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J M de la Rouviere wrote:

> J M de la Rouviere <moller

> Dear friends, I am new to this list, and having read most of your

> postings over the last few days, I must admit considerable

> bewilderment on my part. You all seem so together and clever and

> quick witted. And after having waded through more that 130 posting in

> two days, I still cannot quite make out what this Salon is about. So

> please allow me this question: Is the Salon a forum for serious

> investigation into the possibility of realising the non-dual nature of

> things?. I ask this question because for someone like myself who has

> not realised the the functional, living reality of the non-dual

> condition as an ongoing fact of existence, my interest is still very

> much around the issues of the nature of what it is that prevents such

> a realisation. (May I just say the by 'realisation' I do not mean

> something mental. Here I refer to the 'thing' becoming real, actual

> as in reality) Why is it that so very, very few of us actually find

> his/her way through our state of fragmentation and duality into that

> which is whole? Like many of you, I could probably also write a book

> on non-duality. And like yourselves, I have studied the great

> teachers and so on. But after all of us have come to the agreement

> that there is such a condition of undivided wholeness, what is it in

> us that prevents us from ACTUALLY realising it in our lives? How many

> of us can ACTUALLY walk our talk?And is it our 'deep abiding'

> (J.Krishnamurti) interest to change from the dualistic perspective to

> that which in non-dual, taking in consideration the profound impact of

> such a change on our entire being? I have gone rather deeply into

> these and other related questions, and if any of you are interested

> you may please e-mail me personally. It may of course also be useful

> to discuss it openly on this forum. The reason for my hesitancy is

> that I tend to chew over these matters in a rather slow and integral

> way, while things seem to move very fast in the forum's

> communications. But it may be worthwhile giving it a try. Hope some

> of you can resonate with these questions.

> moller


You ask beautiful and profound questions Moller. Thank you for being


I will forward this post to as well.

Love you all.




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This discussion group is meant to be a Satsanga, a spiritual

fellowship for facilitating the Recognition of the Eternal Reality that is One's

Own Self. "I Am


That!" This is the uncompromising, simple and yet radical Truth

proclaimed by the ancient and modern sages. No religion or teacher or tradition

has a


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focuses on the aspirations and experiences of individuals on the spiritual path.


Everyone interested in any of the Shiva and Shakti traditions, and

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methods of the pure nondual teachings of great Jnanis such as

Ramana Maharshi are welcome to join. Great sages and men of understanding rise



every religion and tradition and corner of the world. Everyone is

welcome to bring their spiritual insights to the list. No particular spiritual

perspective or


path is emphasized over another and both Bhakti and Jnana are

embraced. The discussions are typically expected to focus on Self-Realization,



Shakti and Its Manifestations, God-Realization, the Goddess,

Enlightenment, and various types of Samadhis (Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa).

Discussion of


various teachers and teachings can also be enriching as long as

there is mutual respect and a feeling of amity in the conversation. Humor and

poetry and


other artistic expressions of the spiritual life are encouraged and

supported. May God Bless everyone with Peace, Joy, and Understanding. May we all


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Hi Claude,



> May I introduce myself?


You may, and with pleasure :)


> I am relatively new to the advaita

> philosophy. I say relatively because years ago, I read "Commentaries

> on life" by J. Krishnamurti and was not knowing that he spoke of

> advaita. I began to re-read them to my benefice a few weeks ago.


> I also studied psychosynthesis, a psychological approach largely

> inspired by Hindu philosophies. I learned during those years the

> concepts of I, Self and identification/desidentification from the

> differents facets our ego can take. So, these list's posts are

> familiar to me though I am not educated in the real matter of

> origin.



I'm not educated in 'spiritual' concepts at all. Many on this

are very educated in various practices so there is always

something interesting to consider and/or assimilate.


> I am now practicing a form of qigong (energy work) emphasizing

> silence and non-doing. I find in advaita (what I can find on the

> web about it) an interesting and helping philosophical background

> for my practice.


> Last weekend, I bought " Be as you are - Teachings of Sri Ramana

> Maharshi" and I find this reading very inspiring and liberating.

> The presented notions do not seem very complicated but it is an

> other thing to really integrate them in day to day life.


It happens if you want it, I think? I don't worry about it or

work on it but it just seems to have permeated my day to day

life somehow. Good luck... or grace... :)


> My mother language is French and I am not really fluent in English,

> so I think it will be enough for my intro.


The French language has a beautiful sound... hmmm

Nice intro...

Your English is fluent.


> Best regards to all of you, friends of the essential Truth of




What else is there? :-)

Best regards to you from me,



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