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Some points ,if you want to talk about S.B go to!

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Namaste All, Skye, Petros,NDS copy to HS.


Thank you for your opinion and response Skye. It seems

this dry non-dualism is locked in so to speak but it

is all intellectual in the main. I wonder how many

actually do any Sadhana or spiritual practice. They

would probably dryly answer all is sadhana or

something like that. Most important scriptures have

said that this type of intellectual non duality is a

very hard path and few succeed.


This is because of the constituents of the human and

the universe,illusory or not. That is only an

intellectual summisation if one is not realised



I am not trying to be clever but I was wondering how

many would get the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle. I

even put it in a post but still most didn't get it.Or

chose to ignore this pointer to a shortcut to

liberation, or chose to ignore Tony perhaps? This

demonstrates what happens on the roundabout of

intellectualising, it becomes a roundabout and one

cannot see the wood for the words.


Here is another hint , some can feel it easily. It is

not my wisdom but the wisdom of the sages. However if

it is spoken it is overlooked, it seems people have to

find this piece in the puzzle themselves.


Again at the risk of being called arrogant, most of

the happening on here is in the manomayakosa/mind.

Perhaps I am trying just to broaden the rut on here, I

am a newcomer and have been observing most of the



Reading the post about the blue mts is a good memory.

My Sister and Mother live in Glenbrook, and I really

enyoy it when I visit that misty area.I presently live

in Vancouver B.C.


Petros, I didn't realise that your post re India was

definately pro S.B. My comment was that was how

devotees of S.B. tend to think, that's all. I still

have some residual tendencies myself.


For instance since I came out anti-S.B. catalysed by

the request of a molested boy, to do so; (the same boy

has been threatened by email and followed home three

times). Actually January the first. Since then and

beginning that evening, my house area has been robbed

in a petty way six times, almost teasing, and then my

car and my daughter's were seriously vandalised.


Now I may say that is a coincidence and if I were

thinking like a devotee I would say it is S.B. working

on the minds of his minions, subconsciously.

Demonstrating his now non-protection so to speak. That

illustrates what I was actually saying to you Petros.


I don't really like talking about S.B. on here the

site is for that, This is the last time

hopefully. If you wish to discuss S.B. with me please

go there,otherwise it gets a little sticky for some

people. Thanks. Also thank you those who are still

offering sympathy and understanding. My state is now

in a Kshatriya stage with regard to S.B.




Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.






ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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