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It is really only about experience.

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Namaste All, David ,


Thank you for your comments on my 'Dark night of the



It is my experience that is all, in the end result

only experiential knowledge helps one. Knowing what a

king is and being one are different.


It took me many knocks to reach the minimum level I am

at now.


Early in my life a child died, that was a great

tragedy and my wife howled like a banshee. This didn't

put me on the spiritual path permanently, although I

was devastated. My thought was, " If a little child

can do that, die, then so can I".


Two years later my wife committed suicide, and left me

with the remainder of the children. This was also

devastating and I wondered like Job, why this was

happening to me.


Later I lost my businesses, and was a very confirmed



I remade and lost businesses three more times, loss

was my middle name. Although I did gain a patient

loving wife again, that is Grace in action.


I had a real problem with a manic-depressive

schizophrenic daughter one Christmas, she was

undiagnosed at this time.


I cursed the non-existant God and denied it existed. I

was finally at my extremity.


The next day I found an expensive yoga book in a

dollar tray at the mall. It was too good to miss, I

liked books. I knew nothing of yoga. I started doing

the asanas and the meditations. I stopped drinking and

started to read spiritual books for the first time in

my life any kind. Huna, Native American, Chinese,

Buddhist and then Sufism. From there to Vedanta and

Ramana Sankara etc.


So I never was intellectually trained or very limited

and being stubborn, experience was and is the only



Nobody can do your living or dying for you.


Again, as after I found out about Sai Baba and quit, I

am not writing this for sympathy or any reason other

than this is what is happening. It may be useful to

someone. I am aware this experience is worse than some

but others have sufferings beyond my comprehension.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.





ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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