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The Dark night of the Soul is?

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In a message dated 2/16/00 12:39:13 PM Mountain Standard Time,

dhodges writes:


<< You are

right, when you have been through it, you know that the Dark Night is not a

picturesque poetic image, it is suffering. And not momentary or

intermittent suffering, but deep and prolonged. But also worth every moment.



I'm sorry I missed the beginning of this discussion -- just got out of the

hospital where, for a few wild days, both worlds were wide open to me!


I found several years ago that

the Dark Night was precipitated by awakening itself. The Light was

gloriously present and then, just as unexpectedly, It was profoundly absent.

This seemed to me utterly cruel at the time, but I now see this as a critical

step on the path to non-duality. I was still feeling that God was somewhere

"out there," and this belief had to go. Reading Bernadette Roberts on

Jerry's web page helped a lot. Richard Moss also has much to contribute on

this topic in The Second Miracle. Holly

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Namaste All,


Re 'Dark Night of the Soul', in my limited experience

when people talk of this they are talking of pain not

just poetry.


Mostly they are people who are on the spiritual path

and a yearning for the deeper fact or moksha.


Mostly they are talking about loss, grief, death of

loved ones, death of anything, pain and almost

unbearable agony.


They are talking about the lesson of attachments and

how they cause pain. They are talking about the pain

of loss with regard to attachments. They are talking

about the speeding up of karma due to spiritual

progress. They are talking about painful purification

of the mind and senses.


They are talking about this painful process as 'Grace'

prepares them for deeper realisations, prevented by

these attachments.


Sankara said 'death is separation from our desires';

They are talking about death before leaving the body,

so when death comes it is but a transition.


They are talking about'God', hitting them on the head

and saying 'Wake up', it is but a dream! I wake you

for the dream is painful yet still a dream.


I take your child,your baby, your spouse, your

parents, relatives, businesses, lovers, posessions,

health and attachments. I leave you, your loss and

thee howling at the moon, and striking thy breast.

With nowhere to escape but into grief itself. The loss

that none can assuage but time and I am Kala, I am

time. I am a jealous lover have no false gods before

me! I am the destroyer of the worlds I am Siva, there

is none but me! Wake up from the pain and find out

that it was all really joy and tat twam asi, you and I

are one.


That is the dark night of the soul!! The dark before

the dawn!


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony. Pardon my prose!





ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



Talk to your friends online with Messenger.


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Thank you for this Tony. It is beautifully written and deeply meaningful to

me. (there is nothing to pardon in your prose, it is inspired.) You are

right, when you have been through it, you know that the Dark Night is not a

picturesque poetic image, it is suffering. And not momentary or

intermittent suffering, but deep and prolonged. But also worth every moment.




At 11:06 AM 2/16/00 -0800, you wrote:

>Tony O'Clery <aoclery


>Namaste All,


>Re 'Dark Night of the Soul', in my limited experience

>when people talk of this they are talking of pain not

>just poetry.


>Mostly they are people who are on the spiritual path

>and a yearning for the deeper fact or moksha.


>Mostly they are talking about loss, grief, death of

>loved ones, death of anything, pain and almost

>unbearable agony.


>They are talking about the lesson of attachments and

>how they cause pain. They are talking about the pain

>of loss with regard to attachments. They are talking

>about the speeding up of karma due to spiritual

>progress. They are talking about painful purification

>of the mind and senses.


>They are talking about this painful process as 'Grace'

>prepares them for deeper realisations, prevented by

>these attachments.


>Sankara said 'death is separation from our desires';

>They are talking about death before leaving the body,

>so when death comes it is but a transition.


>They are talking about'God', hitting them on the head

>and saying 'Wake up', it is but a dream! I wake you

>for the dream is painful yet still a dream.


>I take your child,your baby, your spouse, your

>parents, relatives, businesses, lovers, posessions,

>health and attachments. I leave you, your loss and

>thee howling at the moon, and striking thy breast.

>With nowhere to escape but into grief itself. The loss

>that none can assuage but time and I am Kala, I am

>time. I am a jealous lover have no false gods before

>me! I am the destroyer of the worlds I am Siva, there

>is none but me! Wake up from the pain and find out

>that it was all really joy and tat twam asi, you and I

>are one.


>That is the dark night of the soul!! The dark before

>the dawn!


>Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony. Pardon my prose!





>ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

>THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

>MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

>OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



>Talk to your friends online with Messenger.



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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

>perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

>subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

>different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

>nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

>It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

>Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

>Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

>all to a.


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Hbarrett47 wrote:


> Hbarrett47


> In a message dated 2/16/00 12:39:13 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> dhodges writes:


> << You are

> right, when you have been through it, you know that the Dark Night is

> not a

> picturesque poetic image, it is suffering. And not momentary or

> intermittent suffering, but deep and prolonged. But also worth every

> moment.

> >>


> I'm sorry I missed the beginning of this discussion -- just got out of

> the

> hospital where, for a few wild days, both worlds were wide open to

> me!


May health be with you Holly,


Take care and joy,



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Perhaps the time has come to expose the the dark night (DN) of

the soul as a home-made mini-drama. Anything like a DN won't

be experienced by those, having recognized *what is* by going

through the act of dying. The Kathopanishad (Nachiketa),

Ramana, there will many similar cases. Sankara, Jnaneshwar,

they are examples of jivanmuktas at a young age who didn't

experience a DN either.


So "going through the no-where land between duality and

non-duality" isn't the cause of the DN. Rather, it is the

"punishment" for *not knowing God* (defined as sin), as one

would say in a dualistic system. In a non-dual system, one

could "blame" it on ignorance or (wrong) identification and

these identifications will have to dissolve. This is fairly

easy for an "I as the sinner" but not so easy for an "I as /

the doer of good / a caring mother / a caring spouse". Present

day "adult" life is founded on identifications (called

"personal" life), even to assuming an "I as the lover" so the

dissolution can evoke serious problems, and more so when their

nature isn't recognized.


Defining a civilized society as one, based on "no-I", (the

only guarantee for selflessness in acting, ruling, advising

etc.), the Middle Ages in Europe with their many wars, violent

gangs, inquisition, indoctrination with the aid of the

executioner, could be called the most uncivilized society yet

(except for destructive power). So Dante's Divine Comedy

without a hell would be very unlikely... Another conclusion

could be that in a civilized society, physical and spiritual

maturity (no-I) approximately would have to coincide (between

age 20...30). Without a DN, "going through the no-where land

between duality and non-duality" can be THE one joyful

adventure of a lifetime.



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