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« Message: 7

Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:41:30 EST


Re: Who is me and Shirdi Baba.


>From Zenbob:

"I will know that the voice of your own "inner Guru" speaks wisdom, when

I can no longer detect bitterness or rancor in your words about those

who may have disappointed you. "


In a preceding message:

"We must constantly guard our minds against this form of

discrimination. Learn to love in the here and now. That is the only

test of our spiritual advancement. And when people disappoint or hurt



Love them all the more...


Because that, my friend, is the ultimate test.





Zenbob »


I must admit, dear Zenbob, that as long as a "test" may exist,

learning to love in the here and now, must be the most difficult one to

maintain in all time. What is this bitterness that you detect, and how

may we learn to look at it, so it does not distract us from loving the

here and now?


And dear Tony, you say:


« Also your advice although well taken, comes from an understanding of

Bhuddism, if not Gautama, but a lack of knowledge of the Hindu Vedantic

Path that I am in. Check Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, where Jnana is

actually part of the four fold path of bhakti. »


May i talk to you of the path I am in? The Star... It is the Christ

saying "I am the door" - namely, that there is an exit from every close

circle, from all captivity of spirit. "I am the door; if anyone enters

by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture" (John

x, 9) which means to say that if someone is moved by the love of God and

neighbour, he can enter each closed circle and he can leave it. Instead

of prisons he will "find pasture", i.e he will move in a spiral...


Maybe my path I am in, is a prison or maybe it is not. I guess it is

something between me and Me, and you can be me, we, like said so nicely

Tg in one, two, three.



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