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[NondualitySalon] Some points ,if you want to talk about S.B go to!

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On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 10:57:40 -0800 (PST) Tony O'Clery <aoclery


> Tony O'Clery <aoclery


> Namaste All, Skye, Petros,NDS copy to HS.


> Thank you for your opinion and response Skye. It seems

> this dry non-dualism is locked in so to speak but it

> is all intellectual in the main.


Tony, you might want to keep

in mind that an entirely

written venue like a mailing

list tends to make everything

seem "all intellectual in the

main." In such a setting, we

are called upon to somehow

resonate with the spirit

between and behind the words

-- and, failing that, to at

least refrain from making too

many blanket assumptions. If

I were to go by surface

impressions, I might be

inclined to dismiss what you

write because (although less

so recently) it seemed stiff,

artificial, and inordinately

flowery for an informal,

conversational medium like

NDS or . I'm

glad I didn't. because beyond

the superficialities of style

I've begun to discover an

abundant, sensitive heart!

> I wonder how many

> actually do any Sadhana or spiritual practice.


You'll discover that a goodly

faction of both lists either

pursue such a practice or have

have finished with their

formal work. Again, don't

mistake a certain economy of

expression for a purely

intellectual approach. In

fact, even the most austere

jnani is not intellectual in

the usual sense. (S)he is

called upon to be exquisitely

alert and discerning, which is

a matter of clarity, not mental

agility or the accumulation of

information, which are the

intellectual's stock in trade.

> They

> would probably dryly answer all is sadhana or

> something like that.


That is essentially true,

Tony. One's course of life is

one's true spiritual path, the

one that encompasses any and

all formal practice as well as

the spontaneous ocurrences of

grace that draw us to serious

spiritual enquiry in the first


> Most important scriptures


How does one decide which

"scriptures" (if any) are

"important?" Seems a bit

arbitrary from here! :-)

> have

> said that this type of intellectual non duality is a

> very hard path and few succeed.


Tony, how would one gauge such

success? We no longer live in

Vedic times and Vedic

assumptions about what "path"

or other is "very hard" may well

not apply -- we must look into

what is appropriate for our

particular incarnations and not

accept such generalizations as

is, no matter how much we might

revere their ancient origins.


Going by my own (obviously

limited) experience, I would

say that a "path" that *isn't*

"very hard" does not exist and

there is no "path" that can

honestly vouchsafe that any

particular incarnation will



> This is because of the constituents of the human and

> the universe,illusory or not. That is only an

> intellectual summisation if one is not realised

> anyway.


> I am not trying to be clever but I was wondering how

> many would get the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.


You are taking this "puzzle"

analogy far to seriously, it

is a very imprecise (and,

ironically, very intellectual)


> I even put it in a post but still most didn't get it.

> Orchose to ignore this pointer to a shortcut to

> liberation, or chose to ignore Tony perhaps?


Tony, and I write this with

great respect for that huge

heart I'm beginning to

discover, are you now claiming

to be liberated and therefore

qualified to provide a "pointer

to a shortcut to liberation?"

> This

> demonstrates what happens on the roundabout of

> intellectualising, it becomes a roundabout and one

> cannot see the wood for the words.


That certainly can happen, not

even nearly sure it's happening

here. It seems more likely

that your feelings are hurt

because nobody has acknowledged

your proferred "pointer."


> Here is another hint , some can feel it easily. It is

> not my wisdom but the wisdom of the sages. However if

> it is spoken it is overlooked, it seems people have to

> find this piece in the puzzle themselves.


> Again at the risk of being called arrogant, most of

> the happening on here is in the manomayakosa/mind.


The nature of language dictates

this at the level of appearances

-- to encounter these lists as

"guru" rather than mere "mind"

one must penetrate such

appearances and read in the

light thus uncovered.

> Perhaps I am trying just to broaden the rut on here, I

> am a newcomer and have been observing most of the

> time.


I have every confidence in the

benign honesty of your intent.


> Reading the post about the blue mts is a good memory.

> My Sister and Mother live in Glenbrook, and I really

> enyoy it when I visit that misty area.I presently live

> in Vancouver B.C.


Another beautiful part of the



[snipped S.B.-specific stuff]


> Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.


Much love -- Bruce










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