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Kristi and Solar Eclipse

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In a message dated 01/31/2000 12:03:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,

orleans writes:



Dear Annette:


Fair enough. I do not know Janet so of course nothing I say can truly be

ascribed as having anything to do with her. I have my own veils to power

trips and my own triggers to "stuff." The post set off alot of those. My

blessings to Janet and to you and all those you come into contact with.


Love, Kristi




I had the same thoughts, and then realized it was Janet I was thinking about.

So, don't feel badly at all, your intentions were well-placed, I just happen

to know Janet has more than once risked her life to help others, it is her

very lack of sophistication and cynicism that allows her to have such heart

and integrity. It is her very innocence that allows her to think she is as

one person capable of changing the world.


Here's some upcoming info on the Eclipse for you and All,




We've a Solar Eclipse coming up February 5th that is going to be very


It will light up the Central Pillar if you study Alchemy, the old alchemists

did not have the three outer planets which are recently discovered, Uranus,

Neptune and Pluto. Neither Neptune nor Pluto have even been discovered long

enough yet to have made a full rotation of their orbits around the Sun,

although Neptune is now getting close to her 180 year first rotation. Being

Neptune, she's been discovered, lost and rediscovered, very Neptunian...


Anyway the Eclipse will look like this:


Kether Uranus

Tiphareth Sun

Yesod Moon

Shekinah Earth


All of the first 3 planets will be in alignment, and the Earth is always

opposite the Sun. So, the first three are in Aquarius and the Earth is in

Leo. It will be a time of huge new beginnings for everyone, and it will

touch some of the points that were lit up during the last huge Solar Eclipse

of August 18th 1999, so, look back and see how your life was changed,

rearranged, transformed, back then and then look to see where new beginnings

are possible now. Look to the Houses which are ruled by Aquarius and Leo to

see where the best new beginnings are possible. There are many sites on the

Net which describe the energies of the houses, if you need a site, feel free

to email me directly and I'll send you a link to a site that has many good

links from it.


Uranus is the "Spiritual Sun" which is why it is the energy of Kether. It

should be a beautiful time for meditations.





Much Love Kristi!

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Dear Annette:


I guess your last post spoke to the trigger that most set me off. I was once

one of those whose innocence and lack of cynicism set me off to save lost

ones, and "refugees" from American life. I overstepped the bounds when I

didn't understand that the game stays the same but rules vary, and when you

don't catch the change and adapt accordingly, innocence and lovingkindness

will not protect you.....and I got hurt.......or as the Osho Zen on

adventure referred to....went astray and almost got lost.....then worse, I

got cynical, Oy....the roads we wander......fortunately my experience does

not have to be Janet's.


Love, Kristi


At 09:26 AM 1/31/00 EST, you wrote:



>In a message dated 01/31/2000 12:03:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>orleans writes:



> Dear Annette:


> Fair enough. I do not know Janet so of course nothing I say can truly be

> ascribed as having anything to do with her. I have my own veils to power

> trips and my own triggers to "stuff." The post set off alot of those. My

> blessings to Janet and to you and all those you come into contact with.


> Love, Kristi

> >>



>I had the same thoughts, and then realized it was Janet I was thinking about.

>So, don't feel badly at all, your intentions were well-placed, I just happen

>to know Janet has more than once risked her life to help others, it is her

>very lack of sophistication and cynicism that allows her to have such heart

>and integrity. It is her very innocence that allows her to think she is as

>one person capable of changing the world.


>Here's some upcoming info on the Eclipse for you and All,




>We've a Solar Eclipse coming up February 5th that is going to be very


>It will light up the Central Pillar if you study Alchemy, the old alchemists

>did not have the three outer planets which are recently discovered, Uranus,

>Neptune and Pluto. Neither Neptune nor Pluto have even been discovered long

>enough yet to have made a full rotation of their orbits around the Sun,

>although Neptune is now getting close to her 180 year first rotation. Being

>Neptune, she's been discovered, lost and rediscovered, very Neptunian...


>Anyway the Eclipse will look like this:


>Kether Uranus

>Tiphareth Sun

>Yesod Moon

>Shekinah Earth


>All of the first 3 planets will be in alignment, and the Earth is always

>opposite the Sun. So, the first three are in Aquarius and the Earth is in

>Leo. It will be a time of huge new beginnings for everyone, and it will

>touch some of the points that were lit up during the last huge Solar Eclipse

>of August 18th 1999, so, look back and see how your life was changed,

>rearranged, transformed, back then and then look to see where new beginnings

>are possible now. Look to the Houses which are ruled by Aquarius and Leo to

>see where the best new beginnings are possible. There are many sites on the

>Net which describe the energies of the houses, if you need a site, feel free

>to email me directly and I'll send you a link to a site that has many good

>links from it.


>Uranus is the "Spiritual Sun" which is why it is the energy of Kether. It

>should be a beautiful time for meditations.





>Much Love Kristi!


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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




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