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Death process, Feeling and perception.

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In a message dated 02/08/2000 4:34:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

aoclery writes:

> The point being that the last step is with the Grace

> of the Witness. Knowing what a king is doesn't make

> one a king. There is nowhere to go without

> praneaswara.



Hi Tony.... thanks for your sharing of death processes... I've been enjoying

reading your thread. Could you tell me about the word 'praneaswara' in

laymans terms? Also, do you know anything about 'shaman's death'?




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Namaste All,


(With death or movement of consciousness; In some

cultures the shaman or yogi or teacher or whatever

accompanies a pupil through the process by leaving his

own body and travelling with the departing soul. This

is another story though.)


I have found that young people when they die have no

confidence or desire to hang around, but wish to drop

the ties very quickly.


In a post today Jan mentioned that perception comes

after the end of feeling or something like that. That

is ultimately true with 'realisation', or samadhi, I



However one has to go beyond the dreamless state in

order to do that. Even then 'feeling', which is really

emotion is in fact our inner vital energy. The sense

faculties have to be absorbed first into the vital

energy. However the vital energy keeps moving although

the person's consciousness may be in deep sleep or

samadhi. How to stop the vital energy moving?


There is still the seed of nescience hidden in the

energy. Mind is energy, energy is feeling; Where is

the seed? It is the ego waiting to claim all its

samskaras when it wakes up. Its vibration, through

attraction to same, claims ownership, from the common

or universal mind, of its vibrations, where they have

stayed, so John wakes up as John and not Mary. An

indication all is one even in illusion.


Consciousness withdraws and the little i, is witnessed

by the big I. The consciousness withdraws into the

universal mind but as it is dragging karma the

universal is prevented from dissolving its own

thought. If the little i is purified there is no karma

to drag it down. So there is no point in its existence

for it has nowhere to go or function unless it is a

Buddha type or it waits for pralaya.


In other words purification is the most the little i

can do, the destruction of the little i is done by the

big I.


The point being that the last step is with the Grace

of the Witness. Knowing what a king is doesn't make

one a king. There is nowhere to go without



It is very simple there is Nirguna , Saguna and the

energy/prana/sakti. We can get to the energy so to

speak, but we can only become Nirguna not Saguna. This

is only with the Grace of Saguna. Feeling is necessary

to the final moment before moksha.


Bhaja Govindam said Sankara the Adwaitin, is what will

help you at death.


Just my opinions that's all, not preaching.


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.




ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



Talk to your friends online with Messenger.


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LeTeegee wrote:

> LeTeegee


> In a message dated 02/08/2000 4:34:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> aoclery writes:


> > The point being that the last step is with the Grace

> > of the Witness. Knowing what a king is doesn't make

> > one a king. There is nowhere to go without

> > praneaswara.


> Hi Tony.... thanks for your sharing of death processes... I've been enjoying

> reading your thread. Could you tell me about the word 'praneaswara' in

> laymans terms? Also, do you know anything about 'shaman's death'?


> Love,

> xxxtg


Praneswara could be translated as the Lord of Prana or energy which guides the

aspirant on the path through different states. Some call Her the Mother Divine,

the Supreme Goddess, the Primal Energy of movement that rises from Self and then

disappears into That without a trace, Revealing Her Self to be no different than

That. The Self It Self. It matters not what name is given, Self, No Self,

Emptiness, etc., in appearance of movement or without motion, Self has no

foundation what so ever other than It Self.


Love to all






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> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.

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