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[Dharma] Baptism and Kundalini ... The RC Canon

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Hello Chris,


There's nothing here about lobotomies or brain damage.



>For those, including you, Dharma

> who think I have been joking ...


>the following is taken from Cannon Law




>"The juridical subject of the Church is every human being that has validly

>received the Sacrament of Baptism.


>This birth into the Church by baptism is analogous to the birth within the

>territory of a State of the off spring of one of its citizens.


>However, this newborn subject of the State can, under certain

>circumstances, renounce his allegiance to his native State

>and be accepted as the subject of another.


>Not so one born into the Church by baptism: for baptism is a sacrament

>leaving an indelible character upon the soul, which man cannot remove and

>so escape legitimate subjection


>Hence, those validly baptized Christians who live in schism or, whether by

>reason of apostasy or of initial education, profess a faith different from

>that of the Church, or are excommunicated therefrom, are not members of the

>Church, though as a matter of objective right and duty they are still her





>So... even if you think you have left the Church ..

>by rite of Doctrine, the Church still owns you ...


>"For a State once Catholic and in union with the Church to declare a

>separation on the ground that it has ceased to be Catholic is an action

>which as a matter of objective right has no standing; "




>Until this is recognised, and dealt with on a level of consciousness

>and belief, by allowing reactions to come out of the body,


>"any amount of teaching or preaching contrary to the Church of Rome

>is viewed by that body (and the genetic memory of your own body)

>as heretical ..."

> Council of Trent



>Christopher Wynter

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For those, including you, Dharma

who think I have been joking ...


the following is taken from Cannon Law




"The juridical subject of the Church is every human being that has validly

received the Sacrament of Baptism.


This birth into the Church by baptism is analogous to the birth within the

territory of a State of the off spring of one of its citizens.


However, this newborn subject of the State can, under certain

circumstances, renounce his allegiance to his native State

and be accepted as the subject of another.


Not so one born into the Church by baptism: for baptism is a sacrament

leaving an indelible character upon the soul, which man cannot remove and

so escape legitimate subjection


Hence, those validly baptized Christians who live in schism or, whether by

reason of apostasy or of initial education, profess a faith different from

that of the Church, or are excommunicated therefrom, are not members of the

Church, though as a matter of objective right and duty they are still her





So... even if you think you have left the Church ..

by rite of Doctrine, the Church still owns you ...


"For a State once Catholic and in union with the Church to declare a

separation on the ground that it has ceased to be Catholic is an action

which as a matter of objective right has no standing; "




Until this is recognised, and dealt with on a level of consciousness

and belief, by allowing reactions to come out of the body,


"any amount of teaching or preaching contrary to the Church of Rome

is viewed by that body (and the genetic memory of your own body)

as heretical ..."

Council of Trent



Christopher Wynter




At 10:21 AM 2/4/00 , you wrote:

>Dharma <fisher1


>Hello Chris,


>This is one of the silliest things I've ever read... and I'm exercising

>great restraint in my words.


>Priests pushing their thumbs into babies' brains and doing frontal

>lobotomies??? C'mon!


>I can easily believe that this came out of a woman's unconscious, but that

>doesn't mean that a priest actually gave her a lobotomy. Some of the

>things we find in our unconscious are the result of the misunderstandings

>of babies and infants of what really happened... and it may come from or

>be aggravated by what we overhear adults saying.


>It might also be useful to look at the whole thing symbolically... the

>Church set its thumbprint on this woman from her earliest years... and so



>I certainly hope that Catholic readers aren't going to start worrying about

>thumbs going into brains... or corrosive oil that eats up brains.


>I am not Catholic, but I would defend any religion against such an attack.

>There are good spiritual people and people with active Kundalini in all

>religions... and outside them too. :)




> >Late breaking information ...

> >from some of the body remembering work that I have been doing

> >I will fill in more on this later

> >

> >

> > From the writings of a recovering ex-catholic from the realisations of her

> >own body ...

> >

> >"Baptism .. the Oil of mark on the Forehead blocks the rise of the

> >Kundalini.

> >

> >It circumvents the natural "Macrocosmic and Microcosmic orbit" ..

> >effectively starting the shutdown of natural "K" ..

> >

> >(this explains why so many with K moving have problems with the head ..

> >and K exploding out of the crown instead of returning down the front)

> >

> >The brain tissues (and the bone formation) are very soft and still forming

> >in an infant.

> >

> >The pressure of the thumb on the third eye spot (carrying the oil) imprints

> >on the frontal lobe

> >

> >effectively giving the infant a "frontal lobotomy" ...

> >

> >The oil burns into the frontal lobe and creates scar tissue..

> >it also affects the optic nerve loops so that the "natural"

> >or what we term as extrasensory seeing is damaged"

> >

> >

> >This starts the process of forgetting ...

> >and awakens the genetic memory of "Ownership by the Church"

> >as well as triggering "past life memories"

> >

> >and the penalty for speaking out against the Church was a charge of

> Heresy ..

> >

> >hence the rise in fear unable to be spoken ..

> >and the manifestation of disorders in various glands of the body

> >as both the Lymphatic and Endocrine systems are distorted ....

> >

> >

> >Christopher Wynter

> >

> >

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>Jade Grove 4th Chakra meditation is nightly at Midnight Eastern Time, 9pm

>Pacific Time. All list members are welcome!

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Ah, nothing like the dogma of the Catholic Church. The fact that I would

always be a Catholic was made quite clear to me by the nuns. Fortunately,

that was taken no more seriously than being told that if ever I saw a baby

in distress I should baptize the child before I called for medical help.

What the 10 year old did take seriously was that if I were to do 5 extra

masses on consecutive Saturdays no matter what I did in life I was

guaranteed a chance to seek forgiveness from Jesus right before I died. As

of yet I have not cashed in my 'Roman Catholic Savings Bonds' :).


Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa,


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Gee, Linda,

>What the 10 year old did take seriously was that if I were to do 5 extra

>masses on consecutive Saturdays no matter what I did in life I was

>guaranteed a chance to seek forgiveness from Jesus right before I died.


That sounds like a pretty good deal! :))))




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