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New Moon

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Tomorrow's New Moon (Feb. 5th) will take place at 1:03pm GMT (8:03am EST),

and there will be a partial eclipse. Despite some warnings, I don't see

anything especially alarming about the chart for this New Moon. This is

not another momentous eclipse chart... and not a total eclipse at all.


There are no major patterns in this chart... The Sun and Moon will be

conjunct (together), as they are once a month at every New Moon. The only

unusual thing about this New Moon is that Uranus will be with Sun and Moon.

That's the planet of unusual, off-beat, sudden things... so there might be

some unusual things happening this month... but Mars is not in a

threatening aspect, nor are Saturn or Pluto. And there are three quintiles

in this chart, which seems to relate to healing.


The New Moon is the second most powerful time of the month for meditation,

and with Uranus there, it should be a very good time to meditate. Uranus

is the higher mind, intuition... the higher octave of Mercury.


The New Moon will be at 16 degrees Aguarius, so if this degree is important

in your own horoscope, this Uranus/New Moon might be significant for you.

The house in which it falls will vary according to where you live.


In the chart for planet Earth, the New Moon is almost at the top of the

chart, very near the 10th house. Mercury, planet of the intellectual mind,

communication, and commerce, is in the 10th house at 0 degrees Pisces. It

has no especially interesting aspects, but the next Full Moon in two weeks

will hit right across this 0 degree Pisces/Virgo axis. Whatever emerges in

these areas is going to be strongly emphasized at the Full Moon. Again, if

this degree is important in your chart, it might be significant for you.


The Sabian symbol for the New Moon degree is a watchdog standing guard...

I like it! :)) Dane Rudhyar does some speculating about the need for

protection and why we would need it and so on, but the watchdog is there!

He suggests the image of a familiar on guard or a Guardian Angel. So trust

your spiritual guide to watch over you, and enjoy your meditation. :)


(If anyone would like to have the chart, drop me an email.)


Here's Rudhyar's commentary on the symbol:




>KEYNOTE: The development of the capacity to protect oneself and to

>safeguard one's individual rights under complex social pressures.


> What seems to be implied in this symbol is that under present-day

>social conditions the individual person needs protection against the

>ever-growing encroachments of society upon his theoretically recognized

>right to lead a private life free from public interference.... At a deeper

>occult level of interpretation it also reveals the need to protect oneself

>against "astral" intrusions and perhaps "black magic," the more so as one

>ventures into supernormal states of consciousness. It is said that the

>Adept trains certain subhuman entities ("Elementals") to protect him. The

>Christian religion speaks of Guardian Angels in a related sense.


> Here we see the individual able to master natural energies which he

>enlists in his service, so he may pursue his individualized work of

>destiny in security. This is another aspect of the relationship of

>individual-to-society. Individuals of course do also seek to rob or injure

>other persons, but the state of affairs resulting from a society

>glorifying competition, ambition and success at any cost is largely

>responsible for individual violence. The more creative the person, the

>greater his or her NEED FOR PROTECTION.

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