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Namaste All,For NDS, but copy for those on H.S.


Glo wrote:->First, it was Dharma who said that to


T: Soreeeee,!! perhaps she asked the question but you

were supposed to get the answer? (re my having more

work to do on myself).

>If you might notice how


people responded to you, Tony, when you shared from

your personal

experience of

disillusionment with Sai Baba? <


T:Some yes but that was from a different angle,

position and perspective. Some where not so good, and

it allowed others to behave in a certain way. Although

the compassionate responses without ego were



I didn't ask for sympathy, it wasn't the worst thing

that has happened in my life that's for sure. It was

with feeling though and thanks.



>Perhaps the message people are trying to


across, is that peeking at the answers in the back of

the book is not

the same

as actually having the puzzle piece. You only cheat



Even the most impressive intellectual knowledge, while

it can sometimes


helpful with explaining to others , is no substitute

for experiential



T:I have never thought I'd be accused of intellectual

knowledge, especially on a list as wordy as this one

seems to be from time to time.




This is not meant as a judgement on you, Tony, how

would anyone know

what your

personal experience is when you so seldom share it?

What is having the


piece doing for you, Tony? Like what is life like for

you from the


state? Been to the store lately?


With love,



T: On here I haven't seen what you are talking about,

it just seemed repetitive stuff,without experiential

anecdotes. From my observation if anyone tried an

anecdote about their experience here or on other

illusory planes etc. They would be shot down in a

barrage of non dual verbiage. Which seems to me to be

all fine and dandy but it isn't people's experience

and denying one's experience is like dropping out of

school and saying the lessons are no good.


What do you think my chances would be, if I talked

about all kind of experiences, especially in the

Bardos and higher planes? I know the answer before I

ask it. I am talking about NDS here.


My observation of this salon so far is that yes there

are scraps, well a good biff brings it down to earth

anyway. However it seems that most have decided two

things.1) Everything is unreal and 'All is One',

that's fine with me but!


2) That we will all talk about only this and in as

many intellectual combinations of vocabulary as

possible. If anybody dares to move off this 'dogma',

than the heretic will be jumped on, ridiculed and

castigated. I don't want to get into too many

altercations for I am too good at it. I am truly not

sure that these two above positions can by themselves

achieve Moksha.


It seems to me that programming these two things may

be fine but isn't this a discussion group? One has to

talk about one's experiences as much as possible? I

didn't get this impression. Non duality seems to have

taken on the role of a religion, or perhaps I just

don't understand Western approaches, having spent most

of the last 12 years drinking in the Adwaitins and

Sankara, I don't even need to pick the books up, so



I have also not found meditative and other experiences

productive to write on. In fact the usual responses do

not help one's spirituality. I will only talk if asked

like Dave asked and I answered. That's why I haven't

jumped in and spoken. I am not trying to display

ownership of spiritual 'knowledge'.


People generally only believe what happens to

themselves all else is fantasy. It is like a spiritual

materialism, 'only I have been in Samadhi etc you

haven't'.I am so and so and you are not!


The question remains, 'what is the missing

piece?'hahaha Therein lies any experience that I can

put into words, and the formula evolved with my own



My experience is like Nisargadatta Maharaj writes

about. I am at the stage where I know I have nothing

to do with what is happening. However I am approaching

the stage where I realise nothing is happening at all,

or am I??? One day I will tell some stories on here

but not yet.


However I will have to be careful, I don't want to be

accused of being a wordy intellectual.hahahaha


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.











ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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Dear Tony:


I haven't responded to any of your posts so far....but I have been reading

them. What I see is that you are dealing with an enormous

experience.....both the time with Sai Baba, the time with coming to terms

with disillusionment in him, the recognition of your own "collusion", as it

were, with things - obeisance unto him - that did harm, etc. I have had, in

a very different situation, the same or similar series of processes.....a

huge investment, a coming to terms and trying to decide what is "real"....a

grieving of a lost dream I maybe never had....or did I? and so on. I think

there's no way through this work except to lower the head and taste it, and

gnash on it, and cry over it, and look at it from every side....it's not

that that's the easiest way....but sometimes it is just the way.....For

those who say get over it, ...or stop reveling in your "story", or you

should have known,...or why are you still tormented....or blah, de

blah.....they just have no idea of the thousands of questions that the mind

must ask of itself....until it grows weary, or bored, or finds the answers

it needs to feel solace, peace and surrender again. I think you are very

brave. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You wouldn't be here telling

the story if you weren't doing the work of healing....at this stage that is

the work. So tell away, immerse yourself in the agony and the grief if

that's where you are led....you will soon enough be led or seek a direction

less laced with pain....as surely there is that center in you now that

watches your process and knows that you are ok even as you hurt like hell!

Maybe I am projecting wildly from my own experience. But I say on with

it!!!!! Tell it like it is and was...and when it changes tell us that too.

Blessings to you and your children and your wife. - I suspect this is one of

the hardest parts for you. Much love, Kristi

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