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RE: Solar Eclipse

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Thank you Linda,


Have always wanted insight to the Vedic System, beautifully presented,

I always loved the Dragon's Tail and Head for the Nodes. Where would

you have placed the Full Moon at 0d Cancer on the Winter Solstice?

The remarkeable part of this Full Moon was not that it was on the

Solstice so much as the fact that for Western Astrologers it was on an

Aries Point (Zero degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and thus

bringing in powerful nurturing feminine Cancering energies..


Thank you again,


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Hello All:


As I sit here in the Catskill Mountains locked in by another snow storm

surrounded by family members with 'cabin fever' and answer phone calls from

clients with questions about family and security issues I think of the Vedic

approach to this eclipse pattern. Vedic Astrology is based on sidereal time

which places the planets in the actual position of the constellations and

therefore, has the eclipse taking place on the Capricorn/Cancer axis rather

than the Aquarius/Leo axis.


An eclipse involves the nodal points of the Moon known as Ketu and Rahu

which are considered karmic indicators. Ketu is the name for the south node

of the moon (translates as the dragons tail) and is primary player in

defining old karma as well as seemingly inborn talents. Rahu, the north

node (translates as the dragon's head) indicates the entry way to new karma

and can indicate breakthroughs in consciousness as well as unexpected events

in one's life. The nodal points entered the sidereal signs of Capricorn and

Cancer on December 18, 1998. For many people that began a certain chapter

in their lives that is still continuing and will finalize in August of 2000

when the nodal points move to Gemini/Sagittarius. The nodal points taking

place in the home of the Moon would shift our focus not only on family

matters but also on our basic capacity for happiness and mental balance as

in the Vedic System the Moon is the primary indicator of how we perceive

life through our emotions and mind. The south node being in Saturn ruled

Capricorn would naturally not only delay changes we are looking to initiate

but would also turn our attention to the very foundation upon which we have

built our mundane life. Ketu being in Capricorn will also tend to

constantly keep in our focus not only responsibility but personal qualities

that need to be shifted in order to move into a more heightened

consciousness....in other words extreme egotistic or selfish behavior would

be called to our attention rather quickly.


This eclipse offers us the opportunity to dig deeply into our lives and

create a strong foundation for growth but not without paying close attention

to the needs of people with whom we are karmatically connected. The south

node in a sign of Saturn draws attention to the root chakra and the mundane

issues of security indicated by the 1st chakra. It's opposite force being

in the Moon ruled Cancer has an influence over both the 6th chakra and the

4th. This is therefore a wonderful opportunity to work on bringing up the

energy of Saturn from the root of the earth element and moving down the

etheric energy of the 6th to meet at the balance point of the 4th which, of

course, is the seat of love and compassion.


This was not meant as a commentary on any other system of astrology. I

simply present to you another view of the wonder of our cosmos.



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Dear Linda,


Thank you for this post. I have a few questions for you--


At 10:21 AM 1/31/00 -0500, you wrote:

It's opposite force being

>in the Moon ruled Cancer has an influence over both the 6th chakra and the

>4th. This is therefore a wonderful opportunity to work on bringing up the

>energy of Saturn from the root of the earth element and moving down the

>etheric energy of the 6th to meet at the balance point of the 4th which, of

>course, is the seat of love and compassion.



Do you have ideas about how this work can be done? Especially, are there

ways to avoid Saturn just keeping things slogged down in statis, while the

etheric energy just turns your head into a radio for the psychic world?


You gave me some helpful advice about handling the last solar eclipse,

which produced some rather unsettling and chaotic states with regard to

kundalini activity. Is there anything particular about this eclipse to be

aware of, or activities you recommend doing or avoiding during this time?


You mention clients. Do you do vedic charts professionally? If you do,

I'd like to talk to you about that.


Thanks, Linda. I always appreciate your insights--they have kept me out of

danger on several occasions!



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Hello Annette:


The full moon at the solstice in the Vedic System was approximately 6 Sag/6

Gem there is approximately 23 degrees difference between the 2 zodiacs.


The importance of that particular full moon would be because at this time

the winter solstice is conjunct the Galactic Center which as you know is the

source of the sun of our entire universe. It is believed that the light

from the Galactic Center has much to do with the intelligence of the general

population. The entire system of yugas is based on our proximity to that

point in the cosmos. We will be conjunct this point for 50 to 100 years and

it is believed that great strides in consciousness will be the result of

this conjunction. Personally, I believe that the availability that we have

at this time to so much knowledge of spiritual systems and that ability for

us to share this knowledge probably has something to do with this



Vedically, since the full moon is considered extremely auspicious that

particular full moon would have presented many with an opportunity for

greater spiritual awareness and growth...even though it may have caused some

upheaval in the process :). However, we are not without the Goddess

influence as the Sun during that full moon was in a portion of the

constellation known as Mula. Nakshatras are small divisions within each

sign that further define energy. (It is thought by some that the decanate

system comes from the Nakshatras.) Anyway, besides being ruled by Ketu this

particular nakshatra is associated with the Goddess Nirriti, the Goddess who

represents the abyss or the void but also the foundation, the bottom ground

of creation. She is the great emptiness or illusion behind all things. She

can be seen as Maya. This particular full moon gave an opportunity for us

all to use the intelligence and light of the moon in Gemini to delve deep

within and clean up and see the purity and light that is within us all.


So while not exactly the same in language definitely sister systems

attempting to help us navigate through the ocean of life.


Thank you for allowing me to share with you.





>Have always wanted insight to the Vedic System, beautifully >presented,

>I always loved the Dragon's Tail and Head for the Nodes. Where >would

>you have placed the Full Moon at 0d Cancer on the Winter >Solstice?

>The remarkable part of this Full Moon was not that it was on the

>Solstice so much as the fact that for Western Astrologers it was on >an

>Aries Point (Zero degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and >thus

>bringing in powerful nurturing feminine Cancering energies..

>Thank you again,



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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Hi Jill:


There are always some meditations and mantras that can be used to help keep

things in balance. For one thing I would certainly (based on the trouble

you had last time) not do anything to increase the kundalini flow (as in

bhastrika breath or the Maha Veda technique). Gentle stretches followed by

long deep breathing with the hands held in 'chakra mudra' might help. To do

this simply face your hands together at the heart center and join the finger

tips together, applying equal but firm and gentle pressure to each finger

tip. Make sure that the pressure on the finger tips is equal. You could

visualize an emerald green light in the center of your heart. As the sun's

energy will be stronger than the moon's at this time it is a good idea to

eat lightly as that will keep your system from producing extra 'agni' (the

fire of digestion)...agni will only add to the fire of the sun.


I hesitate to give out any mantras w/out knowing someone's chart...if you

would like contact me and we can determine what mantra would work best.




>Dear Linda,

>Thank you for this post. I have a few questions for you--

>At 10:21 AM 1/31/00 -0500, you wrote:

>It's opposite force being

>>in the Moon ruled Cancer has an influence over both the 6th >chakra and


>>4th. This is therefore a wonderful opportunity to work on bringing >up


>>energy of Saturn from the root of the earth element and moving >down the

>>etheric energy of the 6th to meet at the balance point of the 4th >which,


>>course, is the seat of love and compassion.


>Do you have ideas about how this work can be done? Especially, >are there

>ways to avoid Saturn just keeping things slogged down in statis, >while the

>etheric energy just turns your head into a radio for the psychic >world?

>You gave me some helpful advice about handling the last solar >eclipse,

>which produced some rather unsettling and chaotic states with >regard to

>kundalini activity. Is there anything particular about this eclipse to >be

>aware of, or activities you recommend doing or avoiding during this >time?

>You mention clients. Do you do vedic charts professionally? If you >do,

>I'd like to talk to you about that.

>Thanks, Linda. I always appreciate your insights--they have kept >me out


>danger on several occasions!





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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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