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What is death? Tell me about it.

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Namaste All, Dave et al, NDS and copy to HS


Talking of what is death; Sankara says it is a

separation from our desires or something similar to

that. So it is a transition of consciousness that's

all, a transition of where the consciousness focuses.


In some past life experiences I observed 'my body

die', several times, but it was like watching a silent

movie.I also have been consciously 'out of body', but

still on this plane, or close.


However on number of occasions I have visited with

people close to me, who have died. First of all I

talked to them almost quite normally whilst they were

on the Border Plane. Although they could move around

so to speak. I won't go into much detail for I don't

know how it will be received or its relevance to this



On one occasion I was 'talking', with an Aunt who had

passed over and she had visited some places we were

talking about and returned with questions etc.


After a few days, about a week of many conversations

with me individually, with my daughter individually(

My daughter is extremely sensitive and sees, and hears

the spirits), and with us together, there was a

change. She did not seem to answer me. So I went into

a specific kind of meditation that I use on these



I shall call it 'mind travel', as opposed to the

popular astral travel, which is limited. I went

looking for my Aunt and could not at first find her on

the vital plane. I was passing misshapen ghoulies on

the way, then I found her. She was hanging there dead

with her mouth open, it was just her now useless vital

form/shell. So now I knew that she had gone through

the 'second death' and moved on.


With some more, effort , I or my mind moved up to

higher planes, which were quite blissful. I was

looking for her and I suppose visualising her. I

'heard', her voice and she said that she didn't look

like that, and it was my mind creating that construct

to communicate with her. She was happy and in some

kind of learning situation but it was above the lower

planes where people take on forms similar to their

last earthform.


If one is a Christian there may be saints etc, other

beliefs would have their own structures. According to

mystic and psychic tradition when one dies, one

immediately checks in with the Lord or Clear Light of

consciousness. If one is able to recognise this then

one merges and becomes liberated. Most have Karma

that drags them down and they awake on the border

plane, just above the material plane. They stay there

for a time before moving up to their appropriate level

of consciousness. Where they stay until their karma

runs out and they take rebirth.


I have done this a few times, when necessary but

strangely, when I think about it, 'I', was there also,

with these dead people, but I am not 'dead'. My ego

consciousness was moving its focus out of my body to

the planes where it needed to go. Being dead for most

people means not coming back to the body at all.

Luckily, if they are liberated then all the planes of

consciousness dissolve for them.


There is the Body, Mind and Soul; physical body,

subtle body and causal body. On death the physical

and subtle bodies disintegrate, but the causal body

remains......the food sheath, life sheath and mind

sheath are impermanent. The intelligence sheath and

bliss sheath remain, unless one is liberated.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.

Just my experience that's all. I had learned this

mind-travel,or moving from this plane up to the above

mind state, in India but that is another story.






ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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Hello Tony,


Your words made me want to translate one of my favourites french



"Do not sing death



-Do not sing Death, it's a morbid subject

The word brings a cold as soon as it is said

The people of the "show-business", will predict you the "bide"

It's a taboo subject... For cursed poets



-I sing it and, right away, miracles of letters,

It seems that Death is the sister of love

The Death that is waiting for us, love that we call

And if he(love) does not come, she(Death) will come always



Mine will not have, as in the Larousse (dictionary)

A skeleton, a shroud, in one hand a scythe

But, girl of 20 years with red hair

in a marrying veil, she will have what is needed



Big ocean eyes, an ingenuous voice

The smile of a child on carmine lips,

Soft, she will appease on her naked breasts

My burned eyelid, my mouth in parchment



And do not go mix up the effect and the cause

Death is relief, she knows that Times

On a daily basis steal something from us

The handfull of hair and the ivory of the tooth's



She is Euthanasia, the supreme nurse

She comes in time to stop this game

Near the wounded soldier in the mud

In the old one chilled in his room without fire



Time is the monstrous tic-tac of the watch

Death, it's the infinite in its eternity

But what appends to those that go to its door?

As we win our lives, must we merit




Death? "


It is from Léo Férre. Not knowing french, it is one of those I would

learn french for.



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