grace of the mother or saguna

Brahman, for most people. For is that not what we are,

even our mind is part of that. Dwelling on nothing

will bring that state, perhaps a mergence with the

forces of nature instead of a complete union with

Nirguna Brahman. After visiting all these non-dual

lists, I really don't think anyone is above the level

of mind, manomayakosa, or even will achieve

liberation, or 1 in a billion anyway.


It is easier the way of Saguna Brahman is not that the

first 'I', and desire? We have to become Brahman to

stop our own dream.


"There was neither non-existence nor existence then;

there was neither the realm of space nor the sky which

is beyond. What stirred? Where? In whose

protection? Was there water, bottomless deep? "


There was neither death nor immortality then. There

was no distuingishing signs of night and day. That

one breathed, windless, by its own impulse. Other

than that there was nothing beyond,


Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning;

with no distinguishing sign all this was water. The

life force that was covered with emptiness, that one

arose through the power of heat,


Desire came upon that one in the beginning; that was

the first seed of mind. Poets seeking in their heart

with wisdom found the bond of existence in



Their cord was extended across. Was there below? Was

there above? There were seed-placers; there were

powers. There was impulse beneath; there was

giving-forth above,


Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence

was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods

came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.

Who then knows whence it has arisen?


Whence this creation has arisen-perhaps it formed

itself, or perhaps it did not-the one who looks down

on it, in the highest heaven, only he knows-or perhaps

he does not know.


Rig Veda, 10.29, 1. Nasadiya-Creation Hymn. Wendy


It is interesting that the sky as described in the

vedas is as it was prior to 8,000 B.C.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.





Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!



ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



Talk to your friends online with Messenger.


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In a message dated 1/30/00 10:41:42 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aoclery writes:


<< It

actually means divine mother and father. >>


That, Mr. Cleary is exactly what I said "Holy Father" which is equivalent to

"Divine Father."


I have had many years of practice in the Yoga and Vedanta paths and your

comments are an insult to anyone with a shred of brain. I am almost

convinced that you read these messages and fly into some kind of emotional

flight, rather than thinking about them with any degree of reflection. Do

you really believe that I am so shallow and foolish as you seem to suggest?

You do yourself and everyone on this list a disservice by feeling compelled

to vent your spleen like an adolescent. It solves nothing and in no way

gains respect or understanding for you, your situation, or your communication



Your long winded and barely coherent Brahman rant does not clarify anything

whatsoever. We are not discussing my "problems" or "disappointments" with

Gurus, we are discussing yours. That was the essence of your posts. Let us

stay on the subject and refrain from getting all flighty and absurd. None of

these issues bothers me in the slightest. But they trigger vast emotional

content in you. There must be reasons, and the causes are not there because

your "Path" of Vedanta or Brahma-merging desire and efforts have gained you

in degree of insight or thoughtfulness. The efforts have apparently been

wasted...and you have only the anger left over...not the enlightenment or

peace of a person who has merged with the Divine Unnamable.


I regret that my comments and sense have somehow only created more angst with

you. It must be a confusing and volatile situation being Tony all the time.

Let it go...learn to move on and enjoy life. Take a walk in the park. Get

some fresh air. Stop wasting time with all of this agonizing self turmoil.


Well, I have given it my best shot.






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In a message dated 01/31/2000 1:47:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ZEN2WRK writes:

> I regret that my comments and sense have somehow only created more angst

with you. It must be a confusing and volatile situation being Tony all the


> Let it go...learn to move on and enjoy life. Take a walk in the park.


> some fresh air. Stop wasting time with all of this agonizing self



Hi Zenbob...


In a sense, Tony just faced the death of his guru, and he is going through

the anger stage. Acceptance comes later. And it will come.

>Well, I have given it my best shot.


I don't think so. :-)



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