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Free will determination.

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Namaste All,


First of all it seems that 'all', is actually mind.

Sakti is mind, Mahat is mind, so really apart from

individual thoughts, all is thought. The projected

appearance of Saguna Brahman.


In the first place all is

a dream and an illusion , and we are operating at two

levels, relative and absolute. Also there are the

constituents of the dream to

consider. If we take Einstein and relativity etc, then

physically there is no time, beyond the speed of

light. (In fact quarks and

sub-atomic particles travel back in time.)


This is Kala or time, and God is Kala or Time. So

Time itself is an illusion and doesn't

exist really. It is all a dream of the concept "God".

So in this dream everything is really happening at the

same time, it is just the

play of consciousness that gives the illusion of

progression and time. It is like lives, they are like

a cartwheel and the lives are the

spokes. Consciousness is the hub, and we concentrate

consciousness on one spoke at a time, hence lives, but

they all happen at

once! However because consciousness has become

associated with the illusion it has to free itself

with free will.


This entails taking

responsibility for our actions , as if we were making

things happen. It is said that we see our future life

before taking birth, so

everything that is going to happen has happened or

rather is happening. So at birth a veil is drawn over

our consciousness, so to

speak and then we have to literally, "Act out ", the

drama, as if we are making decisions , that effect a

really non-existent future.


So in fact when we ponder over a decision and them

make it, that was the decision we had already made

anyway. There was just

the illusion that we were making it, so that we could

take responsibility for it and learn. Learn what?

Learn that we are part of a



So the illusion of experiencing causes pain etc and

eventually the "Consciousness Realises this and wakes

up------Liberated". However as Sankara says it is real

enough whilst you are in it. This is where karma comes

into play for at this

level of relativity there is the law of "action and

reaction ", that keeps the illusion going so to speak.

Until you realise you are God

and it is all a dream. "Understand there is no free

will for individuals. They are constrained by various

limitations. God alone has

total free will. All others are bound in one way or

another. Whatever one's efforts ,the ultimate outcome

lies with Providence.



Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.










ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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