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A repost of Harsha's

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Speaking of no head above my own, this old post of Harsha's seems relevant to




Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) <hluthar

< >

Tuesday, August 24, 1999 10:30 AM

(no subject)


>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


>Be gentle and easy with yourself and others in awareness. That is

>meditation. Our strengths do not raise us above anyone. Our shortcomings do

>not diminish our True Nature. The steadiness of awareness and balance is a

>gift of Satsanga. In the company of good and wise people who know the nature

>of reality, the ego gradually loses its hold and pure awareness reveals

>itself as the eternal presence.







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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance of

Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.


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> "Gloria Lee" <glee


> Speaking of no head above my own, this old post of Harsha's seems relevant


> me.



> Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) <hluthar

> < >

> Tuesday, August 24, 1999 10:30 AM

> (no subject)



> >"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

> >

> >Be gentle and easy with yourself and others in awareness. That is

> >meditation. Our strengths do not raise us above anyone. Our shortcomings


> >not diminish our True Nature. The steadiness of awareness and balance is


> >gift of Satsanga. In the company of good and wise people who know the


> >of reality, the ego gradually loses its hold and pure awareness reveals

> >itself as the eternal presence.

> >

> >Harsha

> >


Thank you for posting this, Glo.


"...The steadiness of awareness and balance is a gift of Satsangha...."




A dear heart from this list sent me a video tape of Gangaji's, and

I just watched it. It was my first 'visual' satsang.


In it she spoke of viligance. Vigilance meaning attending to 'What Is'

and the importance of constantly, day in and day out, fixing one's

attention on 'What Is'.


I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

says "focus on your true nature".


still divided,


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Thanks Gloria. You are the greatest because you have fantastic judgment. You

know quality when you see it and we love you for it!


With Love



Gloria Lee wrote:

> "Gloria Lee" <glee


> Speaking of no head above my own, this old post of Harsha's seems relevant to

> me.


> >"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

> >

> >Be gentle and easy with yourself and others in awareness. That is

> >meditation. Our strengths do not raise us above anyone. Our shortcomings do

> >not diminish our True Nature. The steadiness of awareness and balance is a

> >gift of Satsanga. In the company of good and wise people who know the nature

> >of reality, the ego gradually loses its hold and pure awareness reveals

> >itself as the eternal presence.

> >

> >Harsha

> >

> >

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Melody wrote:

> Thank you for posting this, Glo.


> "...The steadiness of awareness and balance is a gift of Satsangha...."


> Beautiful.


> A dear heart from this list sent me a video tape of Gangaji's, and

> I just watched it. It was my first 'visual' satsang.


> In it she spoke of viligance. Vigilance meaning attending to 'What Is'

> and the importance of constantly, day in and day out, fixing one's

> attention on 'What Is'.


> I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

> same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

> tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

> says "focus on your true nature".


> still divided,

> Melody



Hi Melody. I am not exactly sure what you are asking. I would like to request

that Dan, Tony, Robert, Xan, Kristi, Gloria, Antoine, Greg, Dharma, Linda,

Zenbob, Gen, Luan, David, Dirk, Rainbo (God there are so many here and I can't

remember everyone right now!) or one of the other wise people speak to you on

this. There are many good and wonderful people and I think there is a collective

goodness here which can be healing and helpful to you. At least, that is my hope

for everyone. Earlier, I caught a glimpse of Tony Robbins on Larry King Live. I

thought, this guy's energy and

philosophy of motivation might be very good for a lot of people. Have you ever

watched Tony Robbins. He is so totally positive! I think it is good to be around

good and positive people. Well, it is a lot better than being around the bad and

negative ones. Everyone has the right to be in a positive and supportive

atmosphere. Either one must create it or find it.


Love to all


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Hi Melody,

>> > I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

>> > same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

>> > tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

>> > says "focus on your true nature".


Maybe I missed some posts... I don't know what your trouble is... whether

you're depressed... or whether bad things are happening in your life. Do

you feel like talking about it?

>I do miss feeling positive. Feeling happy. I'd like to feel that way....

>to lighten up and have some fun. But I can't find it. I just can't find

>it. It's like that glass floor Kristi was talking about the other day

>on Jerry's list. I look up and see people laughing, feeling good and

>having fun....but I can't get to it.


>I think that funny little old massage therapist may be saying what

>I need to hear...if I feel like crying, wallowing in sorrow....just do

>it. Do it until I'm sick of it, and haven't another tear to cry.


Makes sense to me! :) One time when I was in college, there was an

on-going situation, and I didn't know how it would turn out... I couldn't

stop thinking about it... I was worrying all the time. So my room-mate

said, "You'd better set a Worry Time."


"Oh c'mon," I said. "This is serious."


"I know," she said. "If you set a Worry Time - say, at 7:00 - then at 7:00

you can give it your undivided attention. Just sit down and worry as hard

as you can for half an hour. Then set the next Worry Time. And go on with

other things... you'll know you have another Worry Time coming up."


So I tried it, and it worked! At Worry Time I worried as hard as I

possibly could for half an hour. And then I was able to do other things...

when I started to think of the situation, I remembered that I had another

Worry Time coming soon.


To tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could have worried as hard as I could

for much more than half an hour. :) About that time, I really had to have

a break from it.


Nobody can be worrying or feeling tragic all the time. Once, when I knew a

friend's husband was dying after a long illness, I called her and invited

her out to dinner. She said, "What would people think?" I said, "Don't

worry about it. You need a break, and then you can go back and you'll be

in better shape to help him."


So we went out to dinner... had a couple of glasses of wine... talked and

laughed. She felt very guilty to be having a good time while her husband

was dying. But I told her it's just human... nobody can be tragic all the

time... you've got to have some relief from it. So she relaxed and

enjoyed herself.

>> > ...A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

>> > says "focus on your true nature".


I don't think it has to be an either/or. Would it work to set a Crying

Time? And at that time just sit down and be as sad as possible and cry as

much as you can for half an hour... and then set the next Crying Time?

Maybe in between, you could set a Meditation Time, to focus on your true

nature. But if that doesn't work for a little while, it doesn't matter...

your true nature isn't going to go away. :) You are always who you are.




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> > I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

> > same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

> > tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

> > says "focus on your true nature".

> >

> > still divided,

> > Melody

> >


> Hi Melody. I am not exactly sure what you are asking. I would like to

request that Dan, Tony, Robert, Xan, Kristi, Gloria, Antoine, Greg, Dharma,

Linda, Zenbob, Gen, Luan, David, Dirk, Rainbo (God there are so many here

and I can't remember everyone right now!) or one of the other wise people

speak to you on this. There are many good and wonderful people and I think

there is a collective goodness here which can be healing and helpful to you.



You're right, Harsha. There are. And one of them shared a story

with me privately that was really helpful....that said just what I needed

to be reminded of:


"Several years ago ......, a very funny little old massage therapist/

counselor told me what I needed to was graze.


Have I already told this story? Hope not, here goes anyway.

Anyway, she said, "Graze, you know, go out, get on your hands and knees in a

garden and eat broccoli from the plant and nibble on tomatoes." I told her

she was nuts. She said "lighten up!" Don't take food so seriously. If you

want to eat Oreos, go out and buy 17 boxes and eat Oreos! I promise soon

your body will want broccoli. And then eat broccoli. Graze, have fun, be

silly, lighten up!" That was a turning point for me. Do what you want to do.

Then what you want may change. Fight yourself and you are in a battle for



I know there's a lot of truth in this.


And what you say about Tony Robbins, Harsha, makes sense to me, too.


I do miss feeling positive. Feeling happy. I'd like to feel that way....

to lighten up and have some fun. But I can't find it. I just can't find

it. It's like that glass floor Kristi was talking about the other day

on Jerry's list. I look up and see people laughing, feeling good and

having fun....but I can't get to it.


I think that funny little old massage therapist may be saying what

I need to hear...if I feel like crying, wallowing in sorrow....just do

it. Do it until I'm sick of it, and haven't another tear to cry.



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>"Melody" <melody


>> > I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

>> > same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

>> > tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

>> > says "focus on your true nature".

>> >

>> > still divided,

>> > Melody

>> >


>> Hi Melody. I am not exactly sure what you are asking. I would like to

>request that Dan, Tony, Robert, Xan, Kristi, Gloria, Antoine, Greg, Dharma,

>Linda, Zenbob, Gen, Luan, David, Dirk, Rainbo (God there are so many here

>and I can't remember everyone right now!) or one of the other wise people

>speak to you on this. There are many good and wonderful people and I think

>there is a collective goodness here which can be healing and helpful to you.



>You're right, Harsha. There are. And one of them shared a story

>with me privately that was really helpful....that said just what I needed

>to be reminded of:


>"Several years ago ......, a very funny little old massage therapist/

>counselor told me what I needed to was graze.


> Have I already told this story? Hope not, here goes anyway.

>Anyway, she said, "Graze, you know, go out, get on your hands and knees in a

>garden and eat broccoli from the plant and nibble on tomatoes." I told her

>she was nuts. She said "lighten up!" Don't take food so seriously. If you

>want to eat Oreos, go out and buy 17 boxes and eat Oreos! I promise soon

>your body will want broccoli. And then eat broccoli. Graze, have fun, be

>silly, lighten up!" That was a turning point for me. Do what you want to do.

>Then what you want may change. Fight yourself and you are in a battle for



>I know there's a lot of truth in this.


>And what you say about Tony Robbins, Harsha, makes sense to me, too.


>I do miss feeling positive. Feeling happy. I'd like to feel that way....

>to lighten up and have some fun. But I can't find it. I just can't find

>it. It's like that glass floor Kristi was talking about the other day

>on Jerry's list. I look up and see people laughing, feeling good and

>having fun....but I can't get to it.


>I think that funny little old massage therapist may be saying what

>I need to hear...if I feel like crying, wallowing in sorrow....just do

>it. Do it until I'm sick of it, and haven't another tear to cry.





Dear Melody,


Your post over on NDS quoted all those sayings of Jesus on the cross like

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Reminded me of another

one Jesus said, " Into Thy hands I commit my spirit." You know how I do this

sometimes Melody? When it's all simply too much for me, I become a child and

crawl into God's lap for comfort. You are God's child at any age. You cannot

fall so far into any grief or sorrow that God's arms will not be there to catch

you and hold you. So cry if you must, and cry until you feel His arms, until

you have cast all your cares on Him. Do you know how many of the psalms are

truly lamentations? Wallow with some of them..they are good company in times of

sorrow. "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" is the first line of Psalm

22...so Jesus was perhaps also taking comfort with these very words, as they

invoke the whole messianic psalm which predicted his suffering and the salvation

it will offer to all. The mystery of this love crucified, the Jesus who was "a

man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," is only matched by the quietness of

the resurrection. He walks along the road talking with two of the women for some

time before they recognize him. He cooks some fish for breakfast on the lake

shore, he shows up for dinner one night. It was all so low key and private and

then he just said see you later and went home.


Just come on home, Melody..


With love, Glo

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In a message dated 02/12/2000 4:42:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melody writes:

> I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

> same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all these

> tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

> says "focus on your true nature".



You are thinking that your *true nature* is not the same as what you are

afraid you will sink into? NOT


Sink all the way, into your True Nature. There is no where you are not.


Melody, you have been such a light and inspiration to me, and I'm sure many

others. I adore your honesty and your looking for the goodness in all

things, even in the midst of chaos. Seeing your words light up the board(s)

we look at upon our screens, always makes me smile, no matter what your words

are. You were my first thought of how inspiration breeds inspiration, and

it is something I will never forget. I thank you for this from the bottom

of my heart. You ARE inspiration to me!


Much Love,


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On 2/12/00 at 10:26 PM Melody wrote:


¤> > I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do

this and at the

¤> > same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and

cry all these

¤> > tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the

way", while another

¤> > says "focus on your true nature".

¤> >

¤> > still divided,

¤> > Melody

¤> >


¤> Hi Melody. I am not exactly sure what you are asking. I

would like to

¤request that Dan, Tony, Robert, Xan, Kristi, Gloria,

Antoine, Greg, Dharma,

¤Linda, Zenbob, Gen, Luan, David, Dirk, Rainbo (God there

are so many here

¤and I can't remember everyone right now!) or one of the

other wise people

¤speak to you on this. There are many good and wonderful

people and I think

¤there is a collective goodness here which can be healing

and helpful to you.



¤You're right, Harsha. There are. And one of them shared a


¤with me privately that was really helpful....that said just

what I needed

¤to be reminded of:


¤"Several years ago ......, a very funny little old massage


¤counselor told me what I needed to was graze.


¤ Have I already told this story? Hope not, here goes


¤Anyway, she said, "Graze, you know, go out, get on your

hands and knees in a

¤garden and eat broccoli from the plant and nibble on

tomatoes." I told her

¤she was nuts. She said "lighten up!" Don't take food so

seriously. If you

¤want to eat Oreos, go out and buy 17 boxes and eat Oreos! I

promise soon

¤your body will want broccoli. And then eat broccoli. Graze,

have fun, be

¤silly, lighten up!" That was a turning point for me. Do

what you want to do.

¤Then what you want may change. Fight yourself and you are

in a battle for



¤I know there's a lot of truth in this.


Certainly, it could be summarized with "moderateness can

kill"; knowing the limits experientially is most useful. It

has to do with "Oneness" that can only be experienced when

"going to the limit" as did Hiranyakashipu, the founder of

Samrambha yoga (yoga of hatred). His abiding hatred of the

divine finally led to liberation :)


¤And what you say about Tony Robbins, Harsha, makes sense

to me, too.


¤I do miss feeling positive. Feeling happy. I'd like to

feel that way....

¤to lighten up and have some fun. But I can't find it. I

just can't find

¤it. It's like that glass floor Kristi was talking about

the other day

¤on Jerry's list. I look up and see people laughing,

feeling good and

¤having fun....but I can't get to it.


The senses can be very deluding. Here in "holiday paradise",

people are seen laughing and having fun too. Yet the minds are

"dark" and back at home, the fun is over. Unless one can see

the mind or the effects of a "dark mind" on the body, know

that pleasure and pain are the extremes of the same



¤I think that funny little old massage therapist may be

saying what

¤I need to hear...if I feel like crying, wallowing in

sorrow....just do

¤it. Do it until I'm sick of it, and haven't another tear

to cry.




For some, surrender has to be translated with "don't resist"

or "don't allow separation". Some natural hygienists,

confronted with people giving junk food to their children,

taught their children the effects of junk food, by allowing

them to binge on it for a day and the next day the children

were either sick or feeling miserable, unable to play any

game. It was far more effective than preaching or explaining




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Hello Melody:


Perhaps the tears are washing away the divide. I know that you are in pain

and fear right now but tears can work wonders as they are actively working

to remove what stands between your mind and your self. Sometimes if we do

not try so hard to figure it all out, don't try so hard to stop the pain it

hurts much less. Whatever feelings and thoughts are beneath those tears

effect your day to day life in unconscious ways and cause other challenges

such as illness, dysfunctional relationships etc., etc. Maybe as tough as

these seems the tears are the tears of grace.


On a more practical level try not to be concerned with what you should be

feeling, what you think you are missing or what you should be doing. Maybe

giving yourself the time and space to be emotionally 'under the weather'

gives you the space to pamper yourself a bit....drink your favorite tea, eat

the best cookies or rent your favorite movie....I've found that like cures

like and will generally go for a tear jerker.


Love and peace,




>A dear heart from this list sent me a video tape of Gangaji's, and

>I just watched it. It was my first 'visual' satsang.

>In it she spoke of viligance. Vigilance meaning attending to 'What >Is'

>and the importance of constantly, day in and day out, fixing one's

>attention on 'What Is'.

>I hear this. And I'm wondering, Harsha.... how to do this and at the

>same time watch my world crumble? How to do this and cry all >these

>tears? A part of me says, "sink into it...all the way", while another

>says "focus on your true nature".

>still divided,






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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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