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Good Morning Beautiful Harshasatsangers...


I had a bad here day last night when I sent off my post. We were on our way

out to dinner with some friends luckily, that helped me release many of my

fears. I am so happy to realize I do have that choice now!


Thank you sooo very much Gen, Jan, Annette, Dharma, Kristie, Jill, Holly, and

Gloria for all of your most kind words that helped me enormously! Jan, I

think I'll take up that offer of yours for everyone to submit their own

embarrassing moment!

(I mean it!). Thanks for sharing one of yours.


Gloria, your letter brought me to tears. It was such a joy meeting you and

getting to know you, instead of just your words on my 'puter screen. When I

first met Glo, I was blown away by her energy field - it was filled with love

and compassion, and the best healer's aura I've ever seen! It wasn't me

that inspired you, but you that inspired me. I just love how inspiration

breeds inspiration!


So many of you have arrived in that abiding place as my good buddy Gene puts

it so well. (btw, where are you Gene??) From everything I've seen and

experienced, it is obvious that we are all already tHere but don't realize it

yet. To experience this realization is not 'being' though. Well, except

when you are in it. :-) At least this has been true for me. I can see

how we grow more peaceful and abiding more and more each day with what we

received from our visions and knowledge of Truth. It gives us choices... to

look at a situation or person differently... and eventually realizing that

there are no choices but one.


Thanks to everyone who helped me embrace my error, instead of kick myself.

I've seen many (many!) times in the past where I thought I made a mistake,

only to surrender it, and find it wasn't a mistake after all... or find it

totally rectified. If all is light, then can there truly be any mistakes,

unless we perceive it so? (thanks for the reminder Jan and Dharma!) We've

(I've) been so conditioned to cause and effect and being punished for our

*sins* and mistakes, that maybe it just takes many surrendered errors to

finally realize that our cause (mistakes) truly have no effect

(punishment).... to be at peace immediately with whatever occurs.


Oh well. That's my take on it, for what it's worth.


With Much Love,


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LeTeegee wrote:

> LeTeegee


> I am soooooooooooooooooooo embarrassed. My last post was NOT to go to this

> list.


> Everything you always wanted to know about tg and was afraid to ask.


> Yeesh. Going to hide my head in the dirt now.


> Love,xxxtg



Hello TG. Thanks for the introduction. For those who may not know, TG is one of

the supreme moderators of and brings a lot of class to the show

here. She is known for her humor, deep honesty, wisdom, insight, and plain old

common sense. Her presence is totally uplifting and elevating. Levitations are

common occurrences while reading her posts. Actually it's just people jumping

out of their seats and saying What?! :--). I say TG for President!


Love to all


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